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Middy Oct 2017
I hate school I will hate school
I hated school I hate school
I will hate school I hated school
I hate school I hated school
I will hate school I hate school
I hated school I hate school
I hate school I will hate school
I will hate school I hate school
    I hated school I will hate school
I hate school I hated school
I will hate school I hated school
I hated school I hate school
I hate school I will hate school



I will shoot someone at work
I shot someone at their house
I had shot someone in the shop
I shot someone during a concert
I will shoot someone during class
I had shot someone in the heart
I shot someone while they slept
I will shoot someone tonight
I shot someone now
I had shot someone yesterday


The bomb exploded
The bomb will explode
The bomb had exploded
The bomb will explode
The bomb exploded
The bomb will explode
The bomb had exploded
The bomb exploded
The bomb will explode
The bomb had exploded
The bomb will explode
The bomb exploded
The bomb had exploded
The bomb will explode
The bomb exploded

Inspired by a small paragraph in the book My Name Is Mina by David Almond
I agree with hating school, don't get me wrong I love education
But I feel schools are like cages or prisons, the teacher is the warden.
Sorry for it being so long it if I get anything wrong
CallMeVenus Oct 2017
Mama, can a cat’s milk get spoiled?
I think it can.
Your milk was spoiled.
It made all of my thoughts go bad.
I no longer had balance.
I no longer had confidence.
Love tasted disgusting.
So I purged. I always smell so rotten.
So tell me, momma, how can someone raised on spoiled milk ever be beautiful?
And every bite I take tastes like S.P.O.I.L.E.D. M.I.L.K.
So sick. So comforting.
Heeranshi Mishra Oct 2017
(Family drama)

11:00 'O' Clock, the clock ticked furiously,

The girl looked at her dead wishes curiously.

The time played the game now,

The one who wanted to be different is a shame now.

The family made the home a fish market,

A young girl can see patriarchate.

Everyone thought the perspective is vindictive ;  until it's a boy,

the argument is valid or it is a foe.

The girl wept in corner looking at her misery,

Parents spitting venom on eath other, didn't spared even their anniversary.

Blocking the choices, the girl could have,

Maybe that's what the fate girl could have.

To get killed her innocence in the screams of her mother,

To  get killed the love, she had for her father,

To get killed the chances to have a loveable family,

As the time passed she became anomaly.

All her life, she has seen, was those abuses,

Fights, where his father had a hand on her mother that caused bruises.

A ******* her way now ,
when she turns 18, she denies to get a approval certificate,

Eyes rolled over but she knew the fire in her belly is adequate.

Looking back at the fragments ; Maybe the girl cries or smiles

What matters the most that she walked miles.
Benji James Oct 2017
She's hot, He's not
They've got nothing in common
He's out drinking away his problems
She's at home sitting on the bed crying
His seeing other girls
While she's all alone at home
And these two souls
Should be walking separate paths
Both hurt and ache inside
Both mentally troubled in their mind
This situation just doesn't feel right

They're Mr and Mrs's negativity
They've never got anything positive to say
They're emotionally drained every day
Trying to find a smile in these hard times
but in these dark days, it's hard to find a light
And this relationship breaking down
And karma always comes back around
They're gonna drown in the down down
They're Mr and Mrs's negativity
They've never got anything positive to say

She wants everything to be her way
He could care less what she has to say
He wants every girl in his sight
He has no feelings for his wife
She's staring at the clock
Counting down the minutes until he comes home
She wants him to herself
She's hurt, she really loves him
Be he really doesn't give a ****
What she's feeling in her heart
Her tortured soul will be the masterpiece of his art

They're Mr and Mrs's negativity
They've never got anything positive to say
They're emotionally drained every day
Trying to find a smile in these hard times
but in these dark days, it's hard to find a light
And this relationship breaking down
And karma always comes back around
They're gonna drown in the down down
They're Mr and Mrs's negativity
They've never got anything positive to say

He needs money for the bills
She's got thoughts of leaving him
She's got those initial kind of feelings
She still loves him so it's hard to leave
When he is everything she feels she needs
And she knows that she deserves better
She's finding the strength and courage
To walk out of that door and so
She tells him, he will lose everything
He shrugs it off and takes another swig of his drink

They're Mr and Mrs's negativity
They've never got anything positive to say
They're emotionally drained every day
Trying to find a smile in these hard times
but in these dark days, it's hard to find a light
And this relationship breaking down
And karma always comes back around
They're gonna drown in the down down
They're Mr and Mrs's negativity
They've never got anything positive to say

She's got the car packed
Ready to make a change
Find happiness and a future somewhere new
As she goes to walk out the door
He strikes her across the face
She falls to the floor
He raises his voice in anger
You will never leave me you, little *****
Tears run from her eyes bruised and beaten
Mascara streaming down her cheeks
So much weakness in her body
Can't find the strength to pick herself back up
She tries with all her might
But she's stuck lying on the floor

They're Mr and Mrs's negativity
They've never got anything positive to say
They're emotionally drained every day
Trying to find a smile in these hard times
but in these dark days, it's hard to find a light
And this relationship breaking down
And karma always comes back around
They're gonna drown in the down down
They're Mr and Mrs's negativity
They've never got anything positive to say

He's barely thinking straight
Alcohol overtakes his decisions
His eyes, now blurred vision
his sitting next to her on the floor
Too drunk to even stand, his limits
His at his end, he rips off her dress
he gives her every inch
That alcohol breath
She breathes it in, crying and afraid
She can't even think straight
How did it get to this stage
*****, battered and bruised
The one she loved
Completely broke her trust
And now nothing will ever be the same
She'll be haunted by memories
for the rest of her days

They're Mr and Mrs's negativity
They've never got anything positive to say
They're emotionally drained every day
Trying to find a smile in these hard times
but in these dark days, it's hard to find a light
And this relationship breaking down
And karma always comes back around
They're gonna drown in the down down
They're Mr and Mrs's negativity
They've never got anything positive to say

©2017 Written By Benji James
Alize Michelet Oct 2017
It’s cold, dark, scary.
Waves crushing on me

It hurts stings
My chest underwater

I can’t breathe.
You are over me and under me
And I can’t come back up

But then you let loose.
The water warms up
And the pressure leaves my heart.

It doesn’t hurt anymore,
Now you carry me,
Make me float

Singing me to sleep,
And it feels perfect,
And I know everything is going to be all right

Until the next storm comes.
cassie marie Oct 2017
Don't get it twisted
Happily ever afters only happens in the stories
My reality is laying on the floor in aching pain after he comes home
My reality is brutal hits and kicks and screaming in agony
The reality is, love hurts.
This one is about domestic violence and how for some people, happily ever afters are just in the books
it was a caress
it was a kiss
it was a hug
it was hope
it was love

it's a punch
it's a grin
it’s a chain
it's scary
it’s infected love

my blind love
your sick love
it was air and light
it’s smoke in my eyes
it's metal flavor in my mouth
kicks in my belly
vomited words
our love is guilty
just addicted
by our hypnotic poison
I lie
in this mahogany coffin
wrapped in  purple silk
cold earth above me
badly thrown with the ****
by salty tears of those who loved me
your tears
your guilty love
there’s no more light
nor heat
for me cold corpse
a flower into my hand
food for worms
my end
your     end
Victoria Oct 2017
Is it worth the lives that are lost
The knives
The guns
The ammo
The litte girl without a father
The little boy screaming mother
The sister who now doesn't have a brother
The brother who sister is now gone
And violence is still number one
Is it worth crying over a husbands lost life
When he got mugged by a stranger
With a knife
46 dollars a friend lost his life
Is it worth the wife who had nothing to give
All she wanted to do was live
To see her kids
Got shot instead
And now her kids are crying cause shes dead
Is it worth the pain that comes with
Is violence really
Worth it
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