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V Aug 2015
Someone, anyone?
Are you out there? Are you near?
I have lost so much and I behold so much fear.

Even though I have found a beautiful hope and I have been shown true love,
There is still so much I fall short of...
...and still doubt thereof.

Have I not forgotten and given up all the bad and all the evil?
Or is there still something within me that intrigues the Devil?
Why is it still so that I mourn and suffer from the fangs and claws of the wolves and the mock of the crows?
Why is it so that I haven’t found my repose?
Wouldst one be freed from the wicked and far from all those whom have opposed?

Please; someone, anyone, please tell me why the "Prophet" and his "Acolyte" still look to attract, take, and keep me for himself?
Please, please, tell me why the false one never gives up, and why he never tires!
Is it because of his endless and conspiring desires?
Or is there something deeper that I have yet to transpire?

Can anyone hear me? Or have I been silenced by this wicked man long enough for those to forget that I am here?
Is anyone out there, can you hear my plea?
Or has he taken them all away from me?
Is there someone out there who still holds the love and sympathy I once known? Or has he deceived them too to leave me on my own?

Whichever it may be, please give me answers, please let me see. I want the truth and not a seducing lie, I no longer want to live crying, I no longer want to fear, all I want is someone to hear.
Not the voice of demons, not the sight of spirits. I don’t want the company of a single man, and I don’t want to live anymore under his commands.  

Please hear me; please understand, he can take away everything with even the slightest motion of his hand.
Dear ones, friends and yes, you! The reader in whom I may never know, please do not mistake a ''shadow show'' for the dances of the angels. I warn you, yes please be smart, that this form of trickery this unlawful act is no beautiful art.

I am a slave to my fear, and I am imprisoned by things left unsaid, because I was careless and gullible and in time misled.
I wanted something out of greed so I let my heart decide, I let it blind me and let it misguide.
I fell for the wrong person, and I awakened the wrong intentions, and now I know what many speak of “sweet impressions.”

So you see and so you have been told, do not be deceived and do not fall for the unknown, for it will be something worth a large bemoan.
Beware the man who dresses as a Shepard but behind him falls the shadow of a wolf, take caution of he that hides his hands covered in blood.
He is no sheep, and he is no goat, but a ravenous wolf that loves to misquote. This ravenous wolf he will not hesitate to throw you to his pack and the rest of the black ravens, for in looking to find something wondrous and grand, you will find no such relations.

I am guilty and I am regretful for the mark on my hand, which leaves me to believe I will forever be banned. I live in my own mistakes day after day, all just because I wanted to hear what he had to say. The scars and the wounds placed upon me from this tormentor have made me no one special anymore.
The only thing I have known is to find what I need through him, and that is it, for he says: “Where else where there be a place that truly cares for you to fit? I am here and I love you, this is the truth not those whom you have looked to!”

It’s ever so painful, ever so hard to depart from the prophet who stabbed me in my heart.
Why does it hurt so much?
Why do I still bleed at such a thought?

I will be free and I will be happy! Yes I will finally be able to see.

Yet, he knows me and what I want to do, he knows just about everything and what I have been through.
He can read anything and he can see it all, but the one thing he does not want is any wailing call.
He fears he will be defeated and he fears one day I will win, so he will do everything he can to make me fall back down in his arms again.

Someone, anyone?

Oh if you please, won’t you help me?
Help me to be more at ease?
Won’t you show to me the light and not that of the dark?
Will you help me to be freed from him and make him depart?

Please oh please, I will not forget you, I promise to do the same, the same that you do. By this promise I swear that I can repay you with good things, ones filled with benefit, love and blessings!

I can teach to you what I know, and I will help you to understand, all because you were there for me to help me take a stand.
I just need to know that there is someone out there, other than the "Prophet" with unreasonable care.

Much pain and much sorrow, there is no "better tomorrow."
For the apostate has captured me and never intends to let me go,
That this is the ''only way possible'' that I can ever know.

This story is true, as true as can be,
Hopefully by then, will it help you to see.
That this world is not friendly and not many can be trusted,
For the circumstances I guarantee, will make you exhausted.

But fear not that I have lost and will wish for any kind of end,
I still hold and progress to make a strong and powerful spiritual mend.
I will hold steady to the only Faith that I know, to learn from experience- to develop and grow.

And may soon the time come when troubles are no more, and the Wolf and the False Prophets be forever done for."

An old poem, but one that means, is, and still so much to me. Personal and however you see it, the story is mine, but that is for your to find out the truth yourself.
Plays the music
of sweet symphony
Glowing, growing hearts,
my genuine melody
The song goes on
with awe and excitement
perfect and clean 'till
A tick here, a tick there
Where is that from?
Never knew there's a beat
says the metronome.
And it begins, it fades
must crank it to go on
harder and faster
But it stopped.

Scratching and screeching,
give it a little tap.
It plays once again,
but rewinds and rewinds
"Nobody loves you,
Nobody did."
Words I've never heard,
tune was unknown
"It was your time
yet you awoke."

The song intensifies

Walls are crashing,
dreams drifting away
I knew it had to stop.
My ears were bleeding,
eyes were tearing
I didn't have the power
so I let it be...
It never stopped,
but my heart did.
My body, fresh and pure
hiding the decayed inside.
© Cyrille Octaviano
I long for the days when we'll look back on the past and laugh at the fact that we thought the hard times would actually last.
I really want to get to this point haha
sheralyn Jul 2015
you don't understand-
i can't help that i'm skinny.
a stick that looks useless,
curves small to secure pity.
you don't understand-
its hard to maintain weight.
the food won't add on,
no matter how much i ate.
you don't understand-
i have so many flaws.
freckles galore, and
dark vains that resemble claws.
i'm trying to tell you, yet
you can't understand.
"you're so lucky you're skinny"
"it ***** you can't tan"
surely you'd know by now,
i'm fragile but strong.
i can take all your pity,
but my "luck"- not for long.
i may be skinny and as short
as can be,
but tell me you understand,
before you say you want to be
Annie Jul 2015
I wish that I could explain,
What I feel when I look into the mirror,
I wish I could make you see,
How intensely it pulls my trigger,

I walk this path alone tonight,
There's disgrace,no friends are around,
I might have to jump this time,
If you're there, why don't you make a sound?

Do you know too? What it feels like,
When the ones you love drift away,
Do you know too? How much it hurts,
When no one smiles when they hear your name,

I am, from where the stars will shine on you,
But I can't touch them for now,
My skin is ugly and it's hateful,
You wouldn't want this oddity to grow,

With my baffled thoughts I return to my bed,
I don't want to do this, but I have to,
With another complex day ahead,
I close my eyes, hoping this would end soon
Liis Belle Jun 2015
We’re close enough to home
To castles made of cards
Built in our backyards
Crowns of coloured paper
Our world could last forever
A kingdom in which we ruled
A group of friends we fooled
And when the rain lashed down
The cards fell to the ground
We rushed inside for tea
You’d cuddle on the couch with me
We’d dream of a sunny tomorrow
In a land where there’s no sorrow
Our futures we planned out
There seemed to be no doubt
That anything would ever change
We had everything arranged

But when the time finally came
We realised life is not a game
Not a fairy tale storybook
With hardships we could overlook
No more magic or castle cards
Everything seemed to be so hard
Is this what we had dreamed?
Much more hellish than it all seemed

But here we are right now
On the outskirts of our town
To the world of our backyards
To the kingdom of castle cards
And we’ll never reach that place
But I can almost see it from where I stand
Of fairies and giggling gnomes
Yes, we’re close enough to home
One and Only Jun 2015
Every wall I've built,
Every place I've kept in,
Each stone you have thrown,
Each one you burst in.

Every time I ran,
Every time you followed,
Each time I stayed away,
Each time was simply borrowed.

Each day you would get through,
Every time I'd push you out.
Every lie I'd made,
Each one a dying shout.

I'm not used to affection,
no less, yours.
Hoping for a miracle,
truth must come by force.
Rebel Heart May 2014
Everybody has to make choices.  
One choice can seal your fate.
One choice can make or break.
And that choice is never as easy as cake.
I'm just having a hard time making choices.
Asim Javid May 2015
Having hardships in life is somewhat
we all have to face .
No matter how positive we foresee our lives ,
struggle towards serenity is never effortless.
We all are embedded in deadlocks of life.
we will collapse in gyration of  dilemma.
As quoted by Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w)
“Happy is the man who avoids hardships, but how fine is the man who is afflicted and shows endurance"
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