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Lilith Aug 2020
There is freedom in the clearing of the forest,
where the sun dares to peek through the trees and your heartbeat keeps time with the pulse of the earth.
Close your eyes and let your back kiss the moss,
feel the way it grows to engulf your skin,
pulling to you down into its veins.

There is no need to be afraid anymore,
where the forest stands witness
to the rebirth of your skin.
Press your palms to the earth
and lean into the melancholy
of the dirt under your fingernails,
feel it rise and fall under your lifelines
and know that the heartbeat will play on.

Have you ever listened to the song that surrounds you now?
It has called for you,
pulled you in,
begged for you to gaze upon its melody and understand
that it has always been meant for you.
Let your heartbeat keep time with the pulse of the earth
its rhythm steady as you descend
under its skin.

When you open your eyes once more,
you will be anew,
eyes gazing over this world, fresh and naive,
but it will still be there,
its steady rhythm linking with the sound of your pulse.
It is everywhere
and yet, you know,
it is only meant for you.
Only for you.
Daisy Hemlock Aug 2020
i just ate dinner
now i'm a new person
can we start over?
nice to meet you.
Hennessy 5260 Jul 2020
Light me up with new memories
Make me forget the old and gone
Burn into me
Passion and love

Treat me like glass
Make me forget I was broken before
Hold me tight in your embrace
And let me feel safe in your arms

Let's rewrite history
Like it was never before
And paint the grey sky.
In brilliant colours.
Merlie T Jul 2020
We have cried rivers
We have cried seas
We have carved cliffs
Mountain ranges
And the shore
When our tears were dried up
We exhaled the deserts
Made beads of sand
All the grains
Of the universe
We have consumed
And rebirthed
-elixir- Jun 2020
The ocean ahead of me,
with its beasts,
have my knees shaking,
as I try to dive again,
and tame the fear
of oblivion,
One more time.
Cattatonicat Jun 2020
To find me and to be me
To die and to rebirth
To live and to die

In the field of all that got left behind

All that I give up
All that I dream
The Dybbuk Jun 2020
I am boiling and bursting forth
from black sands where the waves whisper.
I am born again,
with the ferocity of ten-million suns,
and all the serenity of
learned men will remain
For it is better to be alive,
a drum which draws the tribe
to bloodlust.
Written on a nudist beach
I S A A C Jun 2020
You see my icy disposition but never questioned
Is he as stone-cold as his eyes?
Or is it all a lie?
I have gotten good at masking all the damage
I have gotten good at presenting the perfect package
But underneath the visibility, you would see oceans of feelings
You see the tip of the iceberg, my ego
If you never dive in deep then you'll never truly know
Who I am when I am alone or when I feel at home
The scars underneath these modest clothes
The tender warm waters birthing a rose
For my prince charming that can melt my throes
Waiting for the day I can really show
Who I am without attack
I S A A C Jun 2020
We were alone in the Crown of Jewels
We weren't comfortable in our schools
Didn't fit into their rigid system of rules
The love wasn't there or anywhere for us homosexuals
The love was rising but so were the death tolls
Just a scant fish in a vast pool, just one of a million molecules
I was emotional whilst emotionless
Simply trying to navigate the lack of bliss
Hard to be optimistic when you are facing the abyss
I drown but didn't die it was baptismal
Trying to hide the strain, the days were dismal
But I let go and let light inside
Exculpated my mind smoking blunts by the seaside
High tide, low vibe
But I let go and decided to clarify
Realizing all my actions were artlessly justified
Yuletide, brown eyes
Remember that day, the horizon the way the sun laid
Recalling your face, when I said something with shade
Dwell upon my eyes, disarmed, entranced and vivid jade
The smile on your face that day continues to plague my brain
But nonetheless, I'm used to the pain and the unhappy endings
It's a habit of mine to invest in the art of storytelling.
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