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annh Mar 2021
La, I am an honest deceiver,
For whomsoever shall lend his lies to me,
Will be repaid threefold in pretty devilment.

Channelling Stoppard, who imitated Marlowe, who emulated Virgil. Originality is nought but petty thievery. ;)

‘You must be proud, bold, pleasant, resolute,
And now and then stab, when occasion serves.’
- Kit Marlowe
Ani Feb 2021
like the waves
like the stars
like the trees or like the grass.

like the cundle beside you that gives light to your darkness

like the plate on the sink half empty and now *****

like the cup of coffee that you shared that specific morning

like the rain and like the clouds
like the sun and like the snow

like the book you've just read
or the movie you've just watched

like the arguemnts that reminds you true love
like their touch or their kiss
like their hug or their lips

that's how beautiful life is.
hard times but this is beautiful
Ani Feb 2021
It’s so dark in hear,
I can’t see a thing.

It’s so dark in here,
I can’t move or breathe.

Questioning what’s wrong with me.
Wondering why everything is black and I bleed.

I’m shouting and I’m crying but no sound comes out of me.

When will this be over and when will I finally fall asleep?

Thoughts fill my head but I can’t think.
Pain all over my body but I don’t feel.

Go away,
leave me alone
I’m tired don’t you see.

It’s time for me to just leave.
mark soltero Feb 2021
let it wash us away
like the floods of the new age
**** all the mistakes
leave only perfection
all true honesties
that leave their residues of purity
right down the leg
of each other
your body cries
tears of merriment
Jacob Lyons Feb 2021
Leave the door open just a bit
And leave the hallway light on
That’s the way you make me feel
When questions turn to nothingness
And my doubt weighs on me strong
At least I know my heart is real
We can open the door whenever you want
I’m in no rush at all, I promise you
We can open the conversation forever
And I swear you’ll only get the truth
Inori Kimimoto Jan 2021
I cover the strident stench of lies
with menthol candy drops,
It clings to my skin like beads of sweat.

I hold ten notes in clammy palms;
Nine on left and one in right.
I hand them to my mother,
Nine crisp notes and a crumpled truth;
Don’t get too close — I wreak of nicotine.

~ Inori
An honest poem from a closeted smoker.
Myrrdin Jan 2021
I could tell you honestly
That I love you
But your laughter just
Sounds out of tune
And even his screams
Sound like a symphony
To me.
Honesty is myth unless you pay for it
Beauty is a commodity that we confuse with superficiality
I am beautifully honest but you are unaware of it
beautifully honest is what i was
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