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sankavi Apr 2018
and at that moment
i looked at you
and i froze
i looked at your dark brown eyes
and i didn't know how to speak
i looked at your smile
and i couldn't breathe
i heard your voice
and i was lost

i was lost in you
suddenly i didn't know where i was
or who was with me

i just knew i was there
with you
and thats all that mattered

it was all about you
Mystic Ink Plus Apr 2018
I’m thinking to ask
My close friend
To snap my picture
During the sleep

So that,
While you visit my dream
We could get picture

Genre: Love
Theme:  Dream don’t follows any rule. It just is.
Maria Etre Apr 2018
It was
more than
just a shared
mjad Apr 2018
Light green but, dark around the edges
Not emerald, more like nicely trimmed hedges
His least favorite, he preferred blue
But I can tell that it's different for you
Because I caught you once in a moment
You were kissing me with your eyes open
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
A collection of ‘Love is…’ Poetry

Love is the Wow! moment;
The second of realization.
Love is the thunderbolt;
Love is Cupid’s arrow,
Finding its destination.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
EVewritesss Apr 2018
Jemari mulai gemulai
Dikala ia mulai melambai
Bahasa tubuhku tidak diragukan lagi
Lika likunya sudah tertebak dari haluan pertama bapak satpam
Dia mulai menyapa
Aku teriak keras
hatiku yang teriak
Hawa panas tubuh beriringan membara bersama
Peluh terbawa jatuh dipipi
bisa bayangkan, bagaimana wujudku waktu itu....
Kini, segala fana itu harus di nikmati, entah menarik, suram, dan basi
Aku pikir, kapan lagi akan bertemu dan beradu argument sedekat itu
Kapan lagi berdialog serius dengan elokan tubuh cukup dekat
Kapan lagi aku bisa pandangi wajahnya 4 cm lebih dekat dengannya....
Jadi kupikir, aku harus syukuri, jika nanti tak bisa lagi. Yasudah ku kenang saja....
Nanti senja jadi pelengkap saat mulai mengenang moment itu, sudah ku jadwalkan
Jangan sia-siakan waktu dan selebrasi saat berasama dia atau mereka. Coba nikmati, arungi bersama, cairkan bersama. Pasti indah rupanyaaa
Amanda Kay Burke Apr 2018
Silence. Not one single sound.
Sometimes the quiet kills.
It can cause death.
Is there meaning beyond the stills?

Who could have the answer?
All I know is it's not me.
Not at this moment in time.
Silence. It always feels empty.
This is an old freeverse i turned into a rhyme.
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