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Every splash of ink,
Every drag of this pen.

Is another gift in the face of common man,
An honor that is art to the human soul.

For if not for this music,
Spirits would grow old, crumbling in the cold.
Art is a true blessing.
A man without a purpose,
perceives himself as a failure,
even in the gaze of those who don't see him.

His thoughts spiral, envisioning the
hope of light at the end of the tunnel,
only as a receding spark, like a distant star,
as he plunges deeper into a hole.

These are his thoughts when he’s alone –
this is NOT a poem!
Ivan Feb 23
she was the type of woman
that would float him
to conversations with angels
in one delicious word

and he, well...he was the type of man
that would sensually massage
her strawberry lips
with his thumb and index
to an absolute silence

so that he would not elevate
with her candy filled words
above her pedestal of worship
Archer Feb 24
I’ll discuss
The disgust I feel
When I see
Your ugly mug
kokoro Feb 14
When he tells me he can't get me a valentine till later,
its so bittersweet.
I love him for telling me so i'm not put down,
and I love how he thinks for me.
But it reminds me of every time i've gotten my birthday forgotten,
any holiday surrounding me,
and those words,
"i'll get you something later, i promise."
coming out of a desperate mans mouth.
It's not that i crave a gift
i really don't, i really don't care.
but how am i supposed to have trust in something that has been broken so many times?
how am i supposed to have trust when i've been pushed aside as a later thought?
Juliana Feb 4
And how will i feel when you leave in three months
Perhaps to another town, state, country even
I wouldn’t know
We never talk

Its sad that ive wasted the last two years
Right next to you
But blind

Its sad that it was only a couple weeks ago
When i first saw
When i saw you walk down the hall
And thought to myself
Oh my

And its sad that i will go my whole life without ever talking to you
Without ever getting to know
Whats behind that guarded smile
Or that instagram profile

Perhaps we’ll meet a decade from now
You will see me
And you will think to yourself
Oh my

And i will finally get to know
Green Feb 4
Akin to a tree with no shade,
A branch with no fruit ,
It stands tall with no weight ,
A husk with no shade .
Promised the men,
"The tree to provide shade,
To those who eat the fruit" .
With only fruits to be imaginary,
Men stand staring ,
Into the empty husk .

If a dove to approach ,
If a dove to question ,the 'fruits',
“The dove to be lit up " ,said the men,
“It harms the tree “, said the men,
" The Luscious tree cannot be fathomed,
As it not be questioned by simple minds " ,said the men.

The simple minded crow,
To pray for its shade .
For no seem found ,For men still stares.
Stares he at the fallen branches ,
Of a tree with no fruits.
I initially started writing this with a belief of agnosticism . After finishing it I realised the fruit doesn't have to be the "promise of salvation " It can just be any unfulfilled promise.
Any unfulfilled promise that men try to keep alive cause they benefit from the ignorance of people like the crow.
A dove initially in my mind was a heritic during the 18th century where they were lit up for questioning or going against catholic Church.
But in the end I realised it could be just about anyone who questions a stupid promise.
The shade is supposed to represent comfort in the fruit. Hope you had a good read .
And let me know if you throught this had any other interpretations according to you. (┛✧Д✧))┛
I am man who wants a lot though – I hope I win the lotto! I hope
she didn't try to park her heart in my mind, "where did she park
her car though?" Depression rides passenger, like some useless
cargo – I've studied my drive for a loaned passion, keeping an eye
on that car note. But sometimes I wonder where this car goes;
and I haven’t met the kiss of peace, just like I never seen Chicago.

I have a lot of goals – but scores of hurt; from questions of self-worth.
Tell me the maker of mismatched hopes, and the creator of dreams
from their birth? Who first put a curse on the tongue, to speak a few
curse words – who went that under someone, to underestimate when
they show a few nerves?

Would someone show me the why to the end of one's poverty -
better yet, how to own your misfortunes as first steps to fortune,
and living your worth, as your own property.

I am man who wants a lot - a whole lot of answers, to the questions
about the script of my life story; to live up to its plot.

An old man sat,
With another man young.
And up rose the old man from his chair,
In search of something found there.
From his pocket fell an old leather wallet,
And from it and older picture.
The young man picked them from the floor,
For the old man could bend no more.
And asked, the youth did,
Why, my elder, do you keep this ***** slip?
And responded the old man did,
For, my child, I remember not my beautiful wife anymore,
And there you hold her, and my child too.

The youth looked to the man, then to his wife,
Then returned the photograph.
Wise of you to keep her with you today.
Yes, my friend, it is
A longer piece, but even for it's bulkiness it has prospect.
The rain fell,
Far from the sky.
Down upon the rocky shores,
And all through the night,
Weathered the rock to sand drop by drop.

Then in the morning the sand blazed bright,
For the man to see.
Down to the shore he went,
And dug up the sand then,
Went and made colored glass.
Inspired by classic African spirituals and Celtic folk song.
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