Through the journey of life,
I followed where my nose has led.
A majority of my story,
on pages now turned and read.
There is a change in me,
a need to seek some other guide.
For my nose at times has led,
to so many places where I cried.
So short the time remaining in my book,
I want to follow my own heart.
To smile and laugh again,
and let love and passion play its part.
Somewhere out there,
there must be a lover that feels the same.
Yet I don't know where you are,
and I don't even know your name.
I hold a passion and a love for you,
so vast it would cover all the sea.
My heart cries out for some reply,
who and wherever you may be.
I am both a repository of unused love,
and so very much all alone
So whomever you may be,
find me soon, life is pointless on my own.
So many lonely people? How can it be that so many are searching for love but they just cant seem to see and find one another?