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witchy woman Jan 2018
apart from me
a part of me
you lay-
somewhere in between.
floating oh so
carefully, in
a neutral, languid

as you speak, your
words float past,
here today
and gone so fast.
tell me, dear
which conversation
will be our last?

not that I care,
I simply don't
have the energy to.
it doesn't mean
that much to me
to mean that
much to you.

though down
the rabbit hole
I go
and the other side
breaking through.
for Alice doesn't
concern herself
over the
attention she
garners from
a mere shrew.
here there and everywhere, nobody in particular and everyone at the same time
Akash mazumdar Nov 2017
Do you know how beautifully you get all of me?
Every feeling and the pain you get them too obviously,
As much obvious like the universal truth of sun rises from the East,
Many times it gets harder to know how I feel,
But you already know what is going on in this deep sea,
Deep sea made of billions of thoughts in it,
I know your situations your endless beautiful deeds of too,
I know am a fool everyday either directly or indirectly I've hurted you,
If you hurted me ever I don't think so you did,
Then it couldn't be you it could have be me,
I can't even say sorry for most of them you know ?
Because you just forgivie me before releasing what I did though,
I know I should have known of  my limits and revised them ,
But it gets harder to do it when I see your deep dark pupils; Every strength for denial that I feel something I lost strength,
And I know you care for me so much and adore too,
You do many things I am not able to thank you,
I used to say it's just time am trying to be humble ,
But you do all of kindness without even thinking how bad or good it can end or situations can stumble,
It shows the purity of heart ,
This is the one of the most aprreicable thing I noticed from start,
Words won't end that easily so I have to made them,
Don't worry I won't waste them,
Stacking up all your expectations,
Just relax am alright I'll deal with this hurricane with  all possible cautions.
Arcassin B Sep 2017
By Arcassin Burnham

Want to live a life,
Make a sacrifice,
Don't be a Gemini,
I hope that you decide,
Don't be young and die,
People are too nice,
man i wonder why?
I'll always be on your side.

Tired of being stepped on in every place i am,
like peanut butter covered ******* without the jam,
Tired of being broke and having nothing on my own,
I swear on my own grave that i will at least atone,
gonna miss me when I'm gone,
memories just leaves me stunned,
waking up late every morning just to see the noon sun,
but it rains.
but it will ease some of the pain.

I know all the memories,
nowadays don't occur to me,
theres some hope out in the sea, feel the breeze,
i ain't ever going home. I like being on my own,

Want to live a life,
Make a sacrifice,
Don't be a Gemini,
I hope that you decide,
Don't be young and die,
People are too nice,
man i wonder why?
I'll always be on your side.

Tired of being stepped on in every place i am,
like peanut butter covered ******* without the jam,
Tired of being broke and having nothing on my own,
I swear on my own grave that i will at least atone.
Remmy Aug 2017
maybe i need to accept my flaws
what flaws?
no darling no more denial
you jump without leaping
leap without jumping
you dont think about the situation in its entirety
you didnt think about the situation surrounding her
you just saw her and your feelings for her
you didnt think you just leaped
youu leaped without jumping
and jumped without leaping
you need to do both
you need to jump and leap
you need to remember that situations come in wholes
not halves or quarters or eighths
they come in wholes
jump and leap my darling
jump and leap
Kewayne Wadley Aug 2017
I couldn't keep enough love to save my life.
With all the thoughts that surround one person.
Every time I saw her I had this sensation to give as much as I could.
And when I felt this urge I'd give a piece of my heart.
And put it in a  place that I knew in my heart would be protected and reinvested each time I thought 
of her.
She didn't seem to mind the lint, checking my pockets at all costs.
Sealing my heart in an large envelope in deposit.
I gave, Until one day I was mugged.
I was taken for everything including my heart.
With just one piece, I exclaimed that you could have everything else.
Just not this, it's already promised.
It's the only thing of value.
I was robbed of everything.
When I made it to her house I told her everything that happened.
And with a look of concern she asked about the last piece of my heart.
I exclaimed yes sadly that too.
She just looked and held me close.
Giving me her heart
Arcassin B Jul 2017
by Arcassin Burnham

And you say you have your life together , But you were poor.
Whatever it is you've been through , I have been through it before.

The dream doesn't make the person , the person makes the dream,
Whatever it is you've been through , I've already seen.

I've crashed through so many doors,
Shame was coming from my poors,
Doing all these Payless chores,
I've been through it before,

I've been through it before,
I've been through it before,
I've been through it before,
But it's whatever.


Flowing through another human being's emotions like essential oils,
You could  possibly choose the fate that they set, or
Live like society's pet,
Or you could become the vet,
Or you could run up a check,
Getting the hell out of Dodge,
Facing problems always to an extent to be labeled​ savage in a world
Don't Even give you the care you asked for, but,
What dose it take to get respect?
See all we do is recollect,
Most of us are too blind to see in this dark country where the enemy
Is camouflaged.
Benji James Jun 2017
One day you'll realise
All these lyrics were about you
In fact, I think you're smart enough
To figure out
What they've been all about
Doesn't take a genius to figure it out
You left me in a pool of doubt
Questioning myself why and how
Could I ever let it come to that
Letting you go was the biggest mistake
That I've ever made
And I didn't do it just once but twice
Why did we have to suffer the price
In my head none of this **** makes sense
In time you'll come to see
I was only telling you the truth
It was always gonna be me for you.
And the love that I had for you was real
Whether you choose to believe it or not
That choice is yours, in the end
But for me, none of this went according to plan
And I spent the time
To try and deal with all the pain
That's messed with my brain
And now I'm just trying
To make this right
Can't you understand it
From my side
I wanted you to be
The other part of my life
But it was him who won you, not me
And look what happened in the end
I told you he would **** with you again
I told you to trust me
I tried to be there
I tried to defend your heart
honestly, you didn't really care
Or believe in anything I said
And now I'll leave the rest in your hands
To choose what we should be
I wanted you to know
What is on my mind
And this is the way I can do it right
I want us to still be friends
Maybe more
That choice is yours
Because I'm not sure
what you think anymore
You haven't been making this easy lately
But I can't blame you
I think I've hurt you real bad
But you hurt me to
I just hope you understand
I'll always be there to stand by you
No matter what happens
I love you till death do us part
Girl you've always got a place in my heart

©2017 Written By Benji James
Arcassin B Jan 2017
By Arcassin Burnham

Screaming from the shadows hoping somebody hears ya,
Even though nobody cares to notice ya,
Mindful eyes get left dry but they fall down on ya,
There's no secret to your flaws cause they're exposing ya,
I see the fire in your eyes , you're a tough one,
The cookies don't crumble here but others try to persuade the weak,
Reavaluating life choices and separating the good friends from
The bad friends knowing they all despise ya,
Here! You help me with this one thing and I'll promise you won't
Ever have to see me again , talking with everybody,
So you don't have to live with so much selfhate and doubt in ya,
You're strong,
I'm proud of ya,
You usually don't talk too much,
But out of these wannabes, you're a different breed,
With situations in life that'll make you hang yourself then kick over
The chair if you need,
But don't do that please.
Arcassin B Jan 2017
By Arcassin Burnham

...So They Both Walk in class, sits down and the teacher
Tells them to take out the quiz of math, the class sighs in frustration,
He stares at her from across the room hoping to have some continuation,
Maybe of the little encounter they had in the hall , or the eye contact that
Overwhelmed him for 20 minutes,
Class ends and then they all leave and head out the door, he almost
Tripped , face almost hitting the floor, As kids laugh,
There she goes standing over him again, Rosey red cheeks , so nervous
That she can barely stand,
She says, "Hey think you might need a tutor for the weekend" he replies "um
Mmmmmmmmmmm" Nervously , she laughs and gives him a piece of
Paper "Here's my number , just text me the address and I'll be there in a hurry...
By the way the names Felicia" And she walks off with a smile,
Hasn't had a girl give him her number in awhile,
Except this cute teenage beastie back in seventh grade knowing that cute teenage beastie with no name since kindergarten,
Reminiscent toward the days when they would ride they're bikes to school in a trance listening to mp3's of techno music they couldn't buy , back when he
Lived in Colorado,
He always knew her but she never would reveal her name, he knew that when
He moved that he would see her someday, she use to where a hoodie and a pink
Shoe string around the wrist to hide the cuts, kids bullying her in school and every time she walked home they called her nuts,
Because he was there to witness it all and stopped those kids,
But why they picked on her? Is because of what her mother did,
Her mother is bipolar and has been on drugs forever,
Carrying the burden, he would never ever leave her, but he did,
Thinking back when he would spend nights cuddling her to sleep,
A lot memories don't stay in peoples minds , it just repeats,
So he gets up , walks into the hall and heads to lunch,
There was a person with a hoodie watching him walk and such...
Arcassin B Dec 2016
By Arcassin Burnham

I've watched you your whole life,
I want you to do right , that's what God would say..
I've watched you your whole life,
I want you to **** up, that's what the devil would say..
Depression that eats you up , anxiety humiliates,
But in any case,
Some dark parts of my soul need to be cleaned out and
I'm willing to wait,

In this darkness , in this darkness,
Wondering where has my mind gone..
In this darkness , in this darkness,
I just wanna be all alone...
In this darkness , in this darkness,
Unusual to be home grown,
In this darkness , in this darkness,
Lord please just take me home...

You don't know where you're going,
but you don't know where you've been,
trying not to remember...
You don't know where you're going,
in these dark days ahead,
you better find yourself a new...
In this darkness , in this darkness,
I better have a light shine down,
I've watched my whole reputation crumble to little pieces under
My feet , it always got me down,
In this darkness  , in this darkness,
You don't know where you're going,
There's nobody else around,

In this darkness , in this darkness,
Wondering where has my mind gone..
In this darkness , in this darkness,
I just wanna be all alone...
In this darkness , in this darkness,
Unusual to be home grown,
In this darkness , in this darkness,
Lord please just take me home...
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