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ChinHooi Ng Mar 3
She lived in my inbox,  
a constant pulse of memes and midnight thoughts,  
fragments of her days in a city I’d never walked
a movie recommendation
a reminder to sleep early
a nudge to wake up and try again.  

Even from miles away
she found a way to stay close
weaving herself into my new routine
as if distance was just another setting
to adjust.  

Her life moved forward in photos and captions
shared glimpses of places I could only picture
I watched, I listened, I responded  
but slowly, the messages thinned,  
the spaces between them stretching wider
until silence settled where she used to be.  

even now,
some nights I still hear her voice in my head:  
“Go to sleep early”  
as if she’s still looking out for me
somewhere beyond the screen.
Jeremy Betts May 2024
A pageant of recklessness
A disregarded package of regrets and resentments
Tired and penniless
Unrepairable, no time to do maintenance
Unguarded and anxious
A messenger absent of messages
An organic premise of a pesimess
Heart of ice and might be the coldest
A lot of truth is said in jest
Even if hard to digest
But how is it I'm still on karma's shiit list?
It'***** list might as well be a balled up fist
Split personality,
Both turn against me with the quickness
Okay life, I give in, you win,
You're better than me at this
I've seen enough, I'm done,
Don't force me to continue to be a witness
To this travesty you supplied me with to begin with

I hear him /
I see him /
I fathom him /
From afar /
Knowing that love looms over the horizon. /

He gives me the wings to soar /
Into the dreamscape /
There I find stillness, heartsease & the resplendant, radiant moonbeams /
The mellifluous musicality /
—He spirits me away./

La voce de la luce, /
La voce de la luce, /
Miramos, /
Escuchamos, /
A la voce de la luce. /

What do you /
See /
When you look at me? /
What do you /
See? /

I see a cosmos: /
I see the moon, the sun, the stars, /
A luminary, I see the trajectory /
The path of someone doubtless, /
Of someone indefatigable. /

Wombed skies, the aethers, /
Someone, something, /
So pristine, crystalline, intemerate, /
Unmatched, in formosity. /
—It's you. /
ryn Jun 2023
Turn into the breeze
so you could listen…

Tune into
the sullen whispers…

The wind…
Is merely a messenger,
conveying the song
of a long lost love.
M Solav Jan 2023
Sorry but not sorry
For the things that I have done.
Sorry but not sorry
For all the pain under the sun.

 And all the longing to set ourselves apart
 From the will of the masses,
 Though we clearly stand as one.

 And the reticence to play our part
 In building on new bridges,
 Though we clearly need them now.

  Short story long,
  Long story short -
  Sorry but not sorry
  For writing off this song.

Sorry but not sorry
For all the excuses that I make.
Sorry but not sorry
For not owing back what we take.

 And all the mannerism along which we pretend
 To care so much about the future,
 Though we clearly act for our only sake.

 And the conflicting messages that we must send
 As we aim to **** the messenger,
 Though we clearly all covet his fame.

  Short story long,
  Long story short,
  Sorry but not sorry,
  For writing off this song.

Sorry but not sorry
For casting off one more blame.
Sorry but not sorry
For the ills that one must name.

 And all the finger-pointing with no concrete action
 As we forget the final hour,
 Though we clearly hear the call

 And all the conflicts that we set in motion
 As we bow to the god of power,
 Though it clearly draws our fall

  Short story long,
  Long story short,
  Sorry but not sorry,
  For writing off this song.
Written on January 8th, 2023.

— Copyright © M. Solav —

This work may not be used in entirety or in part without the prior approval of its author. Please contact for usage requests. Thank you.
George Krokos May 2021
Dark clouds in the sky
gathered there all seem to be
messengers of rain
Written in 2020
Chad Young Dec 2020
The pyramid is the final vision beyond which there is no passing.
It is a moving Kaaba, carried away by angels and forces.
There is no way out of the pyramid.
When I reach the top it becomes less important as a top and a point.
The only way out of the pyramid is to attack it, which would attack beauty and attack simplicity.
Observing it is like having every answer given and every mystery solved, except Its own mystery.
The Messenger is the Pyramid of Reality.
More meditation...
Chad Young Dec 2020
The Pyramid is the Messenger
   of the Spirit world after we pass on.
We all must resolve to consecrate
   our actions to the Pyramid there.
The Orb is the handmaid that
   every soul is given for its care.
Pondering... I could be wrong.  Baha'u'llah said that His Revelation produces the "triangle and square fruits".
Chad Young Nov 2020
"A" crowned my head with a crown like
twigs while "A" was seated on the Throne.
Notice how Baha'u'llah reverberates that it is a different
throne, yet in essence the same One.
Fire like a rainbow.
Notice how a Prophet would gulp when another Prophet is
Notice how a Prophet does not need to "believe" in else
except God.
"C" is same.
If I am a Prophet without a voice from God, please
don't let me speak.
All the Prophets have transparent beauty like
Above the City of Immortality is the Valley of
the Manifestations.  Where the Sun of Reality
is home and all the denizens are refreshed
and find God again from whence they have
left.  Nothing but God lies above this Valley
and the Presence of the Beloved is aglow every limb.
The Presence is enlivening and heavy
in vitality.
"I hate you, I love, I hate that I love you",
echoes to hearts not attune to the Transcendent One.
The Presence has a unique energy that allows
Them to change the universe of lower natures.
All stresses dissipate away.
Those Eyes that see all of me.
Energy as if from another world,
as if always awakening from bed.
It is sitting in the Manifestation's Tent.
It is feeling Their skin become mine own skin.
Light so warm that it is cool.
Names have no place here,
only Spirit - the Transcendent.
I forget myself and
instead caught up in "A".
The fullness of the Manifestations will soon, soon
manifest in all of us.
24 karat Golden DNA.
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