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Doris Oct 2017
The beast and the fool the star of the game ready, set, pay to rid the toxic, to live without restrain.

Done, done and over the jesters eyes big and older, standing still The fool knowing the order. Clever, quiet, listening Patiently ready to wait.

The jester knew this tired game and playfully asked the beast to come down the hall, she used her magic and made him crawl,

The beast down on all fours, rolling around, his back up and face down making himself happy reciting the lyrics of the jesters sound.

The beast roared as he helped himself the jester silence watching in disbelief how selfish his lies, how deep his deceit.

The jester let the beast show her door as he thought he had won once more… The jester took a leap as she needed him to think…

1. Sweet and all fun.
2. He wanted to eat, say anything to get his treat
3. Stuffed, full and cold: tired from his chore then his anger would start to bore.

Click, click, click. One. Two. Three.

The plan fell into place, the jester watched the motion repetitive like waves of the ocean. Predictable as the morning sun.

Now the joker was ready to run. Her eyes filled with tears, The beast set the joker free as if came up with the idea all alone.

The jester was thought to be the fool, playing the games, anything to please, Her words did not matter, as she was his joke
She watched the beasts face beam full and bright to dark and hidden like a moon on a crisp October night.

She started the count down knowing the steps of what would come next and the fool clever in all of her jest.

Shocked at how easy it was to predict, the spell drifted over like the clock struck twevle the beast turned cold making sure he had the power to behold.

Repeating his roar over and over again. The jester continued to run, away so fast, grabbing everything to never look back.

She rid anything that had his mark knowing the beast never consume her space as he knew his doomed lonely fate.
She runs so far away. She did not come to play.

She came to put an end to all, letting him do. So easy to push her so far away using her rules the beast did totally play.

She runs so hard, so fast, so far. She never ever Will he used for tricks and treats for this **** boy beast has had his last feast.
Doris Sep 2017
When we first talked I remember his look.       He saw right through me

And that’s what he took

Smells thick, heavy like mulch beneath 

I knew then

This is Fearless hunting the lamb

And there it all began

Jump without looking into the depths

Run into his arms 

Into his story

His dream 

His land

Ocean rising and pulling from the shores
Up in the clouds, filling the air

Fueling the eye that would not spare
Destroyed sobs heard the silent screams of despair

And it was then he did not care.

He stood, tall and proud and I the glare
The ghost chewed eaten discarded 

Stalked, chased and charmed; capture a beauty for his arm,

Release and dangle close for treats

This lasted for months and weeks

The tune never changed

The hum jolting up right

The beast no longer hungry

As he’d been fed

Stuffed like a coward on his king like bed,
who else knew these sheets, lies, loves in lust.

Eats for two, awaiting the fight, his song loud like the ego he bore

Until I faded

A glare…No more.
Doris Jan 2017
I haven't been here in a while
I forgot about some of the awful
I remembered most of the good
I seem to still be heart broken
I am really good at loving
Good isn't great
It may be the only weakness I have
It may be the only sad I'm truly sad
It may be the only time I find to write
It may be the last time I think to say goodnight
Goodnight for no tomorrow
I'm tired of chasing
I'm tired of begging
I'm tired of the re reads
I'm tired of being in the dark
Lucky for me
I've been here before
I've gotten up
I've kept going
I've always found anew
And it's here to prove.
Doris Jan 2017
November the 5th
Bloodshot and broken
Everything is lost. Steps to gain.
Set her free. A gift not wanted.
November the 5th
Bloodshot and broken
Alone and beaten
Upward to move. Unable to beg.
Unable to fake. Unable to prove.
Heart still beating, ringing in the ears.
Longing, crying, thump, thump, thump.
November the 5th.
Everything is lost. Steps to move.
Please, no. A soft wail from deep within.
November the 5th.
Doris Apr 2014
The darkness is still but moving swiftly
The light mist of spring
The echos of night different for all
Whispers of wizzing traffic off 8 mile
Birds, night bugs and howling winds from the north.
Night secrets cuddle sleep relax drewn
Doris Apr 2014
All I ever wanted was him.
All I ever wanted was to travel
All I ever wanted was to be inlove
All I ever wanted was one good friend
All I ever wanted I never have in the end.
All I want is sleep.
All I want is a place to be welcome
A place free of questions
Free of fights
All I ever wanted was one chance to do better
Better than yesterday
And I sit alone
Still wanting
Thinking about my life
I'm sleeping in the car.
I'm done.
I try
I don't know what to do.
Doris Jan 2014
"With tears in my eyes and love consuming my soul,
I fought for you.
In the war we met each other
To how we became one,
I fought for you.
In the days of mixed colors, a sweet warm breeze; it was picture perfect,
I fought for you.
In the twisted night, trapped willfully;  screaming silently to escape,
I fought for you.
I watched you as you held me in the soft secrets whispered we promised each other,
I fought for you.
In the dim light of morning we were lost in hopes and dreams of what could be,
I fought for you.
In the moments I thought the dim would magically turn to bright,
I fought for you.
In the moment of what could have been your last breath, I held mine and,
I fought of you.
When it was said and done, when the light crept up, I was blind; in a wild twist of only skin and bare bones, naked, shaking my head to hold your hand, blaming the boy...
I fought for us.
In parting ways, a river always flowing together we have reached the bend together parts of us will always be shared; parts of me, I would never asked to be returned.
In the dim of morning, in the dark of night, in the shadow of two.
I fight for me. "
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