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Nathan Hopkins Apr 2016
Nothing is the way it should be.
Blinded by all we are programmed to see.  
Our futures are dictated by powers unknown.  
If only the masses would claim a mind of their own.  
Humanity is extinguished by the monger of fear.
Far more lethal than any spear.
Freedom is illusion.
Dark Ink Mar 2016
Life is so meaningful,
With their gentle human qualities
I have learned to cultivate tolerance
I am spiritually awakened

A little friendship to cheer me up
A little smile to brighten my day
Hope to strengthen me
And love to be eternally with in me

Love is a blessing that cannot convey
A true blessing from above
But let me give thanks to all,
The hearts that are true and pure.
family is everything....
Esther Mar 2016
'and' was a continuation
and so you loved that word and hated endings
and you let your fingers weave the word over and over,
(delicate hands pressing them into your skin
as if to ensure your immortality,
push away whatever time wanted you to be, but the sun rose and set
and nights were only dank reminders of morrows after)
and besides you seemed quite tired as if you'd been holding the stars
in your arms for far too long
and they didn't even bother to shine for you

                                                      you look like loneliness has taken its toll

and your legs, weary with time, couldn't hold you anymore
and let your body collide with stardust
and the tips of your hair brushed the page that teemed with life,
that filled with doodles and words and and and and and and

                                                        you look like 'and' has taken its toll

and your eyes were dark and sunken, empty black abysses, eclipses
that stole the sun
and your lips were chapped and cracked, a jagged strip of the Milky Way
and your cheeks grayed and faded, stars that had lost their shine
and your stomach caved in on itself to let your rip cage and hip bones protrude (because it loved them both but they were too infatuated by your skin and clung to it like it was life after an ending)
and your skin was a painting, a Starry Night, and you were Van Gogh
(except you carved with knife and colored your blue skies with red stars)
and your eyelids were drooping, full moons falling into perfect crescents
and your lungs were containers without air,
galaxies without solar systems

                                                        you look like you're dying

and your fake smiles and midnight tears were like meteorites in the sky,
they were like comets, falling, falling, falling,
falling from home,
falling towards stone cold ground.
and the saddest part was,

*they never got back up.
All stars die.
Izhar Jiskani Jan 2016
If you don't see my poetry,
It's not that I don't miss you,
Or I've stopped loving you,
But, It's just a sudden change,
Brought by our education system.
Earlier, there was love only,
Which used to make people cry,
But now Education and Job are accompanied with love.
Now, people not only cry but die.
Circumstances are changed,
But don't worry,
Let's hope,
We will win someday.

** Izhar Jiskani
Cody Haag Jan 2016
He walked into the new world,
Stared at the looming plants of varied iridescence;
Around him creatures chittered and swarmed
About the threat that had yet to convince.

"I mean you no harm, I have come
To escape the clutches of violence."
The creatures did not spurn his words
Or even offer defiance.

He doubted they understood a thing he said,
Yet something in his tone communicated
To these creatures that he
Need not be attacked or hated.

Aye, it was strange to witness,
For the people of Earth rarely gave such a chance;
They would sooner him die than listen,
Display his head atop a lance.
BSeuss Jan 2016
The codgers devoid of sane be born, also men with no power.
But They stay to collude, In the tangible mainlands of man,
old world demise.
In a new world disguise.
Phoenix Jan 2016
The sympathetic nervous system is your fight-or-flight response system
You must have been a bird with broken wings,
Because you only wanted to fight.

The parasympathetic nervous system is your healing system
You must believe that mine is so amazing
That I can heal any wound.
I hate days when I just feel like overall ****. I especially hate the days when I think about  him.
Brent Kincaid Nov 2015
I was born to please the glitteratti
Treat them like they’re gods right here on earth.
Whether a Kardashian or Gotti
They think I’ doomed to serve them since my birth.
I’m meant to feed you, bathe you
Live my life just for you.
I’ve got to primp you, **** you
Wipe your royal ****.
And if I move too slow
You’ll call me ****!

I’m so benighted
And I’ve not denied it.
I was born without a soul
And I know I’m lost now.
My life is blighted
And very much misguided.
Somewhere inside
There is a soul who really
Should know how.

I thought I could gut it out forever
But I found I could only take so much.
Putting up with daily kissing *****
Made me want to retch from every touch.
You are disgusting, thrusting
Your face in everywhere.
Like you are something; you’re nothing,
Got nothing to share!
I no longer care.

I’m not divided
And I just can’t hide it.
I want a life and I intend
To go and get one
A real one.
So get excited.
I have decided
To grow a pair and do
What I know I ought to.
Got to!
Sajay Jai Singh Nov 2015
I wanted to know what was real knowledge,
so I went to the wisest master, God,
Not to learn things of school or college,
But to go where no foot has ever trod.
God said," I know what you seek, child,
But if real knowledge is what you wish to gain,
You venture into mountains dark and prairies wild,
And go through joyful hurt and honoring pain."
I was ready to put up resistance,
Said God," To men you shall speak,
Who are the wisest of this existence,
And at the end you shall get what you seek."
And so I went to the Physicists,
On whose principles this world exists,
They asked, “Pascal’s law, Bulk modulus, Doppler effect, can you tell?"
I said," No sir, but like Newton, even I wondered why the apple fell."
"Sacrilege!" they said," You inelastic plastic, may your soul rest in hell."
But I remembered God's words and moved on.
Then I went to the scholars of Chemistry,
Who are the wisest in mankind's History,
They asked me," What about Dalton's law, KTG, inorganic Benzene, can you say?"
"Nothing, sir, but I wonder about molecules and atoms, night and day!"
"Sacrilege!" they said, " You miserable molecule, May in hell your grave lay."
But I remembered God's words and moved on.
Then I went to the supreme Mathematicians,
Whom I consider as God's own magicians,
They asked me," What on methods of solving DEs, LMVT, can you speak?"
"Nothing, sir, but I work on theorems of Euler, the mathematician Greek."
"Sacrilege!" they said," You rootless equation, may you end up in the Devil's steak."
But I remembered God's words and moved on.
Indeed, I felt sorry for their and the future generations' plight,
But at the end of the road, I realized God was right,
It’s not about knowing Pascal's, Dalton's or Euler's shouts,
Its knowing how to live life to your fullest, every time you breathe in and breathe out.
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