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Stephen Star Sep 2018
I live in the neat and clean
Hung up shirts and freshly folded laundry
Sunlight peeking through the white curtains
keeping my mind at ease.

I am busy
rushing from spot to spot
reading, writing, and completing tasks.
It keeps my days full.

I am stressed
however, unlike the dark summer hours
I get to live with the stress in the beautiful autumn leaves.
I am stressed but in different ways.

I am lonely
but only in the unattainable love
that I romanticize, I am alone but due to my faults.
I am lonely but In different ways now.

I am so very weird
My moods, switching from one extreme to the other
finding a balance is extremely troublesome.
But people don’t seem to notice.
I am so very weird, but it seems only to me.

Or maybe I am not
Maybe they all see
I wonder if when they look at me...
Am I pitied? Or am I loved?

The days keep passing by
season to season, happy to sad
lonely to depressed back to happy
and I wonder where I’ll end up when the days stop.
More thoughts. More Poems. More, more, more.
poetrique Sep 2018
here, I can wash away
my pain, my fear
they were never meant to stay

I speak to the universe
in thanks, but hardly pray
here, I can whisper boldy
and write what I dear not say
© All Rights Reserved
Khrome Aug 2018
Loner, Weird and Timid that's how people address me. If not in the upper left corner sit in our school auditorium where nobody can notice, you can find me behind the farthest shelf in the library. It's not because I'm hiding or something. It's just for me, being alone is convenient.

Loneliness is my Sanctuary, my Haven, my Paradise, or so I think. I don't really mind. I'm happy with the presence of every character in the stories that I read. I'm already preoccupied with enough drama, excitement and adventure that I get in the different worlds that I've been in the comfort of this bench in the bleachers or the behind of this shelf.

If the cosmos requires me to interact with my fellow **** sapiens, I often do nothing to caught their attention. The last time i was in this realm I'm in the middle of name calling by those so called "Alphas" that think that they're so great. I even got bruises when one of them pushed me. I don't mind. I won't be in this realm for long anyway. Once this is all done I will be again in the comfort of my Sanctuary, fighting alongside the allied force for the safety of the Galaxy.

Endure it, endure it, don't fight back, use your brain rather than brawns, you can't defeat them in brawl just endure this until they got bored. Whew, this is harder than the ambush that  the alliance experience when they were in the asteroid belt. But I can do this. I'm just a little bit dizzy and a bit hurt mostly in my head, wait what's this? Blood? That stupid alpha gotten too far. I must evacuate. I must..

Where am I? Where is this?
"So you're awake now cadet." Who's that? "You've fallen unconscious on the ambush in the asteroid belt but now you're awake" what? The last thing I remember is that I'm in the middle of the bloodthristy alpha in our school ground. I guess I'm a cadet of the alliance now. I don't get it but at least I'm in the happy place now.
Bullying. More of a short story rather than poem.
Sam Hammond Aug 2018
Find us down the rabbit hole,
Where life, no more, can interfere.
Where out is in and frowns are grins
And sadness soundly disappears.
Find us down the rabbit hole,
The only place our minds are cleared.
Where left is right and fear; delight,
And sense is overrun by weird.
Mercia Aug 2018
Can we fly?
Can we fly away from our pain?
Can we fly and touch the moon, for the sky doesn't interest me
Can we sit in silence and bathe each other in our breathes.
Can we just be ourselves?
Why do we have to sacrifice ourselves for others when others create art works of wounds on our backs?
We keep holding ourselves down.
We satisfy the world and never ourselves
We always ready to clean up the dirt people leave around
We stopped flying before we reached each other
We stopped laughing hoping to meet and share each other's joy
We always see through each other's mistakes
We forget we human
We heroes to all, and villains to our hearts
I wish we could have done better rather than letting it all hurt us
****** I am
Handsome you are
Sad I am
Unknown your feelings
I'm a bottle filled to the brim
You're a pool waiting for more water
You accept all
While I cry, hoping you wouldn't
I wish the world was..
I wish the..
No reason for wishing when you absorb all bad
I no longer want to wish...
I will fly
My wingless self, will fly away from you
~ MJ
may Aug 2018
i remeber when i first started writing
how my anger was fueled by these people

who i can now laugh with and it’s genuine
who would just be there even after the bump
but now the people who took that place
are making me feel that way

the urge to write those nasty and cruel words
and then feel nothing at all afterwards

i’ve been feeling like a broken record
having to repeat myself over and over

and no it doesn’t get easier after the second time
in fact it’s even harder the other go arounds

it makes me feel like you aren’t listening
that you don’t care about my feelings

but that’s okay because i’m fine with having
one friend who understands me completely

if you don’t prevent the record from playing
i’ll just have to do that myself
i’ve been feeling very weird about some stuff lately and i address situations but it doesn’t help because i still feel the same.
Lolita Aug 2018
I was once alone walking on a lonely wet road.
And there I spotted a golden-red toad.
It began jumping as I walked, I thought it followed me
And suddenly he said "where else would I be?"

The voice struck my mind, I started panting.
A toad talking to a human? Never heard of such a ranting.
So I stopped walking, assuming that he won't.
But I could hear him in my mind saying "please don't".

I know this voice, I am freaked out.
He said "you know my name, I'm the one you cried out..."
Is he really talking to me or I'm just talking to myself.
Can't really think now as he winks that glassy-eye at myself.

I was sleepy, felt deluded, I think I started talking ghost.
He continued"...for you're the only one who loved me the most"
As I listen to all this, I felt I was about to faint.
"I'm sorry for all those dreams that I taint.".
I unusually woke up at 5am, started writing this piece, completed it in the school in the first period and was surprised because this is not the first thing I usually do when I wake up. Tell me I'm not the only one
Lolita Aug 2018
Vacation in estivation,
Listening to psithurism.
When apricity comes on my face,
Enjoying watching fondescene.
Just came by with some new words, tried to rhyme, destroyed it.
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