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Michael Ryan Aug 2020
We will always take for granted
the unreal people
that filter through our lives
each and every day,
where motion pictures
show us to never give up.

The irony is that it's not faux people
that lead us to believe in magic,
it was the real people behind the fake
that chose to keep the music flowing.

Who knows who they really are;
it doesn't matter when it's about
life or living for nothing.

If there's something to learn -
it's to learn to take chances.

Doing nothing is simple and tedious.
Opportunity is purpose and effortless.

Risk less, chance more.
Not much of a coherent thought, but it's better to do something than nothing?  I can work in a convenience store  for the rest of my life; saying, "the opportunity never came for me to do something else", or I can be humbled that I did TRY.
SiouxF Aug 2020
A leaf floating
on the water
has no effect
on its future.
It drifts passively
on the pond,
In an hour,
a day,
or a week,
it may land on the shore across the pond,
or remain floating on the water,
or even sink to the bottom forevermore,
Without ever knowing why.  

Are you drifting in your own small pond?
Floating oblivious,
Unsure, uncertain, unmade?
Going wherever the waters take you?
Watching the world pass and fade?
Or sinking and drowning?

Or have you set the sail in your boat
And know the direction
you’re headed,
Your purpose, your vision, your mission,
Sitting back and enjoying the flow,
The tumultuous journey with its ups and downs,
As you watch the world unfold within and around you.  
From calm sweet waters,
To crashing and crushing high rise waves.
It’s all about the journey,
The lessons and the pain,
The joy and the excitement,
The highs and the lows,
That will take you to your destination,
The lessons and the pain.
And better than whence you came
The first part of this poem was taken from something I read about employees returning to work after Covid that inspired me to ponder
Tony Tweedy Aug 2020
In a world where traits such as bigotry, greed, narcissism, non-empathy and some level of superiority (in ones own mind) are the key attributes to ensure success and some sense of purpose and fulfilment... I am less distressed than I should be to have failed at life.
I have come to appreciate simplicity and things that are genuine and wonder what reality looks like to the successful. Do they value a warm embrace and a soft kiss and the company of someone who likes them for who they are in the same way I do? And when (if) they feel and experience these things in a genuine way does their success still feel good when they reflect on what made them? Do they even reflect upon such things... or would they be less successful in their own minds if they saw themselves for who they are?
Can you be happy if your aspirations are something other than to love and be loved in return? Without these all is deception and you are both the deceived and the deceiver.
No matter how successful you are or believe yourself to be.... if you do not love and are not loved.... you have failed. Ask anyone who has a heart full of love to give but has no one with whom to share it. Nothing else can compensate or equal loves rewards.
José Vaca Aug 2020
Mirando el fuego me pregunto, que decidirás hacer? Tirarte entre las llamas y como loco aprender? La lumbre no quema; da vida y nuevo poder. La luz limpia y sana - espíritu y alma - alimento necesario para poder crecer.
Que harás, me pregunto?
Me quemarme completo y de ceniza lograre todo lo imposible haciendo el mundo ver que un loco no es loco por hacer lo que muchos nunca hacen.
Me muevo con confianza, bailando con las llamas.
José Vaca Jul 2020
You weren’t born to fit in. You weren’t born to make money. You weren’t born to climb someone else’s ladder to success. You weren’t born to play it safe. You weren’t born to please. You weren’t born to be partially you. You weren’t born to be perfect. You weren’t born to be defined. You weren’t born to be emotionally numb. You weren’t born to live vicariously through others. You weren’t born to **** time. You weren’t born to float in the iridescent ocean of your soul.
You were born to become more and more yourself. Take a deep breath...
Dive deep to parts of you unknown. Find courage in vulnerability. Find that which makes you full and whole. In finding your self, reclaim your feathers, spread your wings, and soar.
Nylee Jul 2020
how the day spins
There are chains in
All entwined in

How little my life means
To those I give my everything
it is humbling, to know your meaning

In the scope of greens
I am a tiny speck of red
a very lonely feeling

Cannot say anything
Without meaning other things
Deciding against it
The purpose defeating

It is so small and beautiful
I am noticing the life beyond my life
I cannot help dreaming

Every good thing
That happens after bad ones
That helps us forget
The last thing

I am still living breathing
It is gratifying
How human is still a thing

is my heart still beating
And it always for me.
Amanda Sant'Anna Jul 2020
When it’s my time to rot,
I hope I get to lie underneath blue sky
Where I can give my warmth back to the sun,
So thankful for the borrowing
I hope my skin becomes a white daisy fearlessly growing by the road
So I'll get to remind you of the beauty in the world
And maybe my cells will become a cherry
Their sweetness forever imprinted in your lips
I hope my body gets to return the gift it received,
'Cause what a precious gift
And my love, I hope it can be carried by your heart
'Cause what a precious heart.
Colm Jul 2020
When I think about it. Like the dawn forgotten. Such feelings begin before we're even aware of them. Grow before we can even control them. And usually break before we could begin to explain them. Steadily forward and with a vision of hope, we all flow and have feelings floating around in our heads. Well most.
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