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Àŧùl Aug 2017
This baby is so full of life,
Playing the leisurely fife.

I am glad that now I have grown up,
Trust me when I say that of my existence there's no end.
My HP Poem #1655
©Atul Kaushal
She endeavor sentimentally to enliven chocolate
till we're both finally in a rotunda as sweet
and intuitively match with just a Hershey's kiss
while a distraction is like something on screen
with their soundtrack and film avant-garde today.
Paige Aug 2017
Don't worry...
We give the world vision
Words with color
Tasteful. delicious. language.

We stroke sixty shades of beauty
Accent the body
Observe. perfect. imperfections.

We layer music like cake
A sonorous crunch of bittersweet flavor
Crisp. textured. harmonies.

We expose raw motives of human beings
The aperture is our eye
Zoom. Focus. Click.

Don't worry...
Don't let Corporate America fool you.
Sure, we need doctors, lawyers, nurses, and politicians...but at the end of the day,
       that painting
       that melody
       that book
       that photo
  sparks dreams. desires. emotion.
M Aug 2017
They're invisible because they're moving too fast
And I wonder what else I haven't seen
That's passed me by, moving too fast
A library of stories told only once
And I'll never hear them because they were read too quickly
Lower the shudder speed and you might catch a glimpse
A peek into the photo album of everything you've never thought to notice

An unfathomable amount of things happen every day and I'm not a part of most of them
I'm left out of an uncountable number of moments, all of which have the potential to be incredible

I'm moving too fast, I'm invisible

That's one way to look at it, but here's another:
Every moment I experience is exclusively specific to me
Every moment I experience is a photograph taken just for me, added to an album that only I will get to look back on
Every moment I experience is a novel written just for me, a story that only I get to read

Nothing ever moves too fast
Everything I need to see is moving at exactly the right speed

I saw a woman walking with earbuds in--one earbud was in--while conversing over the phone with someone. Beauty overwhelmed her mortal body. A piece of her hair had loosely fallen from the right side of her scalp, and her blonde, beach waves blew in the wind.

Behind her was a man in a coral v-neck. He had blonde hair and the body build of a high school ****. Handsome. As the woman ahead of him leisurely strolled the streets of Minneapolis in her athletic shorts, which were outlined by gray stripes and dipped up in the middle of the side of her thighs, the wind seemingly spun the ****'s face 180 degrees. His eyes were awestruck and full of alive hope, wonder, and desire. Lust. What a picture.
Stephen Rutledge Aug 2017
An old image,
Its me,

Hello me,
From yesterdays the mind refuses to flee,

And oh just look at me,
My eyes,
Appearing cloudless and dazzled at once,
For what a gift did reflect within,

My one beloved,

They be Inert eyes,
Ever so alive, though lifeless,

For this be just an image of me,
A me unable to foresee,

Though able to stare, Questionably,

Hello me,
What happened to me?
Paul Jones Jul 2017
From a speck of light,     the pinhole of a
camera obscura...      you get the picture.
12:50 - 26/07/17

State of mind: playful; curious.
Perspective: comical.

Thoughts: from thinking - about the camera obscura.

'You get the picture' has a double meaning.

Questions: none.
Rae Jul 2017
i fell apart.
i didn't get back together.
who cares if i don't recognize myself?
i dug my fingers into
my head
i squeezed on the hem
of my tshirt.
always ending on a bad note.
inspired by my own blackout poetry
My dreams whisper sweet things
And surreptitiously speak to me
My waking words are rote and empty
-spilling with hypocrisy
Yet their comforting embrace
Simply bring smiles to my face
Filling my mind while I'm asleep

They send messages lined with silver That vanish when I wake
To bring about a dull and listless form Who is shaping my last mistake
You see I wake in a storm
Simultaneously feeling constrained
To my bed
I can't get up while there's no filter
For the rush of noises in my head

If there's a difference between
What you know and what you believe Then why is it not as easy
To imagine my reprieve
Why can I only experience a vivid life
While I sleep
Then once again wake up
To this Fear Doubt and Anger
Choking me

Invoking me by pushing buttons
Of their endless promises
To for certain be found in youth
While my vision is livid sinning
Contemplating and pinpointing
Who too close is uncouth
You sit there and feed my veins
An explanation to your lies
With all the compromised
Washed up water
Memorized methods
Coping mechanisms
While it's your heart that remains

Then sit there in desperation
Reiterating as if you know
The deep introspective answer
When any fool can see your wisdom
Is wrought in the vanity
Of a talented dancer

If you lost the truth of sanity
Would you retrieve it for ten cents
Or would you search inside
Before hiding from the confines
Of a necessary moment
I'd rather die or sacrifice my life
Before cowering from what's hidden
The message so raw
That counts your flaws
Like there was some proof
In what is missing

But ultimately I guess
It comes down to the small decision
The chip on my shoulder
That became a boulder
When I reached out
For my inner vision.

So while I feel so disparate and alone
In the trenches losing my senses
Will I be the hero or be the villain
Will I let the poison make me it's toy
Or take the penicillin

*Some days my life feels as heavy
As that last breath left over
From how loudly I shout
But I guess a general synopsis to you
Of how I sometimes feel inside
Is a decent first step to waking up
While I'm down and out
I realize that a lot of lines were taken from other poems of mine. It's supposed to be written like that
nina Jun 2017
ahh love,     self love.
the more  self aware
i become, the more i
bloom, the less i
destroy & the
happier i
"ahh love, self love.
the more self aware i become,
the more i bloom, the less i destroy
& the happier i feel."
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