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If we swear on sunshine,
And the silver of the moon.
We can be wed in this very room,
I will claim you as mine,
We will be as one divine.
If you swear to me and I swear to you,
We can await the alter soon.
I found the one I am sure of it
Maria Mar 1
I swear to you, I’ll be up soon!
I’ll go up! I’ll spread my wings!
I’ll start forward up to the moon!
I’ll live fast without any dings!

I’ll live in whole without a hitch!
All delays in my life are taboo!
I’m alive! That’s how I’m rich!
I’ll live full force! That’s my true!

I’ll run on my life off-the-road!
All by myself! No pain, no fear!
If I have to, I’ll turn on a flight mode!
I can do! You know! Despite it’s severe!

You just believe, and I’ll be up!
I’ll get a star from the sky by myself!
There’ll be headwinds. And who knows but
The world around may be cleaner itself!
polina Dec 2024
Swear you’ll bleed in loving colors,
Swear you won’t complain or scream;
Swear you’ll always love me softly,
Swear you won’t die or hate or dream.

Swear your nightmares won’t be graphic,
Swear they won’t turn to dreams -
Swear you’ll always be most honest,
Swear you’ll be my angel seraphim.

Swear you’ll never break your promise,
Swear you won’t beat me black and blue;
Instead, swear you’ll watch every sunset
With me, and I with you.
Karma Nov 2024
I swear
There’s nothing wrong
With me.
I swear
I am alright

I swear
I don’t need
Swear I haven’t
Lost my sight.

I swear
The voices are
My own,
And my will
To shun is strong.

I swear
That I’d be
Left alone,
If I listened
To their songs.

I swear
My grasp
On reality
Is flawlessly
In tact.

So why
Is it
That in my dreams
My thoughts
Can hold me back?

Why is it
That when
I blink
My dreams begin
To speak?

And why is it
That in my
The voices
Start to leak?

I swear,
I swear,
It isn’t true.
I haven’t
Lost my head.

I swear,
I swear,
I never knew,
I way,
I can’t be dead.

I swear,
I swear,
I’m in control.
I never
Let them even sigh.

I swear,
I sear,
Trust me, I know,
That why I
Almost never cry.
Try to send me to therapy all you want, Mother.
I shan't abandon my post until my final breath has been drawn.
Jeremy Betts May 2024
I couldn't tell you why
Sometimes I don't try
But I'll look you dead in the eye
And swear I can not tell a lie
Which of course, in itself, is always a lie

Jeremy Betts Mar 2024
I'll be better here sometime right before never,
I swear
Not trying to be clever
I'm being sincere
Just can't assign a specific timeline to recover
I've tried it,
Found it only helped set up the next failure
The one that's already lurking around each and every corner
I stand defiant, against my own self preservation order,
Almost daring it to leap from the darkness a couple corners sooner
I'm not trying to be negative either
Life is an iffy endeavor
But I don't not get it,
I can see it from the view of the average observer
It's gotta look like a recipe for disaster
But it's better than what I see in the mirror
Something I won't need a memory to remember
Branding me with this, scared flesh on each wrist,
A gut wrenching reminder
The kind that can only linger forever
Stalking me from the edge of what I'll be able to remember
But it'll get better...
...they swear

Zywa May 2023
Grandpa is so strict:

storms never thunder, because --

swearing isn't allowed.
Novel "sint sebastiaan" ("saint sebastian", 1939, Simon Vestdijk), III-1, page 148

Collection "Inmost"
Eve Jul 2022
I swear it, I'm not suicidal or anything,
But do you know how hard it is to breathe,
It's so hard that I just wished that I stopped.

Amanda Kay Burke Sep 2021
I knew it would not last forever
But the future was unseen
Watched it slip out of our grasp
Before we could intervene

Season after season is passing
Golden transforms to white
Misty mornings exchanged for snow
While I wait to feel alright

Rose up through the ashes
But my heart's still burned and charred
And fear has formed an armor around
Every place it has been scarred

I search for symbols on my body
Yearn for meaning to be revealed
To understand length of our relationship
Yet answers all remain concealed

Shoulder the weight of rejection
Through time though tough to carry
Heaviness a consistent warning
That of intimacy to be wary

Like a little alarm silently blaring
Begging me to stay alone
Prioritizing safety over company
Love is hell unlike anything I've ever known

Portal straight to madness
No one is exempt
So if you want your sanity intact
Don't bother making an attempt

Desire turns willpower to vapor
As you steadily lose control
Until you cannot function in their absence
Need their affection to even feel whole

But when the flashes of electricity
Vanish from your partner's skin
But for you are stronger than ever
That's when the real torture begins

Color disappears from sight
The whole planet fading to grey
Happiness drained from all you touch
As you desperately clutch onto yesterday

Now waking up is a daunting task
Try to avoid facing reality
Solitude stings like a salted wound
Haunted by what we will never be

Then I stumble across your photo
For a moment don't feel so sad
As nostalgia rushes over me
I escape briefly into the love we once had

I close my eyes and block out the hurt
Memory tasting bittersweet
And when I finally open them
Feels like I'm falling to my feet

Desolation has become my home
Misery my only friend
I've learned the hard way caring is pain
So I swear I'll never care again
I used to care too much, and it destroyed me. So now I don't care for much at all. I work in extremes like that..
I sent you a bouquet of words,
But you wanted flowers.

I promise they will outgrow any bud,
Into the tallest of towers.
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