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Brynn S Nov 2018
Conclude the dream
Dew melt my eyes as a suken scene
Soft spoken words pour from your lips
With bones of greetings how often our slips
Gaze and grasp
Each night to pass
I follow you to heaven
Lift me to the ceilings of above
Paint me unto the walls of love
Grasp the two sides of the bodice
Reach to me closer, call me the goddess
Place unto the petals, leave me your alter
With breaths intertwined movements cease to falter
Eyes melt into one sight
Share with me our night

Loves together in a single moment
Kelidoscopes of rosed colors tint
Small traces to guide the hint
This is my moment to share, racing thoughts bleed into the air
Tell me how you wish your life to be,
and I shall do the same.

Together we'll let go of life's turmoil,
   embracing a journey of joy; and not pain.
Hidden Glade Nov 2018
Never take her away from me,
my heart couldn't take losing her
after holding her close once more.

I know it's a lot to ask,
and it's so selfish of me,
but if something happened to her now...
I don't know what I'd be able to do.

She knows I've flirted with death before,
she understands the call of the void
we've both slid down that thorny *****
emerging with cuts and bruises...
She knows that I'm better now.

I ask for nothing but time with her.
I want the time to memorize her face,
I want time to hold her
even when she doesn't want to hold herself.
I want time to tell her that no matter what happens,
That I love her
That I spend every day thinking about her

And that those things won't change.
Hold her when I'm far away,
comfort her when I'm held up,
keep her safe from all the things I can't,
and most of all...

Don't take her away.
Sleepless by The Strive was my inspiration for this poem, written to a very special someone.
Annie Nov 2018
Lonely we are,
******* smoke through our lips
never getting no kiss,
just the lightheaded feeling

And now we lie in our beds,
with the smoke in our heads,
sifting through red lust and
blue sorrow.
underestimated Nov 2018
We are bonded
The stupid things we do
Just bring us closer together
We have super powers
We are indestructible
We are more than just friends
We have three strong qualities
Faith, Hope, and Love
We would crawl through each others windows just to be together
We find joy in the dumbest things
We stay up and watch the sunrise together
We are crazy
We are a beautiful mess
We are best friends for life
Best friends forever
They hate that I'm not confident
They see me as
Funny, crazy, smart, a good friend, a great friend, their best friend
And I see them the same
The time we spend apart from each other is torture
But when we see each other all the pain goes away
I could be filled with rage
But they would be able to calm me down instantly
Can we be split apart?
My friends are the best thing in my life...
Salmabanu Hatim Nov 2018
Alone I am a lone soul,
Together we are whole.
Alone I break,
Together we make.
Alone I go astray,
Together we stay.
Alone I find myself,
Together we have ourselves.
Alone I smile only,
Together we laugh openly.
I am alone in a crowd,
Together we are the crowd.
Alone my feelings are my own,
Together our feelings are known,
Halved and shared,
Loved and cared.
Pyrrha Nov 2018
To My Soulmate,

When you enter my world
I will give you everything
I will become your anything
And when we are apart
You couldn't fathom
Such a lonely and empty feeling
So stay by my side
So that we can be whole
A home inside of me
A palace within you

Sincerely, a soul in search of someone searching
Rosie Burger Nov 2018
Love Lost

All those times we laughed together,
All those happy moments together.

All the secrets that we shared,
All the burdens that we bared.

All the friends that came and went,
All those flowers that you sent.

All these things we shared together,
All of them are lost forever.

The way you’d gently kiss my nose,
The love I felt from a single rose.

The kindness I received in your embrace,
The times you knew to give me space.

The way you looked into my heart,
The way you loved me from the start.

All this love died along with you,
And now my soul is dying too.
Sam Nov 2018
Depleted of hope, we sit like Jack'o'lanterns
Crowding the patios of local bars
Empty inside as we sip different craft
Avoiding alcoholism by indulging only in the premium
But in this niche we've  learned to shine
To smile amongst one another
Are own limelight is born
A community are own, as we travel this bittersweet path together
I haven't been writing much lately as life has been busy. Best of wishes to all my fellow poets :) Know I'll always appreciate you all, and your beautiful writing, even if I'm not on here as often.
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