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Man Feb 15
It's intelligence that's speaking,
But is logic responding
And has emotion been consulted?
But no, you;
You're all three.
Sure, surely; clearly,
That's why everything
Seems so confusing,
Or have they left?
Man Feb 13
Beware the ides of March,
April shall weep with us,
And May might even;
Beware the hanging mist,
Avoid the creeping fog,
And move out from the shadows.

Stand before everybody,
Let them hear the truth of your love
And explain that, that love is of the people
Which are of knowledge.

The children of reason,
The kids of virtue;
The lineage of Logic & Wisdom,
Of Innocence & Emotion.

Be wary of the pats on the back,
But less of those open in their criticisms.

Watch the blade which does not reflect,
Whoever hesitant to display their genuine feelings.

Keep your family closest,
But merely watch their wandering affections.

Keep your friends closer,
For at a distance you seem as enemies.
Mind the weather, they're calling for hard rain.
Maria Etre Feb 5
"I am over the moon", love said
"But how can you breathe?" logic asked

"I can't", love smiled
"How are you alive?", logic asked

"I am catching my breath", love replied
"Up there?", logic replied

love closed its eyes
and fell
TonyNoon Jan 23
I often take the long road home.
It allows me to take a deep dive
of events and find my place in
the trajectory of working hours.

You can do this sort of thing with
quantitative matters. Interactions
between a) and b) will always have
a measurable effect on levels of c)

I have tried to superimpose this idea
on qualitative issues without success.
Even on the longest route there is not
enough road to draw firm conclusions.

Tony Noon
Jeremy Betts Dec 2024
She says he's hard to handle
When he flies off the handle
So she reaches for the mantle
Grabs a solid base from a candle

He spews venom in his words
She says that hurts the worst
He knows physical violence is what she prefers
Her clenched hands are where the DV occurs

Her screams turns to subtle cries
He dabs her bloodshot eyes
She says, "why bother to apologize?"
They're both tired of the lies

They question if this is love
Compassion and passion
Turned push and shove
They meet cordially in the middle
Only to say enough is enough

Man Dec 2024
For those pieces you long to see put back together again,
Be the stitching which is sewn.
Let your sleeve wear your heart,
And from that sleeve
Let there be a spool fit for knitting.
In your mind, be bereft of emotion
And kindle virtue begat of logic.
Then your words may pierce like a needle Focused,
By & on all the love you know.
Ken Pepiton Nov 2024
in bodiless form, in spirit
in truth;

from out, looking in,
from now, seeing then
from whence all laws arise;

thinker thoughts,
tinker toy's and dams,
tin solder solutions

"Solutio!" or did he say
"Salute!" loose salubriety?

Endlösung, wholy reforming

all the whys in Userous tyranny,
all the reason in Balance of power,
all the mastery in War against peace…
of coincidence crossing the wake
of where we were truer sets
of posed causal effects,
twist and shout,
your own salvation,
in the end,
work it on out,
when you live ever after,
what you gonna do?

If it's up to you, of course.
Unbraiding dread knots, loosed from mortal coil, then what... there being
after waking here once more, to offer a thought in the empty after math.
Zywa Nov 2024
Seven bridges, that

is an odd number, so how --

do I set a route?
Poem "Broarna i Koningsbergen" ("The bridges in Koningsbergen", 1966, Lars Gustafsson)

Collection "Specialities"
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