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Kewayne Wadley May 2018
Life gets tough when you aren't around.
Without none of the things you have to offer.
So much as the ease of a smile.
But what I love most about it.
I am not embarrassed or afraid to admit that it's the most powerful element.
At which point the sun shines it's brightest.
The highlight of my day.
We give our words with meaning that follows the philosophy our bodies react.
We enrich this belief.
Sharing our hopes.
Our dreams.
An intellect that requires what we find precious.
Time loses ego.
We relate without rush.
A fear we occupy our time with selfishness.
The things we use to compensate and further hide ourselves.
Being able to admit the things we otherwise keep hidden.
To travel the recesses of mind we lay bare.
The baritone which not only grasps attention but intent.
In full intimacy.
The way we came into the world.
Not beginning to know or further define the things we hide.
We cry not for attention but understanding.
We tend to go through transitional periods not out of hurt.
But to appreciate that we never take this simplicity for granted.
Without you, I admit.
Life gets tougher.
But it's these exact moments I hope to earn.
The sensuous moment time loses ego.
Not in war but in ultimate expression of the time it takes to love you.
It's gonna take years
Boygene Borice May 2018
I have loved you with my heart,
Not because I was after your flesh,
But I wanted us to be one,
For the beauty of your virtues, is my light.

I have always held you close,
Treasured you as my own breath,
Cherished you as my own soul,
For my love, abounds in eternity.

You have been the abundance of my heart,
The strength of my bones,
Always honored you as the queen of my life,
For my love, flows out of the heart.

I haven’t been the type that fades,
When they are pricked by thorns,
But I have always stayed beside you,
For my love, never, has it been seasonal.

Have I tarried to love you?
Have I ever run out of affection for you?
Have I ever left you alone, to bliss myself with others?
Have I ever let you, drop tears without me wiping them?

Today, you tell me to leave you alone,
You want me to forget the US,
Tell me, my Love, because I don’t know,
The reason to leave you alone.
When the heart loves, nothing can stop it
Sovit Pokhrel May 2018
Alone i am !
Alone you are !
Together we are all alone.

Alone you walk !
Alone i walk !
same destination, different paths.
The race of life.
Together we are all alone.

Alone you sit !
Alone i sit !
Darkness and Silence our friends.
Together we are all alone.

Alone we wander,
Alone we wonder,
Alone we're together,
Together, we are all alone.
we are all  fighting  our own battles in the quest of life.
don't judge be friendly.
don't hate and spread love.
be alive and prosper.
we will meet at the end. :) :) :)
shiv May 2018
the truth runs wild
the truth runs free.
i've never felt happier
than when you're with me.
Masked Voice May 2018
~They say the opposites attract each other.
So did they.
He proved his goodness everytime she smiled.
She proved her cruelty everytime he was in pain.~
Umm.. kinda violent? Maybe no coz everyone thinks the other way around,
Jay Dayz May 2018
I know that...
Deep inside those eyes so hollow,
lies a poor soul deep in sorrow.
Hiding from that feared tomorrow,
hoping for some time to borrow.

I know you...
Built these walls for selfless reasons,
and hid your heart in fear of treason.
You built your walls, you built a prison;
you built a shield against the seasons.

I know they...
Broke your heart and brought you down,
and for your soul they sent the hounds.
For years and years they stlaked around,
feeding to your endless frown.

I know I...
Gained your trust and passed your walls,
I found my way through endless halls.
I heard your whispers and your calls,
I saw the light grow ever small.

I know that...
there can be a bright tomorrow;
with no more pain, no more sorrow.

I know you...
can free yourself from this prison,
and find in life many reasons.

I know they...
will never again make your frown,
as long as I stand around.

I know I...
can help bring down those hollow walls,
and guide you through those endless halls.

And I know we...
can find a way to move together,
till the end and till forever.
This poem is based on two character I've made. The poem is supposed to be writer from my character Alex D. Clark to my other character Jonathan Wesley. Jonathan has gone through a lot in his life which has made him put this cold exterior, but in the inside he is just lost and alone. And no one was able to pass his walls until Alex showed up. Jonathan is struggling, and Alex just wants to be there for him.
-df May 2018
i fell in love with
the way you
so passionately
rejected me.

Umi May 2018
Drifting away by the stream of thoughts,
A painful wind brushes through my skin,
Gathering pieces of time while still clinging on,
But I can't save them from spilling and vanishing,
Ah, phantoms.
I can't move, my motions are restricted by my cut off conscious,
My mind is empty, there is no thought, no judgement,
But I can't leave you here, even if I become as mindful as a little rock,
Perhaps it has been decided, under the clouds that this should have been so all along, but even then, with my never changing life I can at least keep shining for you,
After overcoming even time and space, may my gaze though fraught with the most terrible sins, lead you on to happiness,
But it seems like your brilliant smile just now turned to ash,
As then spilled but vanished just like the time we spent together.
In the end I couldn't save us from drifting apart,
Was it because I couldn't see into your heart?

~ Umi
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