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Maria Etre Oct 2017
There is something
about grey skies
and cold days
that makes
The grey clouds stormed over
The gusts of wind pushed through
The air screamed, "I'm back"
My heart dropped
JAC Sep 2017
I'm leaving the city forever
though here, forever, I'll stay
I'm turning blue and me and you
have nowhere new to play.
There are no rivers in the city of blue
and tears do not see colour,
the sky is turning everything dull
and we don't breathe the sea.
aesthenne Sep 2017
they aren't always

it's grey
like the rain
going over
your head.

at other times,
it's complete
like the difficulties
of life.

how ironic it is,
that bitterness
can make it
Atticus Sep 2017
promises of love
and dediction
we believe we are grown
but inside of us
just under the surface
is a child wanting to be comforted
to be loved
so we hide this part of us
the colours in our mind slowly dying
because they say to keep something maintained you
must nourish it
but the nourishment we need
is rare
and this makes our palettes grey
resorting to unorthodox versions of what we need
crutches and supports
that people refuse to speak about
the childhood friend
that moved away
when you were young
unable to cohere as to why
they couldn't stay
wrapped in the dreamland
of explosive joy
Barker Sep 2017
Life is black and white
With a bit of grey.
This world which I see is very dull.
I try to see
The in-between
But I can't
Seem to free
Myself from the
Black, white and grey
That I see
Rebel Heart Sep 2017
She stitches on
Her collection of plastic smiles
To contrast her sad old soul

For her beauty radiates
Youth and love
While her eyes betray
The demons put on hold

She wears the world's sorrows
As a dazzling gown
With her own monsters
Clasping her feet

Reminding her of the
Skeletons she carries
With every step to the beat

Her eyes swim with horrors
Of the nagging ghosts of the past
But tonight she dances gracefully
Across the floor of glass

And she'll save some words of conversation
For every suitor coming her way

Though all the while she's planning out
How to spill her own red
On her own wonderful gown of grey
To mark Rebel Heart's 100th official poem in this amazing poetry community here's something special: An excerpt of the poetry collection by RH called "The Mysterious Gown of Grey"... it tells a beautifully captivating tale I can't help but imagine being set during the Victorian era in London. This excerpt was part of the first poem of the collection titled 'The First Masked Ball" and follows the story of Victoria, my favorite 'character' in the whole collection...I hope she plans to publish the full poem in the future for it'd be a shame to keep the wonderful words and epic story locked in a word document forever. Until then happy writing ~BM
Skye Marshmallow Sep 2017
Wilted flowers,
Dying by the closed window,
In the the darkness they cower,
Suffering through the lack,
Of days spent with you.

These flowers jewel my childhood,
The colour in my photo book,
Now distant, cold and grey,
Petals falling each time,
 A maybe doesn't come to life.

Flowers see the mask,
The man hidden beneath,
A shadow of who he used to be,
Or maybe it was always pretend,
I was just to blind to see.
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