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iamtheavatar Mar 2017
This life.

Nothing more
than dust and dirt.
Nothing more
than a pause for breath.

Yet You chose to speak
to these skin and bones.


Speak Lord.

Let Your voice
touch this weary heart.
Let Your Spirit
pour like eternal rain.


Speak Lord.
When these lips
don't know how to praise.

Speak Lord.
When these hands
are too heavy to raise.

Speak and set me ablaze.

**iamthe_avatar ©2017
A poem for love.
Pax Mar 2017
I am not me like what you want me to be
        I am here like you always wanted me to be
How could I ever be me, the me I want to be

I’m tired of you, tired of crying in the dark.
pretending at the park
                - watching people talk with voices that barks
I feared it will spark an awful reaction stark
So I build an ark -
Sailed away into far,
                      far - dream land
where prejudice & judgment is not in our hands
but in the all caring higher being's commands.

Then again reality is never like that,
So I hide, I stumble, and I fall
     into the gray solace of my patience
The higher being cares, yet you need choices
to stay strong - fight and survived
                        until blessings comes along
                                and heal the dying soulful song.

© 2013
Old notes: "a positive poem I guess - i am not sure it's worth posting. Since the month of June, i became sickly... and i have lost my pen of expression and the courage to write a piece. I always lose confidence, lose my self-knowing that i can... lose everything all together to the overly sensitive soul, then fall into darkness, alone - then come back into the gray solace - never wanting to give up what i hope will come true, someday, somewhere in time."

now looking back at this note and re-reading this poem again, then posting it here, i realized that my driving force in writing is my emotional self, on which right now i feel dull, seems like im losing my will to write, and to cope up with realities barricades...

thanks for reading... hoping you and I can find something in this piece, something good, something nice, something positive to move forward to...
isn't a days job
or something to wake up
in hurry to say it is done
to succeed in life requires hard work of persistency which takes patience
b mafika Mar 2017
Should I wait sometime
to tell her how I feel for her? If so,
when does the coral reef know
when to spawn? They say on the fifth night
after the November full moon. Her birthday
is too far away to see from here; her eyes:
two flashes of light on the horizon.
My mother and sister mentioned I stay still
12 weeks, Lao Tzu said until my mud settles.
Tamia and Charmaine insisted now. I looked
to Rumi, and he smiled back patience.
A patient person does not have to ask how long?
And here I am: counting
the minutes between her texts,
on her replies as breaths;
poring over
the pictures of her - in my hand, in my mind.
One moment she feels close, the next
she is the grain of sand I try to keep in my palm.
Patience is praise, says Rumi.
In it the right action will arise, added Lao Tzu.
That is where I must be, whispers my heart.
Julian Pacheco Mar 2017

A human construct

A self imposed constraint

The most wide spread form of control


It does not *speak...

It does not touch...

It does not intend to influence

But it does...

As it quietly passes your mind scrambles

Becoming sick, Twisted, and uncontainably loud

You shriek in silence to a non existent crowd

Found in silence you're desperation consumes you with fear..

You think this is it

My life... No matter what I do... There will never be enough of it..

I'm just not enough...

I may never be enough..

Your mind clouds with doubt,

Darkened by memories of the past

Yet Livid with fears of the unforeseen future...

Yet here you still remain,



Allowing life to unravel right before you,

Never asking so much as why ...
The wishing well has done its part

Now still its water's lie.  

The reasons for the darkest nights

Come as the Dawn draws nigh.
©2017 Daniel Irwin Tucker

Just a few persistent thoughts that had to translate from my mind to the pages of HP.
KB Mar 2017
you couldn't touch the sky with your fears but roses turned white in your cold hands, did you untuck your shirt because you were tired of formality
or because the rebel in your eyes started fires in your best friends veins so often that he took the bars from the town's jail and handed them to you to re-build into your own castles, do you think you'll be barred forever that way? the tattoo on the back of your right shoulder reads, 'patience; im going to change my heart again' but the rings in your iris tell me that there is no such thing as waiting [for you] & that you've always been chasing the sun
your wrists shake with the hype that flows through your fiery blood but all you do is smile and keep driving down the desserts of arizona so the moon cant keep up
tian Mar 2017
It was all just a virtue,
thinking I need to apply it daily
Told myself, I'll wait if this feeling is true
Then it become my hobby
Atoosa Feb 2017
But tame
Your flame
Within the lamp
Shedding its light
Invite, and arrange
The room, the hearth,
Lace the food with love
Cage your tears with calm
And center yourself on Him
Trust that the words will come
The hearts will open and fear
Will be displaced by truth
Careless of self offer
Effort and intent
Will come in time with patience
Transformation time is near
Inspired by this beautiful prayer :

O my Lord!  O my Lord!  This is a lamp lighted by the fire of Thy love and ablaze with the flame which is ignited in the tree of Thy mercy.  O my Lord!  Increase his enkindlement, heat and flame, with the fire which is kindled in the Sinai of Thy Manifestation.  Verily, Thou art the Confirmer, the Assister, the Powerful, the Generous, the Loving.

Baha'i Sacred Writings
Sally A Bayan Feb 2017
It starts with a puddle or a pool
turns to a rivulet,
rainwater comes, fills.......then, over becomes a true river...

we human beings are conceived,
nurtured inside the develop
til it's time to be this earth
we grow up.....we mature,
school...experiences, make us wiser
and, as we get older
.our own waters run deeper

we....are like the river...

our actions, reactions and decisions,
all depend on the tides of life...
our moods are waves...playful on a fine day,
they lap, roll...sometimes, crash on the shore.
calm now...later, high with turbulence,
on stormy days, assailing...belligerent,
courageously moving forward.....then back,
like retreating groups of warriors,
weary....defeat-stricken.......yet, all set,
to roll back to shore.......again...

our grounds, our cores, are embedded
with grains of has a voice
in many ways, we become one with nature
we...are like the river...


Copyright February 26, 2017
Rosalia Rosario A. Bayan
(I am afraid of the water, yet, I love writing about it...
  and when I write about rivers, a name keeps popping
     up...that of a good poet friend...Harlon Rivers!)
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