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I have a companion
         And definitely not a human person
     It hates me when I'm happy
      But glorifies me when I'm forlorn

           Well, I prefer to be despondent
      At least I have a friend
         Supports me in every aspect
           But not on a delighted moment

        I wanted to be happy
        But I'm afraid my friend will leave me
         I am all my friend has
       And same as thee

    So I guess I'm stuck with the friend I got
      Both hating the world
        Can't say we'll live happily ever after
      'Cos my friend will be mad, remember?
Maxim Keyfman Dec 2018
on a black and white background I walk
i walk on black grass and black
I watch the sky when I watch

in black and white background I walk
I walk treading on my old shoes
my new but I still go

here and in the sky a gray moon appeared
and her glance does not surprise me
and she is just like everything completely gray

Maxim Keyfman Dec 2018
return to the past
it was recently been now
return to the past
was recently was today

return to the past
collision with gray leaves
return to the past
happening happening right now

Emma Dec 2018
Thy is not blind, thy is full of life
Yet it be thy eyes has lost all soul
Thy colors have fallen and brutally died
There’s no hope, to find them is no more

Black, grey, whenever and wherever you go
Never to reappear in this monochromatic world
All colors have gone as if they vanished into below
Get them quick; they’re in hold!

Children will hear, children will be told
Of the story of no colors around
Only black and white are left, as the rest are mold
Grey in the sky, grey on the ground, colorless all around

Yet, in my hands, in this little polychromatic portfolio
I am still able to see the colors that left so long ago
I made this poem for an English project for the first semester of my freshman year in high school. I can't believe that was 2016, and I'm already about to enter into 2019 as a junior...Time sure flies! I was looking in google drives and suddenly saw this, and I knew right away that I had to upload this.
As you can see, even when I was younger I had depressing ideas for poems ****. Looking over this, it's not only nice to see how much I've improved, but also strange how I typed out gray in the British form (grey) when I'm American lol. I left this poem without any edits to show my work view of mistakes. xD also more lol I rhymed around twice in the third stanza.
Final lol: there was 2 spaces between the 2nd and 3rd stanza instead of one like for the reason of spaces between he four stanzas. I left it there to show how much I've grown lol.
Where there is love, but there is no passion
There is a hearth that has gone ashen.
It is a sleep where there is no dreaming
Day will break, but there is no gleaming,
A familiar dish, lacking in heat,
A well-known dance, lacking in beat,
A complex wine sans maturation,
A photograph sans saturation.
Dani Nov 2018
What, to you, is seen
Maybe you are soaking in the color green
I hope not for your soul wouldn’t be clean

Perhaps blue the one carried throughout night
Maybe you see it or feel it dampening your might
I hope not for it takes away your bright sight

Consider you see red in a darker shade
The kind given when skin meets blade
I hope not for it is no good to carry a grenade

Think now that you see only grey
A blank colorless sight hard to convey
I hope not for this color surely can slay

Look at the world and tell me
What color it is you see
Inspired by emotions connected to colors.
green = jealousy
dark blue = depression
red = anger
grey = anxiety
Silver Nov 2018
it was never there.
you were wrong,
there was nothing.
it was always gray, gray.
and the blots of color you thought you saw were just
refractions of light.
gone and by.

the world is as still as stagnant water,
made of thoughts instead of mosquitoes and bacteria.
the thoughts itch in a way they could only dream.

it was always this way.
no surprise.
humor, maybe even.
the most hilarious word you've ever heard.
say the gray walls, gray floors, gray ceilings, gray doors.
what are you even doing
starstrike Nov 2018
Mostly, I gaze upon the fields and see dead grass and falling trees
With branches reaching toward the sky in a sort of outward plea
Begging not to be condemned this day
Yet winter comes anyway
And the world becomes gray

For the most part, my world is gray
My vision full of its hues where dormant nature lay
Dark and dim and cold to the touch
Like stone statues crumbling down, collecting dust

And for a time, I think to myself
That spring will never arrive
That the warming sun will never shine
And color will never thrive

For a time I believe
All I have is all I see
Dusky days stuck by thorns
Eternal gray, eternal scorn

But, alas, the buttercups appear
Never distant, always near
Creating pink painted prairies
And vibrant stippled hills buzzing with little fairies
In a manner much like Van Gogh
Streaks of holding hands and blushing cheeks' glow

And I think to myself
If we have nothing else
How powerful a symbol Mother Nature truly is
Whispering a message I cannot miss
That after such tragedy
Life can take root again
Vibrant, like a melody
Joy Oct 2018
Autumn came quickly this year.
The skies tinted themselves gray.
The children were suddenly
under three layers of clothing.
I noticed I drank hot tea
instead of iced coffee.
My summer dresses
were replaced by my favorite
grubby sweaters.
Scarves flew in formation
to guard my neck from the cold air.
My music playlist went
from rock and roll
to acoustic.
I promised this autumn,
sadness will not strike.
I promised to leave
summer paralysis
back on the beach.
I was not to fall off
like the yellow leaves
from the oak outside my dorm.
You met me on my way to lecture.
You were cowarding
under three layers of clothing,
eyes tinted gray.
You were giving off
the scent of exhaustion.
You said I looked as if I were out to conquer the world.
You said I was armed with my algebra textbook.
I said you looked in harmony with the weather.
You laughed.
I believe you meant to stab me with that laugh.
To remind me how in August
your blue eyes did not want me.
But it's October.
And I'm detached from the thirst for you.
Autumn came so quickly this year
it made you irrelevant.
October turned your blue eyes
a negligible splash of gray,
made you fall off
like a yellow leaf
from the oak outside my dorm,
blurred you with the backdrop.
Autumn came so quickly,
October painted my green summer eyes
a fiesty, burning yellow,
a flame in contrast to the tinted sky,
made my footsteps soothing
like an acoustic guitar,
made my lips taste like hot tea in my own mouth.
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