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MisfitOfSociety May 2019
You buried it with your skeletons. Refused to show it. Why’d you hide it?
Bury it deeper, so I keep digging for it. Where’d you hide it?
Why you playing this game with me? Burying me with your skeletons. Cradling me in the grave you made.
Ten feet under. It is hard to move. Air is running low. No where to go.
MisfitOfSociety Apr 2019
You said you would take me higher,
To a place where I don’t feel so low.
You promised me you would deliever
But you only take me lower.

You were my angel.
You bought me up to heaven,
Holding me by the hand.
Then you dropped me back down.
Sending me plummenting into the ground.
I fell into a new low,
From the highest place one could go.

I am digging below rock bottom,
Reaching a new low that I didn’t know I could go.
Lower than low.

This is my new low.
The grave I dug for myself to lie in.
I look more dead than these skeletons
It is too deep for light to enter,
There is no love down here,
Only hate.
Luna Wrenn Mar 2019
i was the flesh you needed
to cover your aching bones
but then your skeleton
decided he didn't need a home
Delaney Feb 2019
here stands a skeleton
of a girl who’s heart is all she
has left and in her aching,
that heart’s last beat will
be for a love only found
up above.

-turns out only one person can save me
A Simillacrum Jan 2019
Spider on the wall in a shower stall

Skeleton to the end, a somber mule
Beast of burden

Each successive time I claim
I'm in a balanced state

Sean Achilleos Jan 2019
Every judgemental word of stone that you cast
Shall ricochet and slap you in the face
When you gossip
Be careful
For a bird might hear you
And tell others what you had said
Don't fire arrows of jealousy
For you shall be put to shame
Don't try to mould someone into what you'd like them to be
Unless you're willing to do something against your own will
Don't accuse others of wrong action
If you are guilty of more
For your skeleton in hiding
Will almost always fall out of the cupboard at the most inopportune time
Be who you are
And people shall respect you more
It's better to deal with a criminal
Than to speak to one who wears a mask
Written by Sean Achilleos 19 January 2019©
Sean Achilleos' Music is available on the following platforms:
Amazon, Apple Music, iTunes, Deezer, Google Play, Pandora, Saavn, SoundCloud, Spotify, Tidal, YouTube, Jango Radio, Nicovideo (Japan), IQIYI (China) and YOUKU (China)

Sean Achilleos' Book 'An Affair with Life' is obtainable from the following platforms:
Smashwords, Amazon, Wordery, Kobo, Exclusive Books, Takealot, HelloPoetry, Loot, Overdrive, Bokus, Barnes and Noble
When pretending is what you do to seem alive,
but your actually rotting corpse.
Wearing down to the bone.
My bones don't rest comfortably together.
They cause friction and your the only thing
keeping me from wearing away.
There are no
More parts of me
To give.

You have taken
And locked it
Away where I can’t find it.

I have searched
For myself for
So long
I don’t remember who I used to be.

But that person was
Much more whole than
You’ve left me.
I am a skeleton of who I once was.

So cold and lonely.
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