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firexscape Jul 2014
And the problem is
No one's a wintergirl forever
For in this wintergirl wasteland
You either thaw
Or freeze.

We're all stuck.
bear Jun 2014
one will find a problem to solve
one will find a problem to complain about
adshimabuko Jun 2014
you say you're hurt
yet, you keep on cutting

you say you're isolated
yet, you keep building walls

you say they hate you
yet, you've already killed them all in your head

you say they don't understand
yet, you show no signs

you say you want to change
yet, you do nothing about it

you say you'll go far away
yet, you don't know it is always like this

you say you'll be an artist
yet, you only paint in red

you say you can't wait to live
yet, you're already dead
JoBe Arenas Jun 2014
Another sleepless night
Feeling the day wasted
No woman, just frustrated
A thirst unsatisfied

Tossing and turning
Sheets are now burning
The trapped heat
Making the surface

Drifting now
Wished to be
On an island
Away from everyone

Sun slaps again
Another day suffering
To taste the end
Is defeat accepted
Wolf Irwin Jun 2014
Hello love, where have you been? I've missed you for so long,
At the fork in the road I should've went right but I decided to go wrong,
Only now with eyes of truth can I see it was all a blessing,
I had to go through disappointment, hurt, and sadness to let go of all the stressing,
One day I looked in a mirror and everything became clear,
That the answers I wanted weren't out there but have always been in here,
Happiness is indeed a progressive, uphill climb,
And I realized sometimes when you stop looking peace is what you will find,
Between noises, in the silence, we can find who we really are,
Then we understand where we are going isn't at all that far,
All those problems we have, they are just inside our heads,
Just illusions of the mind, vicious monsters we have fed,
We are not lost causes, just causes that are lost,
We can find our summer warmth once we let go of our winter frost.
Rahul Waslekar May 2014
There will always be times in your life
When you will grab your favorite pillow
And share all your tears with it
Till it gets soaked and yet not got enough of it

You will remind yourself of how
YOU are the root and cause to all problems
But its way to late now
To go back and fix it into one big solution

But once you shed that final tear
And come back to the real world
You will open your eyes
Look at everything around rife
You will eventually find out, this is life.
I just had a lot of thoughts stuck in my head.
Dooze May 2014
I'm tired of being alone
on a Saturday night
while you're on the phone
acting like it's all right
And those days when you are out
And you say it was nothing
Nothing I would care about

I don't have courage to say it to you
But I carry a pencil in my hand
It writes all the feelings of blue
That I think you'll never understand
And those days when you are out
And you say it was nothing
Nothing I would care about

I'm sick of the never ending maze
That I was dropped inside of
I always end in a daze
And every time felt less love
And those days when you are out
And you say it was nothing
Nothing I would care about

Every path I take
leads to a dead end
And every bone you break
Is impossible to mend
And those days when you are out
And you say it was nothing
Nothing I would care about

Those pictures that I saw
Of you on the rollercoaster with your friends
Makes me wonder it's not law
To stick with those which loyalty has no end
And those days when you are out
And you say it was nothing
Nothing I would care about

And all those days I spent
Trying to be happier with me
But I've seen the places that you went
My mouth feels locked with your key
And those days when you are out
And you say it was nothing
Nothing I would care about
But every once in a while
When I am feeling so blue
Sometimes I could even smile
If I switched places of me and you
I've been being really badly excluded lately and I sometimes will vent to one of my closes friends. When I see she has been out and I bring it up, she simply says it's nothing I would care about. Hence the inspiration of this poem
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