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Skylar Keith Oct 2017
Come to the Edge
Don't be scared
That's what they said

Edge of what?
The Edge changed

Don't go!
It's dangerous
It's different now

Come closer
Step away
Which one is it?

Turn away!
What edge are you on?

Some Edges are made to jump from
Some Edges you look over
Some Edges you leave

The same way you came
Jump if you can fly
Can you fly?

Find your wings
To the Edge I say
The Edge you stand on is the one you chose or found

Jump if you can fly
Walk if you can't

Find the Edge that belongs to you and lifts you high above
You'll find your place
Chloe Oct 2017
I ought to know why you stare at me with intention,
but you treat me with hesitation.
Fear what you know for sure, and swim into unknown waters and learn to love an uncharted sea that knows no boundaries with a full heart.
There lies a shore with white sands and calming winds, the comfort of knowing.

-Chloe Aldecoa
May E V Watson Oct 2017
I dream of world’s, or at least portals to them.

It always plays back to me like a broken memory. The places location and buildings change, the people change but the two optional outcomes ALWAYS remain constant. It started when I was a little girl, maybe six or seven, I started having serious reoccurring dreams. The one I tell you about now is the one I referred to as “The Portal.”
We are walking along, depending on who it is, we are at school, work, or someplace downtown. There are always others around.

It is always Autumn, a day just chilly enough for the light coats we are wearing. The sky has lots of fluffy cotton ball clouds Drifting by, in the breeze always carries the scent of the Sea, saltwater, the breeze also carries the Fallen Autumn Leaves upon it on the warm wind Drifting by, even if there are no trees. And we’re always, or always end up outside, walking along.

After what feels like walking for an hour or so in this dream of mine, the winds pick up Suddenly. The sharp smell of ozone cuts the air. The tear, Rift, opening, mini black hole, wormhole whatever you want to call it this portal to another place, opens up with a flash of Silent Violet lightning.
It creates suction like squirrel, pulling things into it; mailboxes, cars, Lake posts all seemed to disintegrate when it touches it, all but the birds and trees being ****** in.

And somehow I always know, but the only way for it to go, it’s to get what it came for. I must go, it always gives me the choice though. If I do not jump, into the sky, it fades away over time. It has never forced me to go. Take another thing was, perhaps a faceless person, but I’ve never been made to go against my will by it.

It is always you, or the one beside me grabbing my hand as I jump. My feet dangle in the sky, towards the rift. I am not afraid, but you are. And the tears roll down her cheeks, to drift into the static.

It is a cool and sunny autumn day, and the sky is full of clouds. The breeze and air current is strong going into the portal, but also gentle is the wind Swirls and leaves float to the air. And you are always one or many of you, my love ones, my friends, my family, always holding on to me, onto to my wrists.
There is only ever one thing you say is our tears trip into the sky, “Please.”

Sometimes, I grabbed on in the whole crackles like a bad radio signal, closes and I waken. But the other times, most of the time. I will look you in the eyes, and I will say the three things I never seem to failed to say at this point. And the final thing I hate to say, just say unless I hate you, or it is final.
“ let go. You’ll be fine. Goodbye.”
After those final words for me, and he holding me ceases, even if I must look through your fingers. And I’m drawn into the tear.

I never find out where I go. But I’ve noticed, but even if I wake up and the temperature is 20 degrees, I always and never hold, feeling is the surrounded by gentle Cocoon of warmth.

I never told my mother this story, and not long ago when I was 19, she told me something at a hard time I was having,
“If the Portal opens, JUMP.” ~BLW

It’s a variation of Our Own, on the Total Recall quote get your *** to Mars because she would say that too, but it also meant she said,
“ if you are given a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, even if you must leave oh you know and love behind, Take It.”
Written Sunday February 19th, 2017
this is the second of my short story prompts from my friend. and my third favorite.
Doris Sep 2017
When we first talked I remember his look.       He saw right through me

And that’s what he took

Smells thick, heavy like mulch beneath 

I knew then

This is Fearless hunting the lamb

And there it all began

Jump without looking into the depths

Run into his arms 

Into his story

His dream 

His land

Ocean rising and pulling from the shores
Up in the clouds, filling the air

Fueling the eye that would not spare
Destroyed sobs heard the silent screams of despair

And it was then he did not care.

He stood, tall and proud and I the glare
The ghost chewed eaten discarded 

Stalked, chased and charmed; capture a beauty for his arm,

Release and dangle close for treats

This lasted for months and weeks

The tune never changed

The hum jolting up right

The beast no longer hungry

As he’d been fed

Stuffed like a coward on his king like bed,
who else knew these sheets, lies, loves in lust.

Eats for two, awaiting the fight, his song loud like the ego he bore

Until I faded

A glare…No more.
Dori Sep 2017
You sit there on the edge of your bed at seventeen wondering where the hell it all went wrong.
Growing up didn’t seem so awful until you realized that eventually you’re going to fall in love with a beautiful girl, and she’s going to tell you she loves you back but not until she loads her gun.
So you keep sitting there, at the edge of your bed, praying that she loves the color of your eyes more than she loves the smell of the flowers she’s going to place at your grave.
But she doesn’t.
She never did.
So at seventeen, you decide to jump.
You jump off your bed and the fall seems to go on forever.
But your bed was never a bed, it was the pedestal she had you on for fifteen months and you finally had the courage to take that leap of faith and free yourself.
Except freedom isn’t freedom if you’re still shackled up and chained at the bottom of the oceans in her eyes and helplessly addicted to the satin feel of her skin. You scream and scream, but nothing can break the silence.

That’s when you realize she pulled the trigger and didn’t even kiss you goodbye.
Shofi Ahmed Sep 2017
The silent moon  
is still in the listening mode
since Adam in Eden voiced
his divine prose!

Ambling speechless over
the ocean it won’t touch it,
nor will the billowy water
neither will it jump over.
Therein the ever polished gap
our storylines find the jump!
Remmy Aug 2017
maybe i need to accept my flaws
what flaws?
no darling no more denial
you jump without leaping
leap without jumping
you dont think about the situation in its entirety
you didnt think about the situation surrounding her
you just saw her and your feelings for her
you didnt think you just leaped
youu leaped without jumping
and jumped without leaping
you need to do both
you need to jump and leap
you need to remember that situations come in wholes
not halves or quarters or eighths
they come in wholes
jump and leap my darling
jump and leap
Demonatachick Aug 2017
Today I felt the urge to fall down a flight of stairs, and when I say fall
I mean,
                                   and plunge.

I wanted to feel something, a pain that wasn't already carried within me.

I could imagine the weightlessness I  would have felt as my body relaxed,
how time would have appeared hampered as if altered by my sudden descent.

That numbing pain as each step would buffet my spine and finally the  ominous silence that preludes my last breath while my misery pools around me glistening for all to see.

though sadly...

.             I live in a bungalow
Vertical, ever get that sudden urge to jump off something you know you shouldn't ?

My first non- rhyming piece, hope you enjoy :)
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