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Sam Jul 2017
Hope is unfamiliar
In this heart of mine
It left me long ago
This life I just survive

So when you see the pictures
The kid who used to be
Smile true and wide
Eyes that owned the world
Know that he is gone
Like the hopes of yesterday
Kamen Jul 2017
I looked up to you.

You where the sky,
vast, awe-inspiring, unreachable.
You where the clouds,
shapeless, yet constant.

I looked up to you.

You where the visage of strength, the image of something I wish I could be.
Then time passed and just like a memory you started fading.
You lost your shine,
and I could no longer find a glimmer of it.

I don't know you and yet I do.
You are the shadow of my hero.
The husk that was left behind as the days, months, years passed.

I looked up to you.

In your dust the shape of me broken.
My heart torn to pieces.
My faith now gone.
My hope is now hopeless.

How could you?
How could you destroy the one thing I believed you to be?
How could you not see the you that I could see?

I looked up to you.

Now I ask myself,
How could I be so blind?
What did I see in you?
How could I have been so wrong?

The worst part is,
I looked up to you.
lilly Jul 2017
and i watched
while the spring breeze swayed the curtains
and a weak smile played on his lips
her eyes were closed
dark lashes fluttering gently
light snores escaping her mouth

he held her hand in his
and i couldn't help but to wonder
how could a love be so pure?
II: the second work in a series of short poems; series one.
You've been trying to drown me
for so long, that
I've learned how to swim on

You have tried to destroy me
so many times, that
I can fix myself again with my
eyes closed.

Still, I haven't learned how to
forget your lips,
how to resist your eyes,
how to fix my heart.

Because every single time I
wake up
and your body isn't laying
next to me,

my misery drowns
and my pieces
fall apart.
Sam Jul 2017
Here I am once more
Stuck in agony
All remedies are distant
If even real at all
As nothing seems to change

Darkness has much prowess
To conquer deep inside
As the fight continues
I realize I'll never win
lilly Jul 2017
once you know something it's hard not to notice it
how his gaze seems to linger
how he hugs her as if he never wants to let go
how he stares just a little too long

how behind his smile
and in his eyes
for a fleeting moment
is all
I: the first work in a series of short poems; series one.
Stanley crawled along the shore
Holding the ocean in his hand
Bearing the words "Nevermore"
He was quite justifiably mad.

He had without, a coin to his name.
Nor the age of someone wiser.
Stanely, without thinking met a dame.
Who shared his love of a ****** writer.

I refrain from telling you so thusly.
But I authored this text thinking of me.
In my room, on a bed.
Too bad no one likes reading about poor people.

Stanelys dame had given him hope.
And tore it slowly without a sound.
Crushing, to his very soul.
He refused to swim, preferring to drown.

But I dare not say where stanely ends.
Or where his story dared to lead.
He did not drown within those depths.
How poetic that must have been.

Stanely looked upon the beach.
Feeling four winds at his heels.
His writers note had overreached.
And stanely cried, forgetting that girl.
I'd prefer dark comedy writing.
Laura Jul 2017
When I was 17
The biggest
Thing I ever did was
Love you

When I was 22
The most heartfelt
Thing I ever did was
Kiss you

Never were you mine

When I was 25
The hardest
Thing I ever did
Was cheat on you

When I was 29
The most beautiful
Thing I ever did
Was giving birth

Never was I with you

Now I am 33
And my life is full of
Things and people
I love and cherish

Beggars can't be choosers
But always wanting you
May be the most destructing
Thing I will ever do.
me again Jul 2017
i practice a speech,
so maybe you'd hear me
contorting my words
so they sound more appealing;
endlessly awaiting the appraisal
of my phonics
while, on the inside,
you struggle with responses.
Acknowledgment being
the first step to healing,
i tear open old wounds
by internally seething..
grieving the losses of
speech never spoken,
we utter different dialects;
our English is  broken..
scared to speak up,
and most likely start choking
we dissipate tension
by laughing,
and joking
originally written on the 5th of May, 2017.
Sam Jul 2017
A blackened path
A darkened soul
Reasons I fight
Lost from my sight

Slowly forgetting
What used to be
What could have been

When my light dims
The shadows come to take me
When my light dims
Will you be there to save me?

Or will I fade away?
Forever in the gray
Blessed by this deception
In need of resurrection

A bird with broken wings
This bird no longer sings

Time becoming thin
With each passing day
My heart is more constricted
Please come and cut the chain
Save me from this sorrow
And free
I will fly again
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