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Nard Wolfe Nov 2019
‪Sometimes people don’t intended to end their lives.
They just want to quit from whatever things that draining them.

When thing seems like unsolvable, when every effort would never be enough to settle things down, when life kinda block every chances.

Tired of trying.
Trying to live another day with the same ***** to deal with.

People said, “Tomorrow’s a mystery”
That’s the thing.
Tomorrow is promising nothing
That’s why people tend to give up.
ATW and RBM Nov 2019
I'm trapped
In this circle of sadness
And I can't get out
I try my hardest
I scream every night
I want to escape this town

I wanna drive away
I want to do stupid things
I wanna get in trouble
I want to find the tiny beautiful towns
I will escape
And you will come for me again

I wear my mask
In hopes you don't see me

I will continue to wear my mask
It's comfortable
It keeps me safe
I can be who I want
Instead of myself
Who no one wants anyway
Cherish Nov 2019
Bring me back to the good old days
Laughing happily
Crying for comfort
Bittersweet talks

I will be here,
Call me if you need me
No matter what time, what am i doing

If it's you, I'll stop everything i'm doing for you.

Even if i can look at you just for a few seconds i would travel down just for that

You're my cure to my overthinkimg
Even though i know its already over.
maria Nov 2019
to fall in love again
to forgive
to trust
to not care.
I tried to try

I failed
I'm not trying anymore

Written on November 04, 2019
Garrett Johnson Nov 2019
Breast pocket.

Haven’t written in a while.
Scarf drank some bleach.
He said he was fine.
the glue dried up.
But Sarah said she’d go get some new tarps.
Passed out form singing in a river.
Woke up without any legs.
I walked it off.
Till I remembered we have crimson hats and mittens.
It’s cold here at burning man.
Memphis time is the right time to shoot up.
The wires are crossed.
N the surfing is credible.
n I’m going & got tired half way thru this.
                                 Your son that never knew ya.
                                  Lighthouse Bukowski.

Garrett Johnson.
The tub is full of pain.
Poetic Eagle Nov 2019
how do you let go
when your memories are still holding on
your mind knows whats best but the heart says otherwise
Mito Nov 2019
and she left. the day i dreaded the most, the day i wished would never come, the day i prayed she’d never say those words.

“i’m tired of you”

was all she said and left.
it really did end up this way for me. i loved her a little too much until I became a burden to her.
Sam H Nov 2019
Im down that
same old road again
I thought i left it behind
Turns out i was
running in circles
Now I reunite with that
haunted path of mine

I thought i had found
New distractions
A detour from
That place
But it always
Catches up
No matter how far
I run or hide

Everyone is coming
To get me
Catching up from behind
Do i slow down
For them to consume me
Or do i speed up
Until i die

Either way i cannot win
Im a slave to the society
No other route can suffice
Sam H Nov 2019
I watched you enter my life so abruptly
It’s been a good run
Yet as quick as you came,
It seems you now want out

Our threads were once woven
intertwining spirit and heart
But now those threads
Eagerly, and mutually depart
Stretching towards opposite ends
A broken heart is never easy to mend

I guess i didn’t know you well enough
Naive of me to think i had the chance
I let you take advantage of my kindness
Something you‘d never reciprocate
It was all my fault, now its too late

I’m ready to say goodbye
But just say the word
And I’ll give it another try
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