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Ava Courtney Apr 2020
I miss it, I miss being unable to breathe while you devour me with your lips.
I miss the way you used to look at me; with a sense of wanting; lust.
I desperately miss the feeling you gave my body when you ever so gently caressed me with your hands.
I keep trying to erase the memories, the feeling, the sensations, for what we had was an illusion.
It was made to make us feel good, but it wasn’t real. Our feelings were hidden within the foolish lies that lied between our lips.
You left me addicted, begging for another taste.
I lust for you, unsure of my love for you.
I can’t look at you without feeling resentment. You walk past me and my heart skips a beat when you look at me. It sends shivers down my spine and the butterflies in my stomach escape from their cage.
It reminds me of the feeling I got when your lips were pressed against my neck and your hands firmly around my waist.
A moment of sheer ecstasy, a memory on replay in my mind, a moment that was over too soon.
What we did was wrong, but everything about it felt right, it made me feel invincible like the weight of the world suddenly vanish from my shoulders.
When we were together, lips pressed against each other, chest to chest. Our hearts beat as one.
All the anger, fear, regrets disappeared for a moment for three minutes, everything felt okay. From the very first time to the last.
For I cannot forget the first time, a moment I've been imagining for a while, no longer a fantasy.
I had tasted many lips before you, but it was only ones that tasted ever so sweet, only yours that turned my butterflies into fireworks, yours’ were the only ones that satisfied my craving.
You satisfied my craving once again, a moment I thought would never happen again. This time, brief, aggressive. You grabbed me by my waste and our lips touched once again, leaving me hungrier than the last.

Weeks passed as those two memories looped in my mind, leaving me wondering what we were becoming and if there ever was an end.
For it happened again, this one more special than the other, maybe it was the way you bit my lip, or maybe it was the way your hands were placed on my body. But it felt different, new, it felt like raging fire within my bones.
Once again weeks passed by and the fire slowly extinguished, leaving me wondering if I’ll ever feel that way again.
One. Last, Time. We shared that moment one last time. I didn’t know it then but that was the last time our lips would ever touch. This is the one that's causing the most pain, that's leaving the most wounds on my rugged heart.

I remember you walked towards me, our eyes locked on each other, saying things that we couldn’t express through words, feelings too strong to verbalize. My heart kept missing a beat, like it was the first time. You were standing in front of me and your eyes fell to the floor, you started talking nervously as you sweetly caressed the necklace hanging from my neck, you looked up and stared into my eyes with hunger.
you put your hand on my waist and pulled me closer, and my mind went blank, my mouth watered and left me with a craving for your lips. You pressed your lips against my glossy lips and the room fell away, everything disappeared except for you and me, I had never gotten so lost in a kiss, You kept pulling me in closer, Like I wasn’t close enough, It felt like an eternity, like there was no end. But then you stopped to whisper in my ear, you tell me that you had to go. I deny it and swiftly turn around.

You grabbed me by my belt loop and pulled me back. Your stomach against my back, you gently pulled my hair to the side and whispered serenity in my ear, I felt you breathing against my neck, kissing it ever so gently.
Our breaths became heavy while sinful thoughts ran through my innocent mind. You gave me a newfound feeling, a sensation that I never wanted to end. But I could taste the end on your lips, leaving my body aching.
It ended just as quickly as it started and you've left me with this pain and emptiness and I'm hungry for you. When you left for the last time, you took a piece of me with you. It was our last goodbye without a word being said, no explanation or reason.
You walked away.
Love is not blind
Love has eyes
a face, heart and ability
to feel and touch
your deepest inner….

Accessible, not for everyone
like you, there is only one
i came, i saw nothing but i conquered
my fear phobia
mental inability
ego my person everything i do is ever
i look in the mirror i am not there
can you tell me where i am
that i don't even know myself anymore?

My girl the name is Love
your sweetest place on earth
you know that like no other
it's worth the most to you
you travel in many countries
you have roamed everywhere on this globe
you will always find the same Country, i hope

My girl really doesn't know where that is?
take a look in the mirror
do you see that Country?
that Land is called Love
Love is not blind, has
a face, heart and ability
to know and know it
look longer in this mirror
you will see that Land rise
that Country where you stay in more often
than you ever expected
your deepest inner…..

©Sylvia Frances Chan
The Land called Love, our true conscience
Jenny Ochoa Aug 2019
those butterflies you get in your tummy, when you look up and they are already staring at you, with a smile so lovely...
that tingle you feel in your soul, when they pull you in for a kiss while they caress your face, desire is their goal...
the sensations you provoke to my body, one look one hug one smile and my emotions sky rocket out of my body...
Frankie Gestone Jul 2019
When the dust clears and you are near
The air brushes a wind straight through your hair
Sensations I cannot explain, sunshine or rain,
I see you see me call your name
In silence, the desperate call, I wait each night
If the stars align, and Jupiter meets Saturn, then it is the time
The gate will open and you will meet the lover’s nest
The owl awaits and watches the hawk below Venus once the sun sets
sushii Jun 2019
I know I have let you all down.
My heart stings at the sound of my voice.
I’ll give the people what they want.
My heart aches at the feeling of my warmth.

I can feel your words cut through my back.
Silently whispered between the walls.
I can feel your lips brush against my neck.
Sensations felt long ago.

I sense your eyes boring into me
It was there for a long time.
What do you say when I’m not there?
It was said for a long time.

I’ve been sad for a long time.
I’ve felt bad for a long time.
I’ve thought about this for a long time.

I mean it this time.
**this isn’t an actual suicide note. If you are feeling suicidal, the hotline is 1-800-273-8255. You are not alone.
Nolan Willett Apr 2019
A resurgent nihilistic philosophy
A second lost generation
Disillusioned with the being of nations
Lost in their own antipathy
Confused by new sensations

A political theorist I am not
I like to wander in hills and clouds
And pick out kindred spirits in crowds
A thousand wasted battles fought
A thousand raggedy burial shrouds

The bohemians revel in their nonsense
Shall I my conceits and imaginations forsake?
Maybe a decent Lawyer I would make?
What is real and what is performance?
Which side of me shall I deem fake?

To which should I my attentions give
My unceasing love for liberty,
or a discontented bourgeoisie?
Material things I need to live
Yet still I am most lifted by poetry
Gabriel burnS Nov 2018
I have two hearts now
one for each of your eyes;
one inside my body,
one in yours

twice the joy
twice the pain

I haven’t seen all that much during my years,
let alone done…
but I’ve felt for lifetimes ahead
and you are… truly…
the best of it
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