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Strying Jun 2021
im numb
but still sad
what is this life
something straight out of hell
its hard to breathe
and i wish i could be happy
but everything is just
so grey
~im still doing finals ah~
Raven Feels Jun 2021
DEAR PENPAL PEOPLE, an old draft from last week:>

is there really a future for this misery
a new page that heroes the plot as a decent start over apology

craves distance and knows that would be known
angel like plastic sensations to the dawn

kept on stove to be loathed into a tomorrow
for the heart to yearn for the mind to dwell for the feels to borrow

midnight skies not even there not been predicted
lulled on the moons they say so I stay anonymously protected

Carlo C Gomez May 2021
Come rhyme with me
In a bit of
But suppose
We juxtapose:

Lemon drop
Tear drop
A­ little heaven on earth
Before all hell breaks
Jaicob Jul 2021
I'll hide myself in the pits of hell
If that means I can escape
The tint of a toxic faith
In the heavenly realm.
Chrissy Ade May 2021
She was praised for being silent
Dismissed for speaking out loud
She was living in a woman's world
Where her chances of being heard
Would only happen if she spoke up

Her voice was soft but certainly not brittle
Sounding just like the rain
But her words strike like thunder
Ominous and commanding
That carry a weight no man could ever lift

Her face resembled that of an angel
But she raised hell like the devil
Her ancestors' wildest dreams
A plum blossom in late winter
Blooming in adversity
Unyielding to the patriarchy

But men will try to rein her in
To contain the fire she possesses
But she was never under their control
Ferocious as a dragon, freedom to roam
Burning all their limitations

A precious gift from heaven
But your worst nightmare from hell
She is a woman, all in one
Who has come into her own
And she won't ever let you forget
Never let a man steal your power
Laokos May 2021
the genius
of his spirit isn't
allowed to be

the muses around
his works
laugh at his
shy hubris

his connections
to the creative are
buried under a

his voice
is full
of charisma
and doubt

there's something
in the way
of love

his heart is
alone in hell

in his father's
searching for the

his life is a
as bright as
it is empty

just like his
kier May 2021
would you like to dance, my dear?
let us waltz above the fiery pits of hell,
oh my, it would so be very tragic if you fell.. !
I'm only teasing, what have you to fear?

you must wonder who I am
I'm the one with a heart caged behind feathers
a holy being made from perfection and pressure
time is surely ticking until I let go of your hand

you wished for me to come, did you not?
I do as you ask and dangle you above death
yet here you are, clinging to me with all your strength
do not worry, your body will have use when I leave it to rot
Raven Feels May 2021
DEAR PENPAL PEOPLE, a hell in heaven:-\

is it the truth that we are miserable?

because my tears are dry and I'm tasting the hellish invisible

love---a feeling not for me to be soaring

hate---a being I am destined to be drowning

not of others yet nonexistent in my life but own

the numb and empty teared my veins into the cored bone

north kills south

east kills west

never had my archer aiming the unknown quest

am I a devil???

if I want to surf the hells

yearning a scar and pain just for a feel a meaning to my cells

Maja May 2021
Life was
like being dropped from a hundred feet
then asked to run on broken legs

was like being told to drink acid,
then asked to speak without a tongue

Life was
like being set on fire,
then asked why

you’re burning
Kitty May 2021
I’m sorry I told you the things that I said I wouldn’t  say
Because I trusted you
It took you 20 seconds alone with them to tell them
I said it out of anger
I said it out of fear
I said it because what she did was unacceptable

And so I probably shouldn’t have told you
Should have known better
Because I know that I’m your best friend
But being popular is more important
To you
And what I said was said in anger
And you thought I didn’t know
When I walked into the room and you fell silent
The only word “snake”
Or the person you were on face time to
As I drove past
I know when you’re lying
Don’t call me ignorant

Because I didn’t mention it when you
Called me fat
Or called me dramatic
Or spoke about my biggest secret in front of everyone else
Or ignored me
And stood me up
So many times because fifteen minutes is not enough warning
And I didn’t want to get embarrassed in front of my mother for having such a ****** friend
So I sat alone
In the park at night
And we all know what happens to girls alone in the park at night.

But I didn’t mention it
Because I didn’t want to blame you
She was the irresponsible one
I was just doing my job
Cheering them on
Doing the right thing
Whilst she stared and whispered
All I said was that I “expected better”
And you told her because why the **** not

She’s more popular than me
She’s the centre of attention
She can get anyone on her side
But I must have forgotten I can’t tell you that
Because you’ll tell her
And that **** *****.
I am aware this isn't the best but i wrote this last night after i was betrayed by my best friend after i told her something that i felt about someone and she went straight to tell them because she seeks her approval more that mine.
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