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The joy I dreamed of in the future
is reborn within me.
I feel fear coming back,
full of kind tears,
weighed down
by the purple **** of the sky.

Your senses, imprisoned in a cage
of illusions, today are only a complaint,
a doubt that cannot exist
on its own.

Evenings are delightful,
when the shadowy hand of night
combs your fair hair
with its fingers,
when kisses are so frail
that it is not difficult to rise again.

I'm dreaming about time again,
stripped of eternity.
I want the first heartbeat
to be yours alone.
Are you close enough for me
to understand that
I am smiling unnecessarily?

Find the key to loneliness
within yourself.
Get rid of the wind that has fallen
in love with your thoughts.
Is it enough to love
for the world to be resurrected?
I try to taste your warmth.
I want to understand
the silence
that fills your outstretched heart.

I know that the world
is close to
my desires.
I remember that the tenderness
returns when we talk about
tomorrow again.

The peace that only your passion
could give me spreads within me.
I am so close to your emotions,
I feel the sweet balast
of your words,
unnecessarily whispered.

I hide my face behind a curtain
of tears, anticipating the return
of the present.
Come, melancholy, find in me
the way back to the world.

Introduce me to the sky
that until now was exclusively yours.
I love your illusions, I appreciate
the hallucinations
behind which no hint of sadness,
no moment of freedom lurks.
The tenderness of your sad hands
seals my fear.
The proximity of sleep
makes me want to walk away
to the other side of the shadow.

I am so close to your desires
that silence boasts of its existence.
I do not want you
to fall in love
with my pregnant tears - introduce me
to the era for which
I would rather stay here.

My sky falls asleep
in your sunny embrace,
corporeality becomes a naive dream.
Sometimes I would like to open
my heart and get out of
this hermitage, but I know
that no horizon
will bear my weight.

It is only a tear focused on itself.
A shard of pain
that fills the emptiness in my soul.
My heart blooms in me,
soon it will bear forbidden fruit.

I remain susceptible to kisses,
to exquisite meetings of bodies.
I'm enjoying
the uncertainty here.
I have lost the continuation
of this too naive storm.
I have sunk into
a madness
that no one understands
except the suffering.

My hands, bound by
the petrified air,
can await the coming tomorrow,
smiles that do not match reality.

There's a hole growing
inside me
that doesn't lead to any light
at the end of the tunnel.

Stripped of your kisses, robbed of
the fertile caresses
of the wind,
I willingly clash with your senses,
with enslaved memories
for which I could go into
the unknown.

Come to me, my charming silence,
prove that my soul
belongs to someone else.
I am choking on an hour, thoughtlessly
conceived at the wrong time.

I fight with the longing
that belongs to
my loneliness.
I cannot dream too gladly.
Incarnate hope clings
to the too low ceiling
of the moon.
I have an excuse to be born again.
The night, sealed by your silent cry
for solitude, disintegrates into
missing elements.

The day, which has come as usual
at the wrong time,
does not fit into the sky here,
it clashes with
the hard-to-digest hour.

I count your sins, even though
I know that future
will find your lost destiny.

Your thoughts are pure,
and your desires are even more beautiful,
which I try to fulfill despite
the black roads that fawn on
worn feet.

I do not understand the shouting
of the crowd, I do not remember
who showed me the way back.

My tears, although white, empty
and long overgrown,
today carve a broken lifeline.
I seek inspiration
among your memories,
I long for hope that shimmers
in the green abyss of your gaze.

I do not want my longing
to disturb anyone.
I refuse to let tomorrow evening
consume me.
These are the moments when a merciful
sleep reveals itself
to a delightful night.

These are the hours when a star,
condemned to the pity
of its own shadow, loves hypocrisy,
delights in a desire that brings
nothing new.

You still wear my body - you forget
how many paths it has taken
to get stuck on this side of loneliness.

I am not a wish
that comes true when we forget.
Is it freedom that makes
a person die
in the middle of a sentence?

Is it sleep, stolen from God,
that makes us like our own tears?
I'm trying to soothe
your fickle heart.
I want to shine, enough so
that distance deprives me
of faith in heaven.

Quite by accident I encountered
your touch, it is still too immature
for me to regain a lost whisper,
to cry out a prayer.

My tears are frozen. Even sadder
words that no one deserves.
Maria Jan 14
She never loved big noisy be-in
And always walked the streets in fast.
She never tried to hide herself.
But she was of an opened heart.

They thought she was as if an ice queen,
Puffed-up and only on her own.
It didn’t matter to her fully
And suited her in spite of all.

She never thought of their mind.
She simply lived with peace inside.
She loved to walk under umbrella.
It was her own uncaptioned guard.

She really loved her own loneliness.
She liked to feel herself apart.
The inner silence gave her calmness
And truth inside of her in fact.

Night was her just a single friend.
She loved to be all by herself.
She dreamed under the lights of lanterns.
No stamps, no people were no less.
This poem is about a woman, who loved loneliness and silence inside. Night was her real and single friend.
silvervi Jan 14
Feelings of loneliness coming to tears
I disappear, you disappear

Feelings of loneliness coming to tears
I disappear, you disappear

Feelings of loneliness coming to tears
I disappear, you disappear...
A song I sang suddenly today.
Lidia Jan 13
Seems like it's a dreadful day,
       Every light has faded away.
      Then darkness begins to say,
"I am following you, on your way."

The cold breeze whispers in your ear,
    "Oh sad soul, I will be staying here
Down your cheeks, every drop of tear,
        Explicitly shows out your fear."

    Experiencing a frightening dream,
   With excruciating pain you scream.
       Sorrow lingers in your mind.
   To help you heal, no one you find.
Syafie R Jan 13
I drag this weight,
 each step a crime against the ground.

Am I a ghost,

too solid to slip away,

or an animal,
 broken, bent,
 flesh tight with the burden of living?

I cannot call myself human—

humans ache with love,

but I am jagged,
 a wound that won't heal.

Too wild to tame,

too hollow to be held.

Time to vanish—

to dissolve into night,

my absence felt by none.
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