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Kewayne Wadley May 2019
I fear the day I call
and hear
the "number you're trying to call"
Your voice a sense of comfort
when home seems so far.
The freedom you enable when
theres no way to control the excitement
of hearing your voice.
Knowing that your just a call away.
Your voice
a prescription cough syrup
and I behave as such.
Smiling as soon as I hear it.
Knowing that soon I'll feel much better.
Only you can give me this feeling
Only you can cause such devastation
E l l e May 2019
growing up is
so inevitable
to the point where
you only notice it
in subtle moments.

like when you see
the once perfectly glazed over scenarios
that your parents once shielded
you from,
now graded and ugly, years of iron-curtained rust covering it whole, for the first time.

like going to highschool and realizing,
everything is not just a comfortable
sunday afternoon,
where we all love to learn and enjoy your individual merits;
but rather a concealed house fire that a stranger started at your bedroom window,
but calls your name from your front door, saying he’ll save you.

when i was young i wanted to be a singer-
to sing about my childish fantasies- where
the world was all colors, not just monochromatic, and the art of language was interchangeable beyond just its origin, but within its people.

in school we learn about the aspects of originality.
how conformity is better in some circumstances
and how nonconformity could have the same premise, if done the way we were taught.
take this test, take that.
effort becomes meaningless when there’s no rhyme to your reason.

we spew out information from the day we can retain it, then on to the day we decide to spew it on to our children.
regurgitating the ethical analytics of our 9-5 jobs or hobbies until we can go home, indulge our brains on our skin tight routines,

just so that we can do it all again in the morning.

this is not the direction that we were supposed to go in...
when the ****-sapiens started off as hunters and gathers
they realized they needed something easier.
they meant so that they’d have more time to live the lives they longed to.
they didn’t mean to make their lives so comfortable into which they cannot have one,
as we are not ourselves these days
without a phone in hand.

we only take things in that we want to hear.
we fill up the entirety of our minds with pointless ideologies
uncomical celebrities
mixed with discombobulated news stories
the phone between our fingers is so focused in on that we can’t even achieve a longer attention span than a goldfish.

we’ve cast a metal, deceiving hero’s cape over our backs, and a sneering mask over our eyes. the shoes we wear, coated in the the soot we didn’t see on our path,
and the gloves on our hands, in the words of Langston Hughes,
are giving absolutely no protection
against the bearing frost over our fields of opportunities.

how old we are, we could not say.
the days go by so fast when we know not
the aspects of our self preservation.
Poetry Slam for my High School, 2019
Liz Carlson Apr 2019
That wasn't how I thought it'd go.
I'm left feeling useless and confused.
Why do we text all the time, if you can't even form a sentence on the phone?

Pure silence filling the room and my heart.
Maybe you were upset and tired,
But you could have at least tried, that's all that I ask,
for you to try to get to know me.

Maybe they were right about you.
You haven't figured out life yet,
and you don't seem to be trying.
You complain about life,
yet you do nothing to change it.
Maybe you were right about you.
You constantly putting yourself down,
Me constantly trying to encourage you,
But maybe all this time, you were right.

Once again, my wanting to see the best in people puts a knife in my back.
I guess this is what I get for being kind.
False Poets Jan 2015
like yours
if you'll reciprocate

follow you
if you'll follow me

repost mine
repost yours

pump up those
double discount
quantitative adulations

making everything here,
cheapened and discounted

“Oh, what a tangled web we weave...
when first we practice to deceive.”

on your merits own
the only way to stand
Jaede Bayala Apr 2019
i don’t think you
have the same
r e d  h o t
the ones
with dopamine &
cinnamon sugar

I don’t think you
the same
e x c i t e m e n t
when you hear your
from across the

I don’t think
you’d describe your
h e a r t b e a t
like they do in a 90’s
rom com,
that it
so f a s t
that you feel like
your chest is going to
     x      l      d
e      p      o      e

I don’t think
this way

-I don’t think I know you, but I don’t think I know myself either
skye Mar 2019
bow to the light
that keeps us
awake at night
some pieces that i wrote in a blink of an eye
Steve Page Mar 2019
Curating multiple identities
Creating original content
Time on social media
is ( * ) time well spent

* never / rarely / always / dinner
Your choice.
yo sugar
is bust
that ****
twister walk
with legs
that spark
her in
a stint
hoy paper
is too
her wine
so thick
that shrink
this tablet
down to
white sheaf
reams tor
Mohannie Mar 2019
I will tell you a true story
Which I am struggling with now
Watch a fight for my own glory
Through the addiction I will plow

I try to do work
And fight away the urge
Yet, I feel my phone smirk
With the media, I'm submerged

A war once again lost
My white flag in the air
Washed over with exhaust
As I'm trapped in my phone's snare
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