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xavier thomas Oct 2020
My favorite,

It’s too late, your gone...
You been heavy on my mind
for quite some time.

Yet it’s to late, you’re gone...
I was hoping to be your man
But I guess it wasn't in Gods' plan

So it’s to late, you’re gone...
Feelings were left
From the last text message we sent

But it’s too late, you’re gone...
I’ll love you from a distance,
So our friendship continues to co-exist
You were worth it-No regrets
xavier thomas Oct 2020
Hey big head, how you been?

I know I know, it’s been a year since.... well yeah, lol.
I been watching you on social media,
working daily while being home alone.
Sitting in the void, during quarantine, with nothing else to do.
Besides play with your pets to keep yourself occupied.
But I have one favor to ask.
Because this has been heavy on my soul & my mind. However, I’m going to be blunt.
I want to swing by your place, so we can reunite like old times.
Take it nice & slow, steady, and patiently.
Escape these dark days
& wake up early morning as we watch the sunrise.
I want to see you.

May I have this final request?
-The Last Dance-
(You gone be my blessings tonight)

What’s your secret Ms. Thang? 👀
Amanda Hawk Aug 2020
Tears are a signature
Our mouths
Can’t quite sign
For goodbye lingers
In the corner of our eyes
Stumbling down our cheeks
Hands shake for words
To create in an embrace
That will swallow us whole
And for a moment
Feel full, overflowing
For seconds are fleeting
When goodbye has a home
Upon your tongue
eleanora santino Aug 2020
to be connected to all that is truly beautiful
is a gift that makes your life blessed and bountiful
to create love out of the darkness of space
is the power of light and its grace
we need not fear in times of peril
disaster strikes hard, but is of no merit
for you are made of Light
and you see that even in pain and death,
there is a continuous life.
i choose life, before anything.
Alicia Moore Aug 2020
this is the sign you have been hoping for;


don’t hold back.
Carpe Diem!
xavier thomas Aug 2020
Used to meet by the food court after class off campus,
Then we head back to your house.
You supported my life unconditionally being involved,
That was how you express your love after all.
The bond we still have was no puppy love
It’s dynamic, I know.

You tell your parents you’re with the girls tonight
So you could stay with me
all night long.

You know you play too much
Say anything to me in order to stay.
You know you play too much
I swear you're so clingy in every way.
What is your secret Ms. Thang?👀
xavier thomas Aug 2020
One minute I’m receiving passionate love.
Next minute I’m trying to avoid your stubborn pride.
Loyalty is a turns on
True friend in the long-run.
Gaining your trust when I show you honesty.
You teach me your love language comfortably in between these sheets.
Low-key sweet but like to be naughty
Hot temper
Mouth cold as ice
Fierce & feistiest woman alive.

I swear you’re so complex, yet your appeal is cute.
What is your secret Ms. Thang? 👀
Maria Mitea Aug 2020
O,mega love on the spot,
I loved it in school,
and I loved it later        
down on the scholastic path.

When everyone in the class adored alpha
I devoted my time to the latest, called by some the ultimate limit and by others
the resistance sign.

The first on the moon
Watch - ing NASA
And keeping the time of
Royal Forces Flying,
When worn by code
007 in “no time to die”

O, mega
Resistance sign,
Was that a mistake
In the Greek alphabet,

Are you always talking to me in your own language,
the universe always whirred back to me using you?
Claudius Aug 2020
They should really put a warning before spending a year of your time with someone that will never make you theirs.
A warning that ending it will be easy, but staying gone will be hard.
That your nights will feel different when you aren't wrapped in their sheets.
A warning that you'll still miss them even though they were never yours to begin with.
My friend said I should write a poem for the FWB I was with for a year because I just recently ended it.
Simon Jul 2020
MajorityOne like many other instances of power known solely from other literary passages as both the Oblivious King and the High of Confusion (and a little about the seminar of truth here and there) … …However what makes this particular instance of power very intriguing is that it means a solitary sign of “respect”. Meaning it’s a one of a kind. And even better whilst being on a universal platform…so to speak! First and foremost, like all the other “instances of power” of its kind. Just as the Oblivious King means your already a bonafide king, but is completely oblivious to its whereabouts upon it’s secrets. (And the identity of that very secret in repeated questioning.) Or the High of Confusion which surrounds you both inside and outside yourself entirely with a confusion that goes beyond normal realized confusion altogether. (However, the seminar of truth is something to do with your very inputs that have a very serious seminar about discussions, and what to do about the “truth” in all it’s very facts. A VAST parliament of inputs exchanging many facts of truth whilst the seminar heavily ways over their very discussion!) The name for a sign of respect revolves HEAVILY around how of the entire majority, there’s ONLY ONE among who has dominion over ALL respect amongst its common majority. A specialty like the High of Confusion being not the normal realized confusion when going past someone’s first initial realized impression of it. A respect that goes beyond what the entire majority can EVER handle. That’s why it’s called the MajorityOne. Showing that there’s only ONE who could be of the total respect amongst the entire majority. But who could take up this very title, I increasingly wonder…? Well since it’s an instance of power… It’s also an impressionable mini avatar for the universes both properties and meanings. Showing time and time again that it’s different in its own way. Vastly hinting at it having its very own sentience of sorts. A sentience motioning a by-play in its own regards for bypassing the entire majority that has respect over itself entirely. Surpassing the entire common majority with it’s very own! A respect that’s now (forevermore) part of the universal spectrum platform!
MajorityOne being the simple, but very complex sign of respect isn’t something to take on their very own mantle EXTREMELY lightly… It’s very important for you to either handle or revoke its very claim altogether. Because if you have respect for yourself or for another besides yourself entirely, then you have yet to know of the respect that comes from the one who has respect over an entire common majority…!
PS… Universally speaking!
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