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vaishax May 2015
Illusions, surreal as they come;
Embraced a newfangled tangent;
When he strode in like a lightning,
And eluded like a star so distant.

The time with him around,
Have become fragments of me.
Manifesting into little chunks,
And etched in doting memory.

Prayers fail me even as I vainly try
To seize that moment of bliss
While I watch him in rapture
Let myself want to passionately kiss

I have a confession to make, I am
Guilty of an unblemished sensation!
Of adoration, desire and superlative love
A feeling so poignant I felt with none

I want to clinch it and make it my own
But I must be a fool to cage the breeze
So I will seek solace in my musing
By writing ballads like these!
Amitav Radiance Apr 2015
Seek solace in solitude
There’s a world of silence
Mirrors the inner beauty
A reflective mind ponders
Enwrapped in the echoes
The mantra of eternal truth
Soul elevated to a stage
Sweet harmony of realization
Hymns of pure ecstasy
Pours through the ears as honey
Sweetening the existence
Shimmering light is kindled
An unusual radiance enthralls
Meanings of life deciphered
Gifted with moments of bliss
Mike Essig Apr 2015
You are tired
and heartbroken.

Your words just now
can stay unspoken.

What you must say
can wait a day.


I will steal it,
take your pain
into my brain
where it can sit,
where it can stay
hidden away

within a rhyme.

Not to speak of
till a better time.
~ mce
Sometimes, it needs time, to get that pain out.
Unknown101 Apr 2015
there is a certain kind of loneliness at 3am--
a kind of sweet embitterment
fuelled by the mild discontentment
of moments passed.
n.b. pinned up on my wall for months
Coconut Skins Mar 2015
It's going to be ok.
That's what they say.

Listen to them.
They will help you comprehend.
I have always felt a
certain Finite weight in
my core.
As a heavy handed spiritual
divider, breeding distance between
myself and those I encounter.
I am made to feel
like an aftershock of
the light, I am a
product of a human
eclipse. Life passes through
me, and lives pass
through me and past
lives leave nothing but
faint, waning embers of
purpose. This existence of
mine echoes in reminiscence
of carrying out a death
sentence in a mobile
prison cell, atop a
castle of nerves and
awkward movements.
Towards others,
and away from others,
and other
actions to create
something worth noticing.

But like me, these marks of anticipation are whisked away as desert love-notes, lost in storms of sand and ignorance alike.

Yet, there is solace
to be found in the
notion that no man
nor mind can carve
futures in concrete and
brimstone. And I know
this to be true,

oh my god, I am trying my hardest to change.

Oh, I feel the shift of elements in my bloodstream.

Oh, I feel the shift of the gravity laced through the tides.

I sense the shift in control over my caster,
my sun,
my source of existence,
my darkness,
my solace.

Eternal imbalance, keep my days golden. But let the nights stay silver, so I may sleep.
Drifton A Way Mar 2015
Dear Poetry,

My deepest and sincerest apologies that I've been away for so very long
I know you're not pleased with me, and I wish I could say you are wrong
But please accept my appeasing words, and place them in a pipe or ****
Smoke session for the absentees, as we turn this poem into a fateful song

So now that we are friends again and I've spoke and made peace
Desist from how things have been, and promise me to also cease
Resist the inclination to use common words such as Seize the Day
Thought incubation can create replacements for the typical cliche

In conclusion,
Poetry, I just want to thank you for always being there for me
In Seclusion,
the great wide open, anywhere in the future I may choose be
An Exclusion,
Is impossible with you and I in collusion for eternity's timely
Perfect Illusion,
Which can only be truly stamped once these words are set free
Feels good to be back, you ease my hypothetical soul
Train without a track, I need you in life to fill this hole
Zainab Attari Mar 2015
A little aloof I shall stay
Before another tempest hits the bay
Anchoring me down again
Into surplus societal pain

Sharing the ocean can get rough
Absconding high tides is tough
I need to gather myself in vain
Before I crash once again

So I shall breathe, smile and have a good time
And hold on to things that are mine
Whilst I cover up the timeworn stain
And soak my wrath in the rain!

-Zainab Attari
tee2emm Mar 2015
I'm trading sticks of cigarette for a poem
Bottles of beer for a few more
Whiskeys make me forlorn
Why not a few more poems
So I scribble and scribble some more

I'm trading my loneliness for lines
Rhymed or rhymeless, why should I mind
When the please the eyes and tickles the mind
I sure will memorize and mimic them like a mime
So I'm still scribbling on this torn paper of mine

I'm trading my hearts pain
Trading it for a paper and a pen
Like a painter ready to paint
I deep my petite paint brush in a bowl of paint
Dap dap, little dots, strokes and dashes as I dare to paint
Little by little the whole picture is becoming plain

I'm trading all love's tears
Tears shade in secrecy for a poem shared publicly
Though seemingly absurd but poems brings this inconceivable peace.
So I'm scribbling and scribbling my way to serenity.

I trade it all for a piece of poem
I may not have made the point
But I've washed clean my plough
And starring at this beautiful not-so-beautiful poem
I have read and reread it that it is starting to sound like a song.
Reading one last time, "my best trade ever".
Lisa Neu Feb 2015
   has the power
to stop my racing thoughts.
   To capture me in
To hold me patiently
   so I can BE
   in the shifting chaos
   around me.
   my solace,
   my peace.
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