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JR Oct 2021
I am a possessive creature
I am held together by passion
Fear me when I am mad
Love me when I am motivated
I am a jealous creature
I will love you to the moon and back
Break me and I will be vengeful
Kiss me but touch no other
Not one stroke
Not one glance
I want my name tattooed on your heart
Because yours is burned in my brain
I am a possessive creature but so are you

I don't know. I just started writing and then this came out. When I was writing, I was inspired by the show You. Enjoy it and think what you must.
The time is so different when you are in love
They might be silent and you never told them what happened
You had met strangers before and got a relationship with them
They are in love with you, and yeah, you are also in love with them
You were going on a date
Kissing them
Hugging them
Spending your time as long as you could do to yourself
Loving them as far as you could give to them a love itself
You had so many beautiful days all the time when you were in love
You were happy, and you deserved to be happy
One week you did
One month you did
One year you did
And after, and after
But in one moment both of you felt bad and it was going to be mad
You broke your heart by trying to forget what you loved before
You tried, then you would say to yourself
“I hate growing up”
“I just want to be a kid all the time”
“I won’t be falling in love again, it hurts”
That’s statement might be unspoken
But yeah, maybe everyone thinks about it at once
Indonesia, 17th September 2021
Arif Aditya Abyan Nugroho
Owen Sep 2021
I'll never be him
I'm not sorry, I wont.
And I am the only one
whom I'll let make me feel
that I am not enough
And I am never
Thomas Steyer Jul 2021
When we see what some people are dishing out,
we know what Bertrand Russell was talking about:
"The stupid are cocksure, the intelligent full of doubt."

When you meet someone who thinks he's clever,
but seems much too confident in his endeavour,
and talks to you non stop and forever and ever.

When he acts like a prophet defying convention,
never admitting a lack of comprehension,
promptly has a cure for everything you mention.

When he hands out his advice on a silver platter
convincing you that his opinions matter,
you can be certain, he's as mad as a hatter.
There are people trying to convince you that the world is flat.
Jade Aug 2021
Toto, I have a feeling we’re not in Sane anymore.
Jammit Janet Aug 2021
I am full of feelings
All the time
Sometimes they are so powerful
They consume me alive
Materialize Madness
Incite my moral decline
CJ May 2021
Choose a wrong route in life?
Mad at the wrong decision?
Blamed yourself for it?
Regretted everything you have done?

Think again...

You cant change what you had thought at that particular time.
Mistakes are made for a better success
Don't blame yourself for making the mistake
Praise yourself for realizing it and choosing to change

Who you are today is because of what you have done in the past
Be glad you have learnt from it.
I know its hard to forget but as long as you forgive yourself forgetting is easier...
Leone Lamp May 2021
I'm so angry
I'm seeing red
I'm screaming profanities
Inside my head
My blood is boiling
My ears shoot steam
I look like a cartoon
But I just feel mean
I just want to smash
I want to slam and curse
And rave and sing
All the songs that sound real mad
All the words that get out the bad
All the anger I've ever had
I want to roll it all
Into a giant ball
And destroy the ball
In front of you all
To burn up my anger
And watch the ashes dissolve.
I'm fine, thanks for asking.. But really, I'm not angry at the moment, I just felt like writing down how I feel when I am. I dunno, I generally stay pretty calm and collected, but when things build up these are the feels.

xavier thomas May 2021
its only wrong
because they don't expect you
to act on your emotions
Man May 2021
the things i want to do to you
drive me mad
with insatiable lust,
your allure is too much,
but if that wasn't enough
i think i'm falling for you
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