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Before you criticise
yourself for the love parted with others
that have gone to vain
gaze at the moon that has been there
embracing everyone with the shaft of light
but never able to retrieve the love from others.
Pandaboy May 2019
My posture is straight and arms on the wheel
but eyes on the rear with a guilt feel.
Imagining it different
where I could have been.

Out came the noise of a gentle breeze ,
leaning behind , I watched my thoughts.
While it tried to distract me
I sit back and observe, untying the knots.

It puts me on auto pilot,
day dreaming what could have been.
Did I imagine it differently ,
same canvas but a random scene ?

It fades with reality but lets us grow,
so make peace with it,  just let it go
Man and mistake, like string and twine
it is alright to repeat, do it twice.

Regretting my regrets , I put a smile on my face.
Not anymore, like red rags to a bull.
Througt potholes and traffic , I learned my pace.
I drove this far, so it is at least half full.
How far? Well that's a Disgrace .  :) :)

At least we came so far to at least read and write poems online :) .

Regrets of a Glass Half Full .

The idea conveyed here is to replace Regret with gratitude and look at things from a different perspective .
All it takes is a moment to fall back behind the energy and observe it,as put forward by Michael A singer in the book - The Untethered soul
Gods1son Feb 2019
Sometimes it gets really rough
Before things turn around
The key is never to give it up
Soon you'll make a victory sound

Never stop believing
Even when believing is tough
Never stop putting in work
Even when it looks like it's not working

The victory season is fast approaching!
Herselfher Feb 2019
She was a worker
After all she had demands
She didn’t like to ask for help
She didn’t need a man
Yet, she suffered every day
Longing for a hand
To guide her
And make her understand
Maybe, even be her biggest fan
Motivate her, man!
tmartin Feb 2019
“the beauty of a woman is in the adventures she's taken, the lives she's touched and all the minds she's awakened.
the beauty of a woman is in the caring she gives, the sincerity in her laughter, and the passion in her griefs.
Gabriella Jan 2019
I dumped my laundry
On the ground
Hoping it would allow me
To feel motivated

Motivated to move
To clean to work
But all it did
Was sit on my floor

I sat with it too
Staring at the pile.
Looking for the answers
Written in my shirts
Mercia Jan 2019
She stood still as life stood before her
Her path unclear
Her memories fighting one another
Her demons sing the hymn her heart beats
Life stood before her with claws that took lives away
She tried to run
Her blood filled with truth and depression
Causing her to stand still
Her mind filled with plans to run away
Her painful memories won
She learnt life had 3 choices
Live, run or die
She tried all and failed all
Living and breathing became hard
She lost meaning and saw a trampled heart
Her heart stepped and bruised by the people she loved
Her body used like a tissue on a hot summers day.
Only purpose is to clean up.
She searched for a place to bury her heart but only found more humans created to harm.
Her blood flowed in disappointment and regret as she ran passed life and met death.
Death gave a warm welcoming hand
With eyes that glittered the face with truth of pain
She knew death stole the identity of life
But confrontations was her weakness
She found a calmness that death gave her
A calmness that turned all good, bad
She ran back
She sat in between life and death for she had nowhere to run
The world she stole the blame from pushed her away
The river that welcomed her with wickedness was rejected due to past teachings..
Now she remains in a world of confusion and accepting of everything.
Apporva Arya Nov 2018
Today decided to LIVE,
Each moment at a time,
Today with full might,
May be this feel is once in a while,
Still i will try,
Before i completely dry,
Hoping this way things will get ALRIGHT...
So how you want to live today ?.. lets make life in our years count not years in life.
BlackHeart Apr 2018
find the one who will

build you
support you
encourage you
and push you to become a better version of who you already are

find the one who will
seek to understand
and continue to fight for you when things get rough

and when you find that one
don’t let go
cause they don’t come around often
The night is at peace.
The birds are sleeping,
The sun has set...
However my mind keeps racing.


All while I'm still awake.
I think of all the good I've done.
All the people I've helped,
Placed a smile on their faces.
Reassured them.
Loved them.
Given them pieces of my heart and soul.
I think of all the memories I've made.


Then I think of all the bad...
The things I never said.
The times I could have stood up for myself.


I think of the times when I've felt alone.
Wondering if people hated me.
Thinking about how no one would ever love me.


And yet....

It doesn't destroy me.
I may feel alone, unloved, unwanted,
But I know thats not true.

I will find my person someday.
I have my friends and family who

Support me
Notice me
Love me

My worries and fears are like the night sky.
Filled with darkness and silence.

There are still stars that shine bright.
Bright enough to give me hope that the darkness will pass.

Eventually leading to a sunrise..
And the light of a new day.

A new beginning
A brighter beginning

Full of hope
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