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Ezra Nov 2014
Oh, what a beautiful world
We live in,

Colors are white-washed, filtered and cauterized,
Perfume is liberally used
The corpse of a doll could smell
like roses and fresh laundry.

Are we color-blind? Can we only see grey?
Perhaps the truth would be so blinding
It would take away even that.
Mark Steigerwald Nov 2014
The thunder boomed
and the rain poured.
The darkness loomed
the end of life's loving cord.

The old man walked alone
shivering cold far from home.
His feet like millstones
every moment an aching throb.
Every memory
like piercing shards,
every breath
choking and toiled.

His life spent
his youth wasted.
A life lived unfulfilled
a dream forgotten
and long decayed

The love he had
and the ones he held
now far gone.
The chances and opportunities
that came his way,
the mistakes and turns
that led him
to this wretched day.

What hope is there for him now?
This old Man of sorrow
what future lies ahead of his gray misery?
This wretched relic
of a long lost hope.

What will become of this man?
what does fate have in store.
Will he die slowly,
wretchedly alone?
Or will heaven
in it's tender mercies
take him quickly,
and take him swiftly?

Will God in heaven
forgive him for his wrongs?
Or will he suffer in agony
deep in eternity.

Will he ever repent?
Forsake his selfish ambitions
and return to the light?
Or will he sink even further into the pit?
For how can a man
with no strength nor love
With no hope nor anchor
survive the tempest?

How can he prevail
through the darkness?
When his light has been
snuffed out and his hope,
all but gone.
Like a ship with no rudder
his life flickered in between the pale.
Destruction has been his destination,
from the beginning
ruin his eternal hail.
He squandered and toyed
with the priceless gifts
he had been given.

The number of opportunity's
he had missed,
out weighed by far
the ones he made.

The love of others slowly
became cold towards him,
and slowly he began to fade.
Little by little
this old man of many sorrows sunk.
Deeper and deeper into despair.
He became dead inside
a dead man walking.

A walking man without life
his heart became hardened
and his dreams faded to gray.
His vision became blurred
and now here he is on this fateful day.

And now here he is
at the end of all things,
at the finish line of his life.
He is to be found alone and miserable.
His years of neglect
have at last caught up to him,
His tempered words
Fueled by the bottom of the bottomless bottle.

His foolish actions
and careless tongue,
some words had cut to deep
some hurts never again to heal.

Deep in thought
shivering cold.
Wasted by ruin and rot
life begins to release it's hold.
The cold deepens, his heart slows.

The darkness thickness
the reaper's eyes begin to glow.
The old man takes his last breath
of ragged air.
Which for so long
he had taken for granted.
Which for so long
he scorned upon and spat.

His time has now come
his days are at an end,
his life failing fast
his pitifully few memories now useless.

For what good are memories?
when they only remind you
of the chances you could of taken.
The hearts you could of known
the love you could have shared.
Now in the midst of the storm
in the hour of his blackest darkness
The rains came and the clouds covered the stars.

The light faded
like a burn out flame
it slowly whisked away.
And the thick blanket
of fear and uncertainty hovered close.

There upon his day of death
he laid his wretched head
upon the cold hard pillow.
And sank deep into darkness
and sank he did deep into everlasting despair
And that is how the story goes
The story of an old man  filled with deep regret
painful memory's and eternal burning sorrows

The old Man, who lived a life for himself.
The old Man who lived alone,
and who died alone.
Thus ends the tale of the lonely Man of Sorrows.
chloe fleming Nov 2014
you blur the world from black and white
to different shades of gray
you're like a wind storm you can't hear till it's only a mile a way
you're an abyss so black and deep,
we lose our minds trying to comprehend
and every time i think of you i always end up at the end
you're like light that isn't quite dim
but far too bright,
and I don't know how i make it through the night
cause without you by my bedside
i tremble,
i don't know who the hell you are
but you're someone i resemble
Aubrey Lambert Oct 2014
I am in love with gray sky mornings. They make me wish I sang mezzo-soprano. They make me wish I had a distinguished streak of white running through my hair. They make me wish I held all the wisdom I will ever possess, but with the sprite heart and energy of a 10 year old wearing worn out sneakers. Gray sky mornings seem to represent a middle world, an in-between plane of absolute sweetness and impending doom. But not the scary apocalyptic doom, rather the powerful, majestic and mysterious kind of doom. Gray sky mornings are the worlds way of saying hold your sunshine anecdotes of beauty and bliss, beauty is much too complicated to be confined to only the obvious blue bird scattered skies. Beauty is in the messy, the transitions, its in the muddling of good and not so good, its is the unknowns, the half-ways and the try and try and try agains. Beauty is in the grays.
allen currant Oct 2014
the bike wasn't
there it was
stolen last night

a caldera
then collapse

there was
no bike there
was no any
Abdullah Ayyash Oct 2014
Black and white
In between, I fall
I’m a scale to black
And the shade of white
I’m the color of no color
I’m the dusk, I’m the night
I’m the soul of all colors
I’m the glimpse after light
I’m the “G” in Green
I’m the “R” in Red
I’m the “A” in Aqua
I’m the “Y” in You
And you are my delight
© Copyrighted
Abdullah Ayyash
November 11th, 2010
Advent Oct 2014
so tell me,
what are we?

black or white?
yes or no?
living or dead?

we can't get stuck in between

not in grays,
in maybes
or in hell

Life's a Beach Oct 2014
Beauty trapped in a diamond casket
So cold to touch yet so filled with heat
Your heart's trapped in diamond palace
I want to run
Yet I'm stuck like meat

Run, run, from the golden boy
Run, you can only be a toy
A mind of manhood
Yet, he's smooth as stone,
His heart cased in sorrow
he'll cut down to your bone

Just to see if you're as broken inside
Just to see if he can delight his eyes
You should run, run
But how can you run from

The man of wild imaginings
The man who fuels pretending
Spending of youth
Steal away truth
Feel you're free
Feel you're free
You've never been so alone

Run, run
Unreal and unnatural
Run, run
He's a ***** of the veil
Run, run
Haven't you ever wondered
How his flesh is on fire
Yet he stays the same

Run, run, from the golden boy
Run, you can only be a toy
Run, run, to him life is a ploy
A trap which he has set fire to

So run, or watch yourself burn
in ecstasy,

knowing that you want him to watch.
Erin Atkinson Oct 2014
if my hands reflect
the hurt they cause, maybe i
wouldn't hurt again.
the title is as long as the poem.
Kenshō Oct 2014
The sun went down today
with no passing thought.

Day of birth signifies nothing
when no one is around.

Humans do not wander around my home.

But the waking birds sing songs of my birth,
everyday alone.
pt 1
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