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Tyler Oct 2018
I love you so much I feel like a ticking time bomb
At any minute I will explode
Splattering wishful thinking and pieces of a swollen heart all over
Your breath in my neck is a prison
Because it’s all I can think about
All I can feel
I ache for your fingertips
I ache for the softness of your palm
Your scent paints patterns on my spine
Tracing it carefully, just like you would
Trickling down a curved back
Waiting to swallow my presence whole
And send me down to the abyss of your loving
I need to come home
Home to your softness
Home to your body
Home to you.
Zell Oct 2018
As my heart kept losing over my brain,
I am rather more tempted to feign.
To act as if i do not feel much,
Though sometimes i long for your touch.

But be still, my dear.
Through time you'll finally hear.
For these words to which my lips are sealed,
Are feelings need not stay forever concealed.
© 2018 D.A. Barreras
With the sparkles in your eyes.
With the kisses that I die for.
Whose hugs speak of deepest needs.
Whose arms flung around my neck.
With a face I want to see.
With body of fantasy.
Whose smile turns joy into lust.
Whose fingers turn lust to need.
Pull me closer into you.
Sensual, magnificent.
Instagram @insightshurt
Blogging at
Buy "Insights Hurt: Bringing Healing Thoughts To Life" at
AceLione Oct 2018
She walks in the hall with her blonde hair
The only thing, I could do was stare
Deep inside me, my heartbeat went crazy
I’d hope she would say, please do love me
i raised my hand but not my voice
Raising my voice wasn’t my choice
I couldn’t move and thought what am i feeling.
It felt like I could get blasted up the ceiling
I’d sit behind her in the class
Thinking about how I could fix my mess
I tried everything to make her notice me
When I closed my locker it was only her i could see.
JS CARIE Oct 2018
I would like to sit quietly with you
like to go all these places with you
Watch you change yet remain the same you
I would like to wear white with you

I would like to ride bikes with you
Want to be healthy and go slow with you
Put the top down smoking cigarettes too
Watch the powerful perfect tender you

Watch your rings see your necklaces swing
Feel the fire on our skin in the wind
Try and fail, **** up in sync with you
Try and fail, learn to just be with you
Tyler Oct 2018
I promised myself never to give in to love
Never to let it take me
Or wreck what I’ve built
Never to let it be a noose
Or a sharpened knife
But then I looked into your soul
Your beautiful, green eyes
Your soft, brown hair
And the tuft that sticks up from your head in the morning
The way your voice cracks when you’re passionate
The way your nose wrinkles when laugh  
Your fingertips brushing over my arm
Or your thumb caressing my hand absentmindedly
Your eyes meeting mine and forming a cosmic bond
Stars meeting stars and colliding
Exploding in the space between my lips and your teeth
Because the way your hands around me feel
The way it‘s like you’ll never let go
Is enough for me to break
Because I don’t know when I’ll see you again
I need your touch and my heart on your string
Face to face, skin to skin
It doesn’t matter what I promised, because suddenly,
You’re my everything.
What choice have I?
Presented with my dreams in waking light.
What hope have I?
I could not resist you with all my might.

What choice have I?
When looking at your face makes me crumble?
What hope have I?
In your stare I forget to be humble.

What choice have I?
When the years denied me beauty like this?
What hope have I?
When I’d given up on the perfect kiss?

What choice have I?
You’re fire and light of the brightest star.
What hope have I?
I can’t believe just how gorgeous you are.
Instagram @insightshurt
Blogging at
Buy “Insights Hurt: Bringing Healing Thoughts To Life” at
jj Oct 2018
An idiot is harmless,
Until that idiot falls in love,
Then they’re willing to do anything,
For the person they’re in awe of.

Whether its building a new world,
Or burning the old one down,
They’ll stop at nothing,
To give their love a crown.

Now if that love fades,
And they are left weeping,
They could take one of two paths,
Both will leave an empty heart unsleeping.

Path one is war and rampage,
Destroy everything in their way,
Path two is depression and tears,
They may cause their own doomsday.

Either way an idiot is harmless,
Until that idiot falls in love,
And if you happen to cross that idiot,
Beware for they do not care, they are deprived of---------
i might be an idiot in love.
LadyM Oct 2018
I just wanted to say
that the sound of your voice
wakes up my senses

When you speak
I'm melting away,
giving in to the consequences

You're a room
full of candles,
I inhale without a choice

I scent cherry blossom
and vanilla flames,
you sound like roses and apricots

The sweet aroma
of your melody
smells like candles of passion fruit

I'm drawn in
by your tone,
for me, you are an absolute

I'm enveloped
in daffodils
as your words glow in yellow

Your voice
is so hypnotising,
euphonious and mellow.
Being in love is like being surrounded by a million flickering candle flames, giving out the most precious aromas, mixing up all your senses and awakening them at the same time. <3
Demons Oct 2018
You see...
The moment I knew,
That I was in love with you.
Was when I turned around to see,
You in his lap, his lips on yours.
My stomach dropping,
My heart breaking.
And I just left.
Because I knew
That I was
Falling in
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