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Grace Jordan Mar 2015
My mother questions, “Why aren’t we equal?”
As she paints my walls with white
She wonders why my colorful friends don’t get as lucky as me
But she also wonders about the financial aid the government says we don’t need
I bang on her white walls and insist we’re well off
But she still asks why
And I can’t say “you! It’s because of people like you that my friends need a dollar or two”
Because of the way she plays hypocrite
Condemning welfare and the impoverished while asking why she doesn’t get any
Confirming the stereotype that most people aren’t innately racist
It’s just their own thoughtlessness that causes the disconnect
And it’s not just my mother, it’s all my people, me too
My friend once asked, “Why is Kierra so into social justice?”
Maybe because the history of our ancestors was carried on the backs of her people
Maybe because even today my people say we’re so good, so equal, so righteous
When we still look at a black man and assume the white is better
We don’t mean it but my assumptive mind insists that Kierra always needs a hand
When what is really needed is a strict hand to the side of my head
Jostle that rude assumption out of my head
She is her own person, not a broken house left on stilts
And assuming she is broken is worse than anything I can think of
So it’s a double edged sword because races need to work together to fix this atrocity
But we must also give each their freedom to grow and equalize equally
I will never understand the plight of one a different race
But I understand plight, from my gender and my mental state
My mother always told me treat everyone fairly
She always said to treat everyone right
But here she keeps on going
Painting my walls with white
Katlyn Orthman Mar 2015
United we stand
Divided we fall
This Nation is Grand?
No, not at all

Hatred for a human being
Because one doesn't understand
I can't believe what I am seeing
I can't believe this land

Cover our eyes from the truth
Plug our ears to their words
Quiet them down, remain aloof
Pretend they never heard

This can't be the land of the free
The land of the very brave
Tears, fear and death I see
This is America the Grave
I am utterly speechless. Today began as any day does, and ended with my eyes seeing clearly how deep this problem is. Today over 100 students in my school, mostly Muslim, felt that they needed to protest just for them to be heard. Discrimination is at large. Our administration has turned a blind eye to them, and in thus they have let down a large part of our student body. To feel harassed and discriminated against, even unsafe at times, should never be allowed. I am disgusted not only with our administration, who instead of hearing these kids out, decided to put our school in a containment that also took away from our learning, but also the students. We as people belong. We as people deserve the freedom to religion, appearance, language, and life. Stop the hate.
Unknown Sailor Mar 2015
Yearning for your touch, hoping that you approach me,
Praying for the second you look at me.
Call me crazy but if I was even an inch close to you,
I would show you how much I love you .
Love, lust, infatuation,
Call it what you want but I prefer the term “Deadly Attraction”,
My love for you will be the death of me,
I love you too much to have you away from me,
I want to hold you tight enough-
to feel your very last breath escape your lips.
I love you to the point where
I could **** you.
I want to wrap my hands around your neck,
and tighten my grip as I remind you of what you mean to me.
I would tie you up and stare at your flawless features,
I would lock you away from all humanity,
Drive you to insanity until you feel the same.
You will get used to my face and only my face.
I would slit the throat of anyone,
Who dares to set there eyes on you,
I would run a knife through their heart,
Just a warning to anyone,
If they think of stealing you away from me.
Don’t you see how much trouble I endure,
Just to keep you safe from those who intend to steal you?
Your love is my will-power,
Believe me when I say that,” Honey I will Love you Till Death Do Us Part”.
ARI Mar 2015
Breathe me in my dear
Her claws creeping down my throat
Ana's here to stay

Gill Feb 2015
"What did I tell you?"
"You also like someone else."
"And that's the problem."
Dhaye Margaux Feb 2015
Shall I hate the  time for not being kind?
Shall I get mad of it for confusing my mind?
Or shall I look pass of it like a serious blind
Even when today I am left behind?

Shall I hate the raindrops  for being cold
When they always think of me being bold?
When I want to touch and long to hold?
This feeling of mine seems uncontrolled.

Shall I hate the space between us, dear
All the feeling's faint and nothing's clear?
Shall I tell you more about my fear
What's hurting me, sharp as a spear?

Shall I hate the world for being failed
When pain's the only thing that prevailed?
Shall I hate this life like someone jailed
When it's too much late the truth is unveiled?
A passing mood...
I tried to get over

the problems

Until the problems fell

over on me.
As a member of Hello Poetry, I must remind you all that I do not authorize the duplication(s) of this writing without my permission. Illegal Duplicating will consult consequence in the Court of Law
Endless Horizon Feb 2015
It has been a long time
since our eyes have met once again.
Yet, I have gotten stronger
I have gotten wiser
from the being I once was.

From the being that fell in love with you.

I know that now.
And I won't let it happen again.
But I find my efforts at self control futile
as every morning I still search
for you.
I stop and think:
"No. It's over. I'm done."
And I carry on with life

Like nothing ever happened.

But now so suddenly
you, who didn't care about me,
you, who didn't even turn to look my way
you, suddenly did.
And I don't know what to feel inside.
Happiness, joy, excitement, hope

But know this.
If you're looking for another shot.
You've got it all wrong.
You're already too late.
The people who know me in real life will probably figure out who the subject of this poem is.  Lol. Actually no, only one friend that can figure that out.
*To that friend: I actually don't feel happiness inside okay, I just feel really annoyed. That is all.*
In other news, sorry for making it really long. I just don't know how to express this in 5 stanzas below. Do you see my problem?
EDIT: I forgot to mention I'm back from my hiatus! yay! I shall be posting more poems here as my thoughts have all accumulated and I actually have material to write about now :)
s Feb 2015
You left today
I heard it from a friend
You're not coming back.
I'm happy for you
You won't have to be in this prison
Stuck in a box of thoughts
I wonder what life is like for you now.
What are you going to do
without me
without us.
I hope you don't think about me
Please don't.
Just think of me as an old friend
We used to talk
We used to be close
We used to share secrets that no one else would ever understand.
Sit in a empty car for hours and fill it with our deepest fears and dreams until they would seep out the windows.
Its okay that you left without saying bye
You didn't want to risk me pulling you back in.
I don't either.
So thank you
Because of you I know for a
fact that I'm the problem.
I'm contagious.
Don't catch me.
About a friend
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