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Karen Lee Jun 2020
sea waves blue, smooth as a silk sheet are
gently lapped by chilly December air
my skin prickles as the air leaves
goosebumps on my bare arms. i try to
ignore them as the frosty gale bites into my clothless skin.

boats are tethered to shore, no longer
roaming far at sea, they have a home at least
though only temporary, but a safe sanctuary. i wonder
where the people are, perhaps safe and warm and cozy
in the comfort of their fireplaces and families.

i lay down on the barren grass,  now mere stubs that too
***** my skin, they were once lively and green under the shade of a once blooming tree,
now limbless and leafless,
a mere trunk of wood that stands stubbornly on a patch of forgotten ****.

as nighttime falls the boat lights come on, setting patches
of deep blue ablaze, like a fire it spreads and spreads until
you can no longer see the depths of aquamarine,
and maybe just maybe pretend to yourself that they
never even existed.

maybe grass needs to be barren before spring brings shrubs and
trees decapitated before they can bloom again,
maybe matches need to be lit
and places burnt to ashes
before the past can fall away like a brittle husk.

I look up to the cloud-filled sky, blue dotted with specks of white and
perhaps there is no heaven beyond those clouds,
no god near welcoming doors, and
if all prayers are just a shout into the empty void
then perhaps all we can do is
Carissa Lee Jun 2020
So if I want to burn,
Let me burn!
I am throwing it all away!
All Away!
All the scraps you ever gave me,
all the empty promises you made,
I will set it all aflame,
watch me rise from the ashes!
Birthed by Brimstone,
Birthed by Fire!
I am a phoenix without a name!
Flying Fast!
Flying Blind!
A new town,
a brand new start!
I dare not look back
upon the wreckage of my wake.
What's My Name!
What's my name!
  what's my name?
Won't anyone say my name?
What's my name?
Kat Schaefer Jun 2020
Some people carry sorrow
In such a way that it flattens
Their shoulder blades
It erodes the spinal cord
And devours the skin
Until there is but a memory
Of a person that remains

And yet somehow
We continue to feast
On the crumbs of grief
That fall onto the dinner plates
Of our most fragile memories

And still we sleep
In the crevices of
Our deepest insecurities
Only to be comforted
By a gentle reminder
That the end is
Growing nearer everyday

And we continue to play
The part of the aspiring optimist
Always grinning and laughing
While what's left of our insides
Curdle and churn
For even they are aware
Of the lie that sorrow makes
Andrew Layman Jun 2020
Let us submit to fate
both you and I
we were never meant to live
and never resigned to die.

Our hands crafted to gather
then push far away
all those fragile little things
that raise our emotions high.

To say we truly understand
is to be understated,
and to live on those terms
is bound to be a lie.
AS WE LIVE AND BREATHE, Copyright © 2020
Andrew Layman
All Rights Reserved.
Kat Schaefer May 2020
May’s departure reminds us
That winter’s wool jacket
Has been replaced
With spring’s fabric sandals

The morning frost
That caked our windshields
Is now but a glossy dew
That lays upon the grass

The late December chill
That weathered our flesh
And consumed our warmth
No longer can feast

June’s prelude will refresh us
The endless sunshine and subtle breeze
Will nourish us in preparation
For winter’s arrival once again
Marisa May 2020
coming back to you like the rain revisits time and time again
washing over your valleys and mountaintops

little by little your layers disappear
you are left a clean surface
your forgotten shimmering through

and every layer you’ve ever had is shed, a second skin
everything you’ve ever feared spills out from your ears
and every summit you’ve climbed peeks out at your belly
every wound you’ve suffered shimmers from underneath the surface
oceans of tears like puddles filling up your collarbones to the brim

you’re a landscape full of forgotten things
Supergirl May 2020
I can feel you fade away,
Give me a moment to love you again,
I promise you our love will take a rebirth.
Little voices in my head,
I failed to love you right.
Rising ground to see the world with you,
We are sedentary feeling elate.
Staring at the waves falling down,
And vanish into thin air,
Some waves rise again Just like our love,
Sound of our heartbeats are louder than waves,
Watching us going through many ups and downs,
Gazing in your eyes feeling not to give up on our love.
I promise you our love will take a rebirth.
When the waves crash on the rock, I can see they don't die,
They fall together to make it stronger, They rise again just like our love.
They remain me of you and me,
It will rise again, It will come alive again,
And over come the obstacle, It will defeat the rocks in our way,
I promise you our love will take a rebirth.
Scott Hunter May 2020
Every day I'm born anew
I must admit there's changes few
But changes nonetheless I see
What's changed is cast as memory.

But every time I look at you
When I have changed and you have too
Both grace and beauty I still see
Sweet radiance in eternity.

So even though I try to see
Each day with new eyes, wild and free
I do but hope to see what's new
In grace's eye and beauty true.
© 2004
Amanda N Skaggs May 2020
Nest of sweet smelling branches.
Testimony of three suns.
Phoenix from the ash.
Yashri May 2020
The cracking of your bones,
sounds you hear when you crouch.
Trying to protect yourself from whom?
Your spine can bend
and extend
no further, protruding out
ready to snap, you twist and you moan and you groan
when will this stop?

You feel as frail as a bird
One that has fallen after its very first flight

The cracks are what you hear
when hope is lost.
You feel like your weakening will
can weaken
no further.

just stop.

Listen here
Don’t listen to yourself breaking
Don’t slip through these cracks
Standing up is now your cause
Hope is not lost
So sit up and straighten your back

The more you crouch, the more it hurts
That corner you’re attached to is not your solace
or quiet place
you crouch there, only in the cold embrace
of your crumpled shirt

Corners don’t shelter you from your fears;
they cage you in with them.
They widen and stretch the cracks on your skin
Allowing pain and judgement to seep in
Cracks are gateways letting the water in…
Water that dampens your flame, your fire
and Hope
a precious thing

You’re hidden yet left wide open
Stuck in purgatory
This liminal hell
You hear the tolling of your own death knell

Are these cracks the
pain before your rebirth
the shedding and flaking
of your skin
which will leave you behind, a rejuvenated being?

You decide if these cracks will only exist
as a reminiscence of the passing pains
or will your thoughts dictate
that these cracks originate
from the epicentre of who you are?

Will you let this cancer-like spreading of the cracks continue?
Or will you stand up and straighten your back
To close up the cracks
and save you from You
This poem is an inner dialouge. It is about facing your fears and getting back up after. Feeling like a failure makes you vulnerable and afraid and it cracks open a pandora's box filled with self-loathing and doubt. The poem is about acknowledging the pain and facing it.
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