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Poetress2 Mar 2019
When you hear the Thunder rolling,
and you're in the eye of your storm;
You can always take your refuge,
in the mighty name of the Lord.
When the lightning flashes brightly,
and you don't think you're prepared;
Just reach out for His hand,
in your whirlpool of despair.
When the sheets of rain are deafening,
and they cause you fear inside;
Go stand by the mighty Mountain,
in the blessed name of Christ.
When the rain turns into hail,
and you don't know what to do;
Just call upon our Savior,
and He will comfort you.
He'll take you by the hand,
and calm your frightened Soul;
He'll always hold you tightly,
He'll never let you go!
I wanted to model my life after a rainstorm:

To embody the excitement and freshness and screaming vitality
of a torrential rain on a hot summer day
To show off my clouds and shout out with thunder
My worries and sorrows, my failures and fears.
To laugh and cry and run and shriek
With windstorms and hailstorms and post-summer sleet.

But most of all,
I wanted to flash through people's lives like lightning
So, so bright and unexpected and beautiful and alive
That they held their breath and scanned the skies
For just one more crackle of energy and excitement
That makes them question their accepted lives.

If nothing else, I'll be petrichor
The soft, sweet reminder of new life to come.
That puts a smile on people's faces
As they, for once, stop, and breathe,
And remember that
They, too,
Emma Mar 2019
Feel the energy
crackle through your veins

A quiet power,
sound in structure
but never to be tamed.

It ignites your bones
and opens your mind.

You are alive.
You are awake.

Lightning only strikes once
and you are one of
the lucky ones
to be touched.
Batrisyia Azman Mar 2019
A dramatic symphony,
Echoes from billowing clouds above,
The marble sky glows with golden warmth,
At times even the orb is concealed,
Gusts of wind fly past,
Like driving a car with the windows down,
White flashes illuminate brief moments,
This marks the beginning.

As diamonds descend from above,
I turn upwards smiling,
The cold weather relieving a tropical heatwave,
The water replenishing parched soil,
The blessings replenishing parched souls.
floW Feb 2019
lightning is important.
                                                                                                                 age 4:
i watched you fall lifeless right in front of me,
the lightning and rain outside shines through the windows,
your eyes go black,
body completely still,
my oldest sister,
my second mother,
taken from me.

i cried, screamed, begged for you to come back.
no reply.

i stood as your body was taken away,
taken out of sight
for eternity.

                                                               ­                                                age 12:
torn apart.
it took 8 years to divide us,
but the strike of the lightning
cut layers deep,
it was permanent.

family is something that should be held sacred,
but it had been 8 years since we were a family.

now we would have to be two families.
                                                                ­                                               age 18:
i get a call.

drive through the rain and lightning,
only to see you were already gone.
another life in front of my eyes, taken.
another body that would soon leave my sight,
and never return.

My hero.
i wish i knew,
i wish i had done more,
i wish i could stop wishing and just do it.

we all begged once again,
come back.

                                                                ­                                                   now:
i watch the lightning outside my window,
the flash shows strength.

the strength you must show everyone,
you must use to protect everyone.

but when you live for everyone else
and everyone is gone,
who is left to live for.

how do you learn to live for yourself,
you've never done this.

you have to try,
otherwise you won't be

Watch the lighting:
imitate the strength,
the power,
the force,
the persistence,
nothing stands in the way.

you got this.
Salmabanu Hatim Feb 2019
The wind whistled through the trees,
An ominous warning on her lips,
The skies were ripped apart by lightning,
The dark clouds thundered calling out my child's name,
Raindrops pelted on the window pane,
Threatening to break it.
I sat huddled in a chair,
Praying for a miracle.
My child lay on his bed barely breathing with no hope,
The doctor had left,
Now it was in the hands of Allah.
Suddenly everything seemed still,
Nature had quietened,
The candle stopped flickering.
I saw a large,dark silhouette  leaving the doorway,
It was saying,"My mistake, your child has long to live."
My son woke up with a smile,
"Mum,I was with the Angels,
It was beautiful there,
But they brought me back,
I was needed here to be with you."
I jumped up and hugged him tightly, tears streaming down my eyes,
What a miracle,
Allah had listened to my prayers.
Poetic T Feb 2019
We are all hurricanes with a tight environment,
             Sometimes we pass each other..

                      Low pressure meets high pressure,
and all that happens is a storm within a tea cup..

                                       But even they overflow
and condensing emotions..
                      that don't descend causes a friction
that can  release a static discharge
                                      that doesn't only
hit once but twice...

             And all hit the ground with a failure of restriction.

Where all a weather system
               of contemplation.
Emotions either glide on the wind
                                   or release on the unwitting below.
No matter everyone will feel the brunt of a storm sometime
Vic Feb 2019
Ιδού, φωτός
Γαια εναντίον του ἐγώ
Αλλά δεν είδα τίποτα
Ήμουν μαζί σου στα όνειρά μου
Μπορώ να αφήσω τη γη
Για να μην υποφέρουμε πλέον
Ή θα με βρει ο Άδης
Και τιμωρήστε με
Για αυτή τη λίστα
Αυτή η εξαπάτηση
Άφησα να τρέξουν περισσότερα δάκρυα
Τότε ο ωκεανός του Ποσειδώνα
Άφησα περισσότερο ροή αίματος
Τότε η αστραπή του Δία
Γαία, σταματήστε να με αγαπάτε
Και ο Άδης, με πάρτε μακριά
Σώστε μου από αυτή την κόλαση
Ο τάρταρος είναι λιγότερο κακός
Και τιμωρήστε με
Σκότωσέ με
Poetry in greek, because I can.
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