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Suzy Young Nov 2018
what do you do
what do you say
when you realize
you are no longer what you were
feelings and opinions
passion and light
drifted away
only shadowy memories
ghosts left behind
What do you do
when you forget how to be you
can you see yourself in a song
feel yourself in a breeze
what happens when your moments
don’t feel like your own
When your years are a lie
cleverly told
That’s not like you!
What is?
What am I
what should I be.
But most importantly
who cares.
On a day when I was particularly down on my struggle and and didn't feel like my old self I poured myself out in this very simplistic poem.
Rose Oct 2018
Humming to this crack of mine
Knowing my fate before it begins
I am simply no care
No matter at all

I am second best
Always last
Never quick
With no wit

I am a single wrapper
lost in the trash
Just a blanket
For cold souls

Like you
again and again, i am hurt by lose i let near, i know what i do is wrong but i can't seem to stop for my heart wants to love each person even if they do not deserve my love.
Halle Oct 2018
I’m tired of being your second choice
You only talk to me when she’s not around

I want to be with you
I really do

But I’m tired of being your second choice
You say you love me

But do you really
or do love her

Please decide
Because I’m tired of being your second choice
Sienna Oct 2018
everything that i was afraid of
has already happened

and i’m still here
i’m stronger than i thought.
Shawn Robertson Oct 2018
Hand in hand we walk by,
the flower shop between,
unknown to loves goodbye,
a rose I bought for thee....

Such a smile of thine so bright,
dims the sun aloft in the sky,
and all that shines amidst the night,
withers beside thy gleaming eyes;

In thy soft voice cupid whispers,
a love's eternal paradise,
that no winter or desert piers,
nor the low moon is slight to prize.

Thy heart, thy soul, a golden stream,
of beauty so fair and so deep,
and by that brook, thy love a dream,
once known to me--now begs me weep!

For neath the sky that summers night,
a wind blew thee away from me,
as heaven above us in spite,
stole thy heart and our love to be.

And though my soul by sorrow nursed,
'tis the sun that shows me of shine,
because it reminds me of thine,
and though our love is dissevered,

They cannot dissolve thee from mine,
and when my fortune hath decline,
and on my limbs the sun belie,
together, forever, we'll fly.

Tears in tears I walk by,
the graveyard beneath,
beknown to loves goodbye,
a rose I brought for thee....
Michael Oct 2018
Life is hard,
That’s the way it’s meant to be.
We try so hard,
This is easy to see.
They say hard work pays off in the end,
On this I disagree.
How can death be the payout,
That doesn’t seem good to me.
We fight,
We struggle,
This is what makes our life.
If it was easy we’d have no reason,
No reason to fight,
And push for something better.
The final destination is irrelevant,
It’s the journey that makes us.
Hardship is what makes us.
Little Azaleah Sep 2018
one more day
one more day,
i say waking every day.

one more day
one more day,
we'll get through today.

one more day
one last day,
we'll be okay.

< e.i. >
Halle Sep 2018
Do you actually want me?
Or just like the thought of me?

Please let me know
If you want me to stay

I want to stay
But only if you want me to
Elizabeth Zenk Sep 2018
And as the dust started to settle, she looked around.
The ashes drifting through the air, only making her scorched surrounding more grim.
The cinder danced in the air.
Fluttering to the ground with grace.
It was hard to imagine that a furious fire had done this.
Somehow she knew that the flame would never truly be quenched.
This would never truly be over.
The burning coals exhale hot breaths onto her feet.
Whispering what was yet to come.
The burning ashes smiled knowing
they still had time
to burn her alive.
Pigeon Sep 2018
I tried to plant a garden
I toiled and tilled til my nails were nothing but blackened nubs
Like small pieces of charcoal
And I spent my last coins on seeds- because the granddaughter of a florist must have flowers
But my blooms wilted
My leaves shriveled
And locusts chewed on my darlings til they were nothing but the frailest stems
Like my legs looked, when I was fifteen

For days I mourned. Years it seemed. More coins spent on seeds, more work in the sun
But I kept ending up with bare roots and dry buds
Until finally, one day, I looked down at my barren garden and asked it, how do I make you beautiful?
To which my garden replied

cow ****.

Because the lotus can’t grow without the blackest of mud. The roses can’t bloom without meal made of blood.
my garden had died... because I hadn’t gone through enough cow ****.
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