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Ami Shae Jul 2015
finding solace
in reuniting
with my sis
is perhaps
one of the most
amazing gifts
I have ever given
to me.
I hope she and I
will forever
and always
(you know,
til the end of time)...
just BE.
I am so glad my sister and I have found our bond once again. She rocks more than I know how to say! :D
ji Jul 2015
I want to hold your hand and feel its creases, the same that wrap around your pen. I want the immensity of your palm mantled on mine, its warmth that bruises my knuckles. I want to feel your fingers, and kiss the cold away its tips.

And if in every entanglement my touch could whisper, it would reassure,* "I love you. I'll forever hold your hand. I'll forever adore the solace I find in the tightness of your grip. I love you - and I am not letting go. So please don't."
Ramir Jul 2015
You are the rain that washed away the pain.
The ray of hope that made me believe again
The glimmering star that shown me light
The blackest dark in the night that calmed me just right.
The lone flower in the vast green meadows
The pleasant tune in a song's mellow
The humbleness that set aside my ego
The dream I wanted to be with in my tomorrow

You are my strength when I am weak
The voice in the silence, with words I cant utter to speak.
You are my panda, you are my empress
I want to live my life with you to the fullest
I don't believe in difficulties over the rest
For the one above only put our capabilities to the test.

My dear there's more to you that meets the eye
I know you know it too.
I may falter at times, But I can never hurt you
For the love I shared is true.

If I were to live again
I'd strive out there to look for you
If I weren't able to seek you..
I'd pray to reach the highest heavens
Just to be with you.
I thank you for the love
Qweyku Jul 2015
My chest has been waiting,
Waiting awhile for your hands.
For I have cuddled you in the still,
Willing your arms to wake,
Embracing sentiments favour.

I have prayed your dreams
Would speak of this longing,
But ageless nocturnal gates
kept desire at bay,
All but until;
Epiphany's day.

Acutely aware & awake.
This promise I have forged:

Tonight my sweet,
Shall blissfully
find solace
in sleep.

                                              **© Qwey.ku
Michael Verdant Jun 2015
Drift now, to the safest place
Where you no longer bear the cold
Of the one you love not caring for you.

Where the burden of your failures
No longer holds you down
And is as far away as opening your eyes.

It's  where loneliness turns to warmth,
Hurt turns to solace,
And the agony of longing
Turns into a mending embrace.

The fare is free, the journey is short.
All you need to do, is close your eyes
And go to sleep.
Sourodeep Jun 2015
Sometimes what works is a chocolate bite
else, just sit down and write
Ramir Jun 2015
For I am yours
And you are mine.
How grateful I am our fates intertwined
You've fill in the void that made me broken.
With the uttermost love and sweetness you've given.
I thank thou for showing me that after all those troubles and depression
You took me in, you made me feel loved and made me love again.
But this time its different. It is above any euphoria I've been.
The only kind of love someone so unique like you
Once in a lifetime to be seen.
For you would always be dearest.
My sunshine in day.
My moon beam in the night.
My strength when Im weak.
My voice when i'm lost at speech.
I LOVE YOU for being true.
These words I shall keep forever..
For you.
your love is my passion. my dearest
Amitav Radiance Jun 2015
I took the forlorn path
And came in front of love’s door
So many imposing arches
Crowned the long corridor
My footsteps echoed throughout
I am the only visitor in many years
The evening light sneaked through
Creating a mesh of intricate patterns
Soon the arms of light will shorten
Leaving this place in darkness
It’s time to ignite the love’s flame
This seeker has come a long way
And the place becomes more familiar
As silence and darkness falls
Soon the candles will be lit
Imposing windows with
Colorful stained glasses will shine
Reflecting the few candle lights
This place will rejoice with reflected lights
Now that peace stays here
It’s a haven for a lover who seeks
Love shall be showered with eloquence
Here that the lover will find his love
World’s door may close behind me
But eternal love will be my abode forever
Ramir May 2015
I have always been afraid to love..
And used to think its not worth it...
Used to tell myself enough is enough..
That all those efforts won't  be working.

Then there was you..
All my fears, I began to fight.
With your presence I no longer want to hide..
Whenever loneliness haunts me at night.
A single thought of you makes it all subside..
You were my comfort in time of sadness
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