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loggi Apr 2018
The green tea is hot
As my tongue touches
and licks
the surface.

The steam floats off with its flavor
and burns the tip
and I then put it down
to mind myself
of other things.

But the day is cold
With the trees bending uneasy
And the windows wailing
with their cries.

My feet are cold
As I sit crossed
holding them close
to my thighs.

But still nothing goes
on inside
But still nothing goes
on in my life.
The hot tea I pick up
as I settled it down
a few seconds ago.

“Oh its hot…”
I look outside.
Where did you go.
Umi Apr 2018
All present in the stream of time,
Connected they build a line, a river which flows uninterruptedly,
The here and now, is the future of a pasts dream, a wonderous reality,
It is the futures past, the memories recorded within the depths of it
Gravity distorts time, causing it to slow down till it's stopping point lensed from a black hole, lurking within shadows of remorse in space,
Fished out from the sea of passing events, it keeps flowing, but now it does so while not including the fallen one who embraced a blackhole,
Time only knows one path, straight ahead with no slips and turns,
The present is the pasts future and what was thought to be possible,
It is the little wealth every living being possesses yet it is overseen and forgotten, until the moment of ones death drives gladly near,
From the womb to the tomb, drowning within the waves of a temporal lengh, the event of an entity's existence and its period.
A pace for an allotment, given from the complaints of an worldly life,
Spend it well, unlike the spring we cannot turn the tide, recycle again!
But for that matter the world of dreams holds a sweet embrace to all,
After all, you don't need to die in a dream.

~ Umi
Ted Mar 2018
"I awake to
already feeling

like my body is just
catching up to my mind,

which dreams in
terms of our love.

I wish I could have
these seasons pass,

so the soil of my
upturned field
will have been tended,

so a growth can be
in bloom again,

not just have
a broken heart
that's been mended.
adriana Mar 2018
It just rained
Puddles in the streets
Water falls down
Purcy Flaherty Feb 2018
Hot Jazz, subsonic blasts!
My whoopee cushions deflating fast!
Rumble squeaks, the but kazoo,
cheeky flappers 2 by 2!
So toot your horns and raise a glass,
for trouser dancing's such a gas!
At the soggy bottom dew.

(   )*(   )
Farting is deemed undesirable!
It’s 6am on an early Spring morning
The temperature is warm but brisk
An ever so gentle breeze kisses me from time to time
The beautiful chirps and whistles
from the proverbial early birds
sing in a beautiful chorus
A harmony seemingly made just for me

The trees and bushes; Glowing moms and dads to-be
of the sprouted buds
on the verge of delivering
their new beauty
The pansies arriving on the early train
are on full display
proudly standing with visibility for all
Tulips dance around them
surrounding them in a rainbow of colors
A whisper of lilac is in the air
Though ever so soft and subtle
it’s aromatic scent so pleasantly distinguishable

Morning dew
A ubiquitous presence
It blankets all in it’s life-giving properties
and releases the crisp and clean odor
of fresh cut grass

The scent of burning wood
from the neighbor’s wood burning stove
dives in and out
teasing my nostrils and passageways
with it’s delectable offerings

The Sun pierces the sky
with a fire red so dark and deep
it almost seems in anger
But I know better
For added to that fire
are the oranges like that of freshly squeezed juice
and yellows
as if a child took a crayon to the sky
All of this encompassed
within a soft cloud of violets and blues
The rainbow decided to take it’s cans of paint
and gush them out all across the sky
in exuberant glory
just so I could see

The gentle kisses delivered by soft breezes
give me a chill of excitement
and make my hairs stand on end
The familiar little bumps
running all along my arms and neck

The Sun fires back in retaliatory manner
with laser beam streaks
Striking me dead center
placing a glow upon me
Much like love
The Sun can be millions of miles away
and I can still feel it’s warmth

I stop and take it all in
Nature in all it’s beauty
****** and pristine
I close my eyes
and make this moment
Written: February 25, 2018

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