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Monet Echo May 2020
What if this entire world
Was only just a dream?
If everything you said and did
Was never heard or seen?
Juwayriya Apr 2020
She is weird they say
But little they are aware
she is just anyone wrapped
in the weirdness she wear.

She is a nerd they say
But little they know
It is a way
to escape her life's woe.

She is the girl once, they say
with a goofy grin.
But now they wonder
where is the goofy girl?
And so she say.

'Oh you, I'm here.
Scarred and scared more
of the demons that come tapping at my heart's door.
Demons entreating to enter my soul
Demons if I embrace will render
my existence easier.
But I refuse to surrender.
Instead I choose the hard way,
the right way to go.
For even in the darkest night
will flicker a little star of hope is the vow.'
My first poem that I ever wrote.
What is weird?
Is it when a girl decides to get a buzz cut
Or when a boy wants to wear long hair?
Is weird when we stop creating rules
That keep the harsh gender barriers alive
What is weird?
Is it when your son comes home
And tells you he found a guy that he loves
Or is it when your daughter tells you
That she loves a girl?
What is weird?
Is it when a person dyes their hair,
And shaves it into a mohawk?
Is it when a person wears spiked clothing
That is a defense from society's hard fists?
Is weird when a four-year-old child is worried about a job
Because they have seen what it has done to adults?
Is it weird when children hide their feelings
Because of hate from other students
Or is it weird
When students are terrified to go to school
Because we are afraid of it being shot up?
Is it weird when people are afraid to go out
Because people are getting shot at concerts
And getting bombed at their place of worship?
Or is it weird that we don't cry anymore
When we go to sleep at night
Because when we were growing up
We were desensitized
To war
And violence
And people who never accept
That we are people
Whether you lean right or left!
We are people
Whether you like the same ***
Or nobody at all,
Because in the end
We are all people!
I just want to remind people, that no matter what we let define us. Stop the hate people! It's not fair what we are doing to our youth! What we are turning these people into. Stay safe everyone!
Hennessy 5260 Apr 2020
I am an outcast
Too weird to be normal
But not weird enough to fit in with the weirdos
I have no place
An orphan, rejected
They do not understand me
Nor do they try
And I gave up trying to fit in

I am an outcast
Lurking in the shadows
Waiting for the moon to shed light on me
hayley robertson Apr 2020
the last night we spent together
i was asleep
you had to park and walk because there were no empty spaces

the next morning i drove you to your car
and i dropped you off
and i drove back home
and i had absolutely no idea that was the last time

that was the only time that you ever had to park that far away
you always found a space up close
i never had to drive you to your car
only walk you to the door
give you a hug
and say, “See you later!”

it was weird
your car wasn’t even that far away
just in the next parking lot over
but i wish i could get those 2 minutes back
i wish there was an empty space
then maybe the distance wouldn’t manifest itself
Yordi Apr 2020
Writing my story of 2020
Where this virus Covid took the life’s of many
It started as a joke
We would laugh and take a ****
Weeks passed , questions stuck
In our heads
Could this be true or just a lie
Can this be another hoax
Of the criminal with the eye ?
Just faded writing some stuff at home
Kai Apr 2020
"how do you force feed an angry ferret?"
like trying to tame the seas it is difficult
or to do the reverse of someone as a parrot
but I'm glad to be here to try and consult
Stranger Conversations: Start the first line of your poem with a word or phrase from a recent passing conversation between you and someone you don’t know. This was hard due to social distancing, but here it is. Someone said this and I only heard a bit of the conversation.
violetstarlights Apr 2020
speaking is a performance
the moment someone listens i'm put on a stage
with a little number in the corner of my view
grading my performance
grading how well i do

so when the audience goes home
and they all fall asleep
it leaves just my mirror and I
and the clock that reads three
just talking
to me

and though i ramble and ramble
as if someone were there
i enjoy that i am alone
that no one is there
to hear the last mistake i just made


oh my god were you listening to me the entire time-
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