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z Feb 2018
our life is a story
plot unclear
path winding
so for a moment

would you stop walking by the passageway
and lay with me?
— for it is heaven in your arms, and in this world my soul is dying
Seema Feb 2018

I feel the poison flowing in my veins...

   The upcoming darkness shall never prevail...

       My hunt will begin soon, once I recall the trail...

              With shut eyes I picture my enemies fail...

Spilling imagination. Fictional.
RLG Jan 2017
There is a sweet
scented place
where all the Earth
melts into air
and I float,
weightless, in bliss,

If I could lay my head
on this spot
for all my life,
I'd ****** that deal
and swap for nothing
the peace I feel
as I sense your breath's
rise and fall,
and hear your heart's call.

That is the place
I value most.
and no one knows
the secret of  
this priceless plot
upon your chest.
spaghetti Oct 2016
Erasers, they erase words on paper,
I'm a smoker not a vaper,
saw a bug,
so i sprayed her,
while writing a story of a caper.
Writing words,
made a mistake.
The eraser erases the mistake.
Now the mistake is gone,
time to mow the lawn.
The lawn is green,
which is the grass.
Upon my riding mower,
I place my fat ***.
I then realize that I should go to a gym.
Maybe even go for a swim.
Or visit my friend Jim.
I heard he broke a limb.
I think I will go and visit him.
I hop in my car,
a Dodge Monaco Sedan,
cause I am a really big Blues Brothers fan.
Arrived at Jim's house,
hope I'm not too late,
I made a stop for a burger,
which I then ate.
I ringed the doorbell,
the door opens up,
Jim walks out,
and I hear a "Pop!".
Jim is dead,
he lays on the ground,
I see a bullet shell,
a .45 ACP round.
I soon realized,
my mistake,
for that's the same ammunition,
that my gun takes.
I look down at my hand,
and see my 1911,
I killed Jim,
and sent him to heaven.
I walked home that very day,
underneath the skyscrapers,
Erasers erase words on paper.
In search of you  I wandered a lot
Carrying my love like beggar's ***
Your youth and beauty makes hot
Love with beauty has its sheer plot

Let me place my head on your chest
Reinvigorate me to be the real best
Your sky is full of stars galaxies,crest
Let me capture the beauty to leave rest

My love allow me to explore graces
Let us be followers of all love traces
All sentiments have cropped to faces
Love encounters just all beauty basis

Col Muhammad Khalid Khan
Copyright 2016 Golden Glow
Hannah Aug 2016
plot twist:
they like you back
they do enjoy texting you
your mind is wrong
ZT Feb 2016
Though as innocent as she looks,
                An evil deception she cooks.
Plotted events,
                she disguised as Destiny
Flaunts her perfect body,
                But behind the curtains counts every calorie
A hint of arrogance,
                while saying "I'm just ordinary"
Compliments given
                As a product of her calculating eyes
Thus your ego being fed with her lies

Her hidden smirk,
                 Behind her pretentious worries
Those men, they fell, to her made up stories...
Some girls though they look innocent...  They could hide something you wouldnt want to believe thay have.
Cassandra Allen Feb 2016
I hear a melody in my head,
A song, and poem with an end.
The end is near as I command.
Left to be read by the living soon to be undead.
My poem,
Oh my song leads only to rotting flesh.
As my word are venom to your bread.
There no meaning just the ramblings of a mad person.
I am so mad, so tired, I sometimes seek death.
My heart shows no ache to the blind,
My voice shows no fear to the deaf,
My trust shows none to the shallow.
For my words are not a peace offering.
No, just the shovel.

The shovel for your grave.
Though I won’t dig,
But you will.
I did not undue you, but I began your undoing.
I feel somber today......
Scarlett Willow Jan 2016
My pencil is dull
I've been writing too long
But I can't seem to stop

I'm addicted to words
And getting lost in my head
It's all seems easier that way

The worlds I create are fading
The plots I develop are lacking
All because my pencil is dull

And I can't find my sharpener
My desk is so cluttered.
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