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Carlo C Gomez Mar 15
I'm an exit wound
I'm a numinous obstacle
I'm about to make landfall
I'm about to break free

I'm a nerve ender
A fascinator
A purifier
A world populator
And I'm about to break through

I'm the push and pull
I'm a counter argument
I'm dissonance resistance
I'm viral replication
I'm about to break out

I'm a singularity
I'm a spark
I'm the perfect detonator
To mind and heart
And I'm about to break up

I'm a simulacra
I'm an oscillation
Made of breath only
I'm a living, moving imprint
Of what no longer is
Yet somehow seems to be

Skye Mar 3
Head full, racing thoughts, faster than light.
Too loud, too full, too much.
Then drifting away—far gone. No thoughts, just silence.

Snap back. Waves crash on—everything at once.
The cycle continues, again and again and again...
Over and over and over...
No end in sight.
Bhavani Sep 2024
My swollen left cheek
a round bed of marshmallows
pat pat, pat pat, boing!

swallows saliva
drinks a cup of iced milo
an oasis forms

all that ice a shock
to my newly-formed blood clot;
what is this soreness
Raven Feels Jun 2021
DEAR PENPAL PEOPLE, an old draft from last week:>

is there really a future for this misery
a new page that heroes the plot as a decent start over apology

craves distance and knows that would be known
angel like plastic sensations to the dawn

kept on stove to be loathed into a tomorrow
for the heart to yearn for the mind to dwell for the feels to borrow

midnight skies not even there not been predicted
lulled on the moons they say so I stay anonymously protected

Raven Feels Apr 2021
DEAR PENPAL PEOPLE, some dreams can keep you thinking for a billion years:--)

the pure turquoise shivers diamonds down my spine

torture to the power I stand naked in line

endgame towards that brown

cluster mind surrounds that shrieking sound

to her to him undeniably I **** that escape for no more

a huge leftover on my soured piano box in a vein core

a question I ponder concerning my slate

am I even ready to lead the way of knows on this plate???

or even a remember of that cursed undestined for them for us to be

a far away excluded fate

Raven Feels Apr 2021
DEAR PENPAL PEOPLE, follow your dreams or they will<3

fed up on the revolt of the real

locked myself behind the dreamy doors to an an evermore of a seal

I seek you on the delves of the stormy spaces

it's like a universe I called came back with answers to shock faces

your name I heart you speak and led lights illuminate it

sparked on my heart when duty calls I fade in

Raven Feels Apr 2021
DEAR PENPAL PEOPLE, you can bleed without a shed of a drop of blood:}

in surrender to the real

a shirt is torn a cut was named a deal

for the release to greed then the skins to bleed

I draw you margins a put test to bend to kneel

to the torment in the heat you shoot to feel

in there where I see

no one has a view but me

your veins of pure temper dripping in jealousy

raise in no empathy

                                                       ­                ------ravenfeels
Gabrielle Dec 2020
Rain befalls the afternoon like a heavy blanket
A blanket under which I rest
Legs crossed and crossed and crossed
Neck curved as a comma,
The smallest body you have seen

Nothing is mine
My arms, my hands, my head
The water that falls
Lands on nothing that belongs

Nothing is ours
The sky, the ground, the air
Skin becomes wet
Skin and water with no owner
This poem is about feelings of depersonalisation and derealisation, as well as discomfort in one's own body.
Marisela Veludo Sep 2020
As time goes by
These feelings get stronger
Painful sensations
Dont want to feel it no longer

I can't breath
I am suffocating
My head is exploding
All this, we're aggravating

A slap through my face
A knive through my heart
Excruciating pain
I can't take it.....its alot

Addiction to the pain
Is making us insane
Magnetic forces
Distorted in all sources.
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