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Holey Aug 2016
I sit there and stare into his dark gaze, unable to move do to the fear that has latched itself onto my legs.
Lips trembling, face bloodied and bruised.
The only words I am able to form are begs.
He looks at me with a face filled with disgust, hard steps towards me.
I form enough courage to sprint towards my only escape, the door.
I thought he loved me,
I thought I meant something,
It's my fault,
I should have given him what he wanted.
All the thoughts run through my head as I slowly stop running, I take a deep breath and slowly walk back. Thoughts already forming an excuse and an apology. He meets me at the door with a smile.
"I knew you'd be back."
The last sounds I hear are police sirens.
`This is a little dark, my lovelies..lo siento
Odonko-ba Aug 2016
I can savor
The taste of fear
Riding upon the wind
As turbulently
As your troubled mind
Seeks desperately
To understand the mortality of this moment

The life and death mechanics of reality
The realization
That we are to die
As evident of the staccato pant
Of your futile labour

Frivolous at best
Arouses a sense
Of ******* justice

Hard truths
Brought to bear witness of
Your infidelities
Your betrayal

Aborning of arsenic
Sputters froth
From your womb

Searing traces of bitterness
Cascades a corrupted truth
Transformed into an ugliness
That has become us

Two hearts that once beat as one
Cast fervently
Into a cold war

Unrelenting hatred
Unmitigated threats

That cannot be reprieved

How did we get here?
Do you even care-
To ponder the thought?

I once loved thee
A dream shattered
By the realization of now

The now I can live with
The thought of losing you I cannot
**** this relationship

I must
For the taste of you
Is the sake of me
My sustenance

I close my eyes
In perusal of happier times
When life was bearable

I'm jolted out of my reverie
By hilt of your scorn
Protruding from my chest

I touch
As if to confirm its legitimacy
A reason for its being

Overwhelmed by solemn peace
I collapse in passive supplication

And as she turns and walk away
Of the final utterance
To flee my lips
I forgive you

I ponder
If she ever
Loved me at all
A woman scorned is a woman determined
Graff1980 Aug 2016
America the wolf
Wearing the red stains
Of other people’s pain
Pumping profits from war
Instead the pleasures of peace
Creating false unity
As your fangs shred
The innocent
still resting in their bed
Children now dead
Play their songs in my head
Instead of cursing you
Who committed such crimes
They condemn me
For wasting my time

I should have killed the wolf
But it will be the death of me
Even if I am a wily coyote
Swanswart Aug 2016
I bought myself a gun today.
I’ll give you a moment to process the mental paper work.
Is he serious?
Is this guy for real?
Is this a metaphor? Is it loaded?  

Are these questions
you might ask?
Isn’t this supposed to be a poem?

I said I bought myself a gun today.
Do you feel better?
Do I
seem more dangerous?
Are my words more weighted now--
with violence?
with virility?
with *******?
Are you looking at my crotch
for an extra bulge?
How do you feel
about me now
knowing that I’m packing?

I bought myself a gun today,
And just like that
I’m a gangsta upholding the second amendment.
I’m a citizen of the constitution
holding up my right
to bear arms,
and raise my hand in a fist--
a fist, that’s gripped in tension
a fist that’s an extension
           of man and invention
           and I really should mention
          I can blow your ******* head off
          without the slightest intention.

I bought myself a gun today,
Are you scared:
that I don’t know how to use it?
That it might want to use me?
That I might become
overwrought with emotions,
and respond to an argument
“Arnold” style with, an,
   “I’ll be back?”--
that I might settle things
once and for all
with my noisy neighbor
in a language he might finally understand?
Are you scared?

I bought myself a gun today.
Does that make you worry?
You know what the statistics say,
That I have a better chance of shooting
than some intruder,
or mugger, or ******
or therapist even.
Are you worried about my self-destruction?
that I might I might accidentally
have an
Or, maybe, you may think,
that it might be on purpose?
that I might be singing
the, “Barrel-in-the-mouth blues?”--
not just fantasizing
about ‘em,
but singing ‘em with a with my mouth wide open,
and feeling them for real for real:
feeling the cold steel ‘cross
my tongue,
on the taste of cordite,
really singing, “I can’t breathe,”
and how much
this ***** and having
the means to put and end to it all--
Are you worried about that?
If you are
then don’t,
‘cause I’m not thinking about that at all.

I bought myself a gun today.
Wouldn’t it be great
if we all could say:

I bought myself a gun today.
Shagun Gupta Aug 2016
This doesn’t feel right,
I want to go home,
Should I call?
I can’t go home this way,
I’ll wait.

I text a friend,
He’s calling a cab for me,
That’s fine,
I’ll be safe soon,
I can wait.

Maybe I should lie down,
The keeper said I could lie down,
Should I just sit out in the cold instead?
There’s nowhere to go,
I’ll just lie down.

Crack opens the door,
I watch his shadow,
He’s taking his shirt off,
And the air is thick with sweat,
He lies down next to me.

There’s no escape,
There’s no running,
Should I scream?
Will anybody hear?
Is anybody awake?

I close my eyes,
His hands are moving,
I clench my fists,
Salt in my mouth,
Blood in my jeans.

Why can’t I scream?
Did I lose my voice?
Or maybe it didn’t happen to me,
Something hurts,
But he’s gone now.

I adjust my clothes,
Fix my hair,
Stand on my two feet,
And walk out the door,
“You won’t tell anyone, right? You’re like my daughter.”

The cab pulls up,
The driver got lost,
But now I’m on my way,
Something hurts,
I’m on my way.

Maybe it wasn’t what it seemed like,
I was alone and he was a man,
And why was I out drinking anyway?
Nobody needs to know,
It didn’t happen.

I was a mere spectator,
Or was I a participant?
This is an account of ****** violence, and explores themes of dissociation and guilt often experienced by survivors. Part of the experience is described as if it were happening in the present, highlighting a key aspect of how the past often intermingles with the present among those survivors who continue to re-live the trauma.
Feggyr Citack Jul 2016
-on empty life and aimless power: a guy's
big party that happened without him

Laughed out loud this morning
happy, lightly, free,
softly stumbling down the stairs
- but really, god it isn't me.

Broken glass in the living
scrunching under my feet,
torn portraits, burnt letters,
melted bottles, boiling books
- hahaha, no, it wasn't me.

Went out, caught fire, blew up
- don't know for which cause.
Touched down on the balcony
- from the victims no applause.
Hot red footprints ten inch deep
- not mine, I was sound asleep.

Hmmm, fresh air,
can smell it through the window glass.

Who is this guy outside,
stretching out his arm to me?

Just wondering...
will they ever remove these bars,
so we can shake hands?
Andrew Switzer Jul 2016
Broken down, discarded dreams,
Slipping through these splitting seams,
Seems to me these eyes can't see
A way to flee this one note scene.

Discordant dissonance of hate,
The fear and pain it propagates,
Weeping mothers, bleeding sons,
A war is waged that can't be won.

Another day, another shooting,
Another factory polluting
Drinking water, poisoned crops,
White collar crimes, when will they stop?

The future never looked so bleak,
Each suture we possess is meek.
But humankind will persevere,
And filter blackened waters clear.
storm siren Jul 2016
She punched him square in the jaw,
Her ring cracking one of his teeth.
She spat on him as he hit the ground.

It was toxic, but it sent her into a rage
She thought at the very least of him being such a **** bag
That maybe he'd be a little better than THIS.

Dating the girl who he went on his first date with
Exactly a week and one day after he very literally dumped her
On her best friends porch.

And yeah,
She's happy now.
But she thought maybe he was better than this.
Maybe he was a better person,
Somewhere maybe deep inside he was still the same better person
And the hope of a friendship one day in the far off future
Would still be there
But no.

So she kicks him while he's down,
And cracks her knuckles on her right hand with an upper cut as he struggles to get back up.

"Vapid *****."

She growls as she knees him one more time,
And walks away.

His new flame looks offended.

She shrugs and warns:
"Oh honey, not you. Him. You'll see."

Before dusting off her dress,
Slipping her heels back on,
And walking back into the light
Where better things await.
I love liars.

And by love, I mean I want to beat their heads in, but not literally. I'm just angry.

Okay, it's been three minutes. I'll be entirely calm in two.
Rina Vana Jul 2016
How will we find an answer to the question
tearing at the threads of our chests?
Ambitions, traditions, building and expecting
soft skin listening
dinner ready,
warm and waiting

for someone who won’t
be coming home
Don’t turn on the television
and don’t pick up the phone
out spills blood from the twirling cord
he’s gone, she’s gone, they’re gone
Hate has again won

and I’m sorry I couldn’t have
been there to help
My ears ring with
the screaming
across the earth
my heart feels
the fingers that grip
their loved ones limp faces
with eyes that stare blankly
towards the sky
drowning in tears
and inquiring *why
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