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Poetic T Mar 2015
The weak will
Over run those
Who think they
Are strong
With false power.
Those who are strong,
Will lose to those
Who have strength
But not the
Intelligence to use it.

Those with intelligence
Will not be smart if
They abuse the gift
Given and find it
Taken away.
Never think we are better than any other
Noah Stowe Mar 2015
i am a very talented typing cat
all though i know how to use capital letters and punctuation marks
i cant stand them i have decided to take over the world through lack of both
if you cant use comas then lets eat grandma will **** everybody
leaving me the only one left
but what happens when somebody says something that kills the cats
i am beginning to see why we use grammar
yet i still refuse
i wish i could explain to you why my predicament is so brain racking
but what if i did take over the world with lack of grammar
but then again what if i took over the world through extensive use of grammar
causing everybodys brain to take over their body
wait arent brains already in control
so what if the lack of grammar caused the brain to only focus on my lack of proper english
and now you see why english teachers say they arent payed enough
so maybe if i used an extensive amount of grammar then people would be required to go back to school
just because a cat is smarter than they
and then the outcome would be a financial crisis causing more people to be poor
and goods to become more expensive
maybe i can take over the world with extensive grammar usage

now i just need to figure out how to get people to read my work

please excuse my spelling and grammar i may be a very intelligent cat
but i too am lazy
This is a poem to show people that they shouldn't be overly worried about grammar.
Love Mar 2015
I'm the *****,
the quiet girl in the front of the class,
according to the handicap stall in the upstairs boys bathroom, a ****.
I love, and when I do I love to no ends.
But you'd never know how much this ***** loves, because there is no love shown.
M M M Feb 2015
Unannounced love seems to be the best
The gold of your earrings, the puff of your vest
Little things remind me of why you’re so special
Let me count the reasons, I know there’s several
Smart, kind, intellectual too
This sets you apart from the others I knew
When I say SMART-- I mean more than just books
Your knowledge is vast, you can even read looks,
Your KIND-- without needing acknowledgement
It’s just in your nature, passing no judgement
And don’t get me started on our INTELLECTUAL talks;
Your words touch my soul, they penetrate me
Parts of myself I never truly thought I’d see
You have an abundance of qualities I’ve come to admire
But how could I confess--  love has made me a liar
BUT-- we don’t speak of the past, we’ve moved on from it’s hold
Breaking our chains, for new lives we are told
Will make the best of you and me
I’ll never put you in a cage love
You’re perfectly free
just because...
I am a generous girl

Boys ask me for a piece of paper

Boys ask me for a pencil or pen

Boys text me to find out what the homework was

Boys text me to find out what my friends number is

Boys partner up with me to get an A on the assignment

Boys partner up with me so they don't have to do any work

Boys don't look twice at me

Boys don't think about me

Boys like giggly girls

Boys like dumber girls

But that's okay because I'm a generous girl and I will go far
This poem is about how boys see me in my school
Emma Holt Jan 2015
To which is so intricate
How can one comply
Tis as if our knowledge
Could purely scrape the sky

With wonders to challenge
And ideas to chase
A marvelous system
Hides behind one's face

What structure so pristine
What components so small
It would take eternities
To simply name them all

And the outcome of this
The results of our doing
A full on takeover
Will surely be brewing
Meg Howell Jan 2015
A brain is a marvelous thing
Thoughts and communication
Stuck in little files
Waiting to be opened and remembered
Joseph Schneider Oct 2014
Intelligence isn't based through an IQ score, nor through ones ability to count to ten.

Intelligence is based on an individual's ability to grasp a concept in an exceptional fashion.

Rather it be math, social skills or even ones ability to make others laugh. These all show an intellectual and subjective level of intelligence.

Although regularities may vary, the general outcome of one's ability to stabilize information is no different then those of a "higher" place.

"Everybody is a Genius, but if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid."

-Joseph B Schneider
© Joseph B Schneider. All rights reserved
Luvanna Jan 2015
for my words have no sense when I begin to transfer it
from my quivering lips
I think it would be the best if I just write
in a paper where all the senses have put aside
where all I am trying to say is
for you to comprehend
to break the puzzles
Nicole Bataclan Jan 2015
Was that offensive to you?
I was just pointing out
Something obvious.

Oh dear,
If it were clear
I am sorry to disappoint
It was so smart I missed your point.
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