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His eyes are hooded
                             the looks are dark
Horror fills the twisted thoughts
                             threat of violence in every move
he mumbles to himself
                             walking along alone, surrounded
by those he would save
                              if only they would let it happen
already hoarse the voice continues
                             a throaty whisper filled with angst
at how they treat each other
                             with such disregard
the pains they all seem to feel
                             hidden with false facade
he wants to help them
                             with words or thoughts or deeds
but all he knows is violence
                              it's all his life has been
no other option is clear to him
                              only to fight is known, and so
no-one looks beneath
                              the frightened grizzled face
the eyes pooled with lonely longing
                              a hero without a place
for his aspect does reflect the world
                              a true mirror to this earth
for within burns a soul that wants to help
                              and he does not know how
to extend a hand in graciousness
                               though the palm is much scarred
he cannot, for that lesson
                                was not taught to one as he is
So avoided he is
                                This noble soul
For we cannot look beneath.
 Nov 2014 Tyler Blake
Smudged Ink
i know that deciding to live isn't easy
it was especially hard for you
you were so wrapped up in your grief
what was i supposed to do?
just because you didn't want to live
why did it make me feel like i could't either?
how was i supposed to pick up the pieces
that were once my best friend
then i met someone
i let myself think that he like me
maybe he did maybe not
as i got closer he got further
he pushed me away and i don't understand why
so now i have a broken heart and a broken friend
and i have no idea what to do
I look at my hands sometimes
these old, battered appendages
this is how i see the world
this is how i feel
and they are weathered
scarred and hurt
but still they work
in pain and toil.

My hands are who i am
and they never will touch
 Jun 2014 Tyler Blake
 Jun 2014 Tyler Blake
I realized tonight
that you are everything I wanted.
As we sat there in silence,
I looked at you for a moment
and I smiled at you.
And I don't know if you saw it
but know that it was real.
I felt like it was you and me all alone in this world.
Like we were driving on an empty road.
Going nowhere, no destination in mind.
I want it to be like this always.
If you felt it, I hope you wish for that too.
I feel better than okay with you.
I want to feel like that all the time.
And when I am with you,
I know the feeling will stay.
Because with you,
I am home.
 Jun 2014 Tyler Blake
dear dreamcatcher,
i thought you were supposed
to take away the nightmares
not get them *out of my head

and *into my life
i've always believed in dreamcatchers. i guess i like putting my hope in something else.
 Jun 2014 Tyler Blake
 Jun 2014 Tyler Blake
I wish I could feel tired of being alone
But it's addictive
I wish I could give up being by my own
But it's wasting me
I don't care if you're leaving
I don't care if you're dreaming
I won't stop believing
That the only great escape
It's not to play
 Jun 2014 Tyler Blake
If you are trying to change a; person, relationship,  or environment, and it doesn't change - leave before it changes you. Things are what they are; you have no control of that. You are what you will; you have full control of that.
 Jun 2014 Tyler Blake
 Jun 2014 Tyler Blake
I'm always the strong one,
The positive one,
The funny one.
But strong ones don't mark their skin is secret,
Positive ones don't think about suicide everytime they close their eyes,
And funny ones don't lock themselves in the bathroom and cry to the point where they can't breathe.

So do not call me those labels, because it is simply not true.
I tried.
 Jun 2014 Tyler Blake
for the first time
since i was 11
i look in the mirror
and i actually like whats staring back at me

i don't know why it took so long to regain
the feeling of self love
and being content with less makeup
or none
in the mirror

i wish i know what could have happened
when i started looking at my little 11 year old body
and thought i was overweight

Oh my god i'm 75 pounds?! i remember thinking

I could blame my mom
or the boys who paraded naked pictures of me
criticizing my changing body in its early stages

i was made fun of for having supple *******
the first girl in my 4th grade class to wear a padded bra

i hated it
every second of my changing body

i started to get curves
and was known for having a "big ****"

and this "best friend" of mine told me she was glad she didn't have one

a boyfriend shot me down
"you can't leave me because no one will want you"

mother and step dad made fat jokes when i was 14
because i'm not obsessive compulsive with my diet

now i look in the mirror and i'm so happy
i love every curve from my arms to my ankles

and my dark brown eyes stare deep into you don't they?
grandma wasn't kidding when she said people would pay
THOUSANDS!! for these lips
and this square jawline has it's perks

i used to get paranoid when people stared at me
until i caught someone
and they told me i was beautiful
thanks to my boyfriend who helped me to see myself in a different light again :)
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