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To the mind, the heart, the soul of this man,
Whose thoughts in verse like rivers ran,
In wine of words, you are entwined,
A muse that lifts the weary mind.

Imagine, then, your regal grace,
Noble, tender, in every trace,
A beauty rare, both bright and pure,
Enchanting, splendid, and so demure.

Divine you are, beyond compare,
A vision formed from heaven’s air.
Your elegance, a perfect art—
You are the beat that stirs my heart.
Drunken Words of Beauty 14/02/2025 © All Rights Reserved by Jamil Hussain
When the rose, at dawn, unsealed its perfumed lips,  
A discourse, rich as velvet, from its petals slips.  
Each delicate bloom, kissed by the nascent sun,  
Revelled in beauty, where all things are undone.  

The breeze, a suitor with languid grace,  
Whispered, “Are you not perfection, clothed in this space?”  
But the rose, with a glance that was both proud and wise,  
Answered, “Perfection is naught but a lie in disguise."

The sun, all fire, with its golden sword,  
Declared, “In beauty alone, we must be adored.”  
But the rose, poised and regal in its bloom,  
Retorted, “It is in imperfection that we find room.”  

The dew, with a sparkle, like pearls on the sea,  
Asked, “Why, dear rose, this rapture in plea?”  
The rose, with a flourish and languorous sigh,  
Answered, “To live is to seek; to seek is to fly.”  

For power is born in the struggle to live,  
In beauty that dies, but has much to give.  
Excitement is born in existence’s call—  
In truth, we rise, and in truth, we fall.  

The rose knows, as all great souls must,  
That we are but moments—fleeting, yet just.  
And in every petal, with its silken grace,  
We glimpse the eternal in a mortal’s face.
The Philosophy of Petals 12/02/2025 © All Rights Reserved by Jamil Hussain
I swear you are the most beautiful, a vision so rare,  
Elegance flows from you, beyond all compare.  
Like royalty in grace, you stand so divine,  
A queen in your essence, your heart a pure shine.  

I swear by the glow of a rose in full bloom,  
Your radiance outshines its delicate plume.  
In the still of the night, when the stars softly gleam,  
I swear by your smile, a bright, endless beam.  

By the soft breath of dawn as it paints the sky,  
I vow with a heart that will never say goodbye.  
The stars that twinkle in their endless trance,  
I swear by your eyes, a deep, timeless dance.  

Through the weave of the sky, through the dance of the sea,  
I swear by your beauty, as boundless as can be.  
The wind that hums through the soft evening air,  
I swear by your warmth, a kindness so rare.  

And though the years pass and the seasons may change,  
I swear by the love in your soul that will range—  
By the endless horizon where dreams take their flight,  
I swear by your charm, your pure, radiant light.
Echoes of Your Charm 11/02/2025 © All Rights Reserved by Jamil Hussain
A kiss, a spark—
Silent, in dark.
Pulse 05/02/2025 © All Rights Reserved by Jamil Hussain
Odd Odyssey Poet Dec 2024
My heart is ensnared by the way the light dances
in your eyes, a mesmerizing spectacle that nourishes
my very soul, you're my radiant source of vitamin D
As I lent you my tank top, my thoughts were tangled
in a web of our silence, as we shared a kiss that lingered
long, leaving both social tanks on E.

Your lips remain sealed, yet they whisper of fervent
dreams, each smile a fleeting glimpse into your passion
The career you envision unfolds like a cinematic masterpiece,
with you at the helm, boldly declaring, “Action!”

As my admiration for your curves surely deepens,
your unwavering positivity are all these straight lines;
unyielding, resolute, and always moving forward
Your essence is akin to a pen, sharp and purposeful,
having a point to make, making it so easy for me to
spell it out to you;  U R truly Gorgeous.
Hebert Logerie Nov 2024
The smile of a woman in the spring is prettier
Than the dancing glow of the yellow tulips of the pond
As said the other: her face is embellished and polished
With honey syrup. She really has a charming smile.

Oh! Spring, the most beautiful of the four seasons
It's majestic to see her wearing yellow
The color of hope, the pretty color of the harvest
The petals are sparkling in the air and the bells are buzzing.

No, it's not a dream, she's really beautiful
She is wearing a smile that inspires and blemishes
Men who love everything that is gorgeous and classic.

This woman has her hands intertwined on her right thigh
Like a model who is cheered on the runway, which is reserved
For the most beautiful women in the history of our planet.

Copyright © May 2018, Hébert Logerie, All rights reserved
Hébert Logerie is the author of several books of poetry.
Translation of 'Le Sourire Radieux D'Une Femme' by Hebert Logerie.
Hebert Logerie Nov 2024
Le sourire d'une femme au printemps est plus joli
Que le reflet dansant des tulipes jaunes de l'étang
Comme a dit l'autre: son visage est enjolivé et poli
Avec du sirop de miel. Elle a vraiment un sourire charmant.

Oh! Printemps, la plus belle des quatre saisons
Cela fait grand plaisir de la voir coiffée en jaune
Couleur de l'espoir, jolie couleur de la moisson
Les pétales pétillent dans l'air et les cloches chantonnent.

Non, ce n'est pas un rêve, elle est vraiment magnifique
Elle est vêtue d'un sourire qui inspire et qui fait soupirer
Les hommes qui aiment tout ce qui est beau et classique.

Cette femme a les mains entrelacées sur sa cuisse droite
Comme un mannequin qu'on applaudit sur la piste réservée
Pour les plus belles femmes de l'histoire de notre planète.

P.S. Translation of 'The Radiant Smile Of A Woman' in French.

Copyright © May 2018, Hébert Logerie, Tous droits réservés
Hébert Logerie est l'auteur de plusieurs livres de poésie.
Ariannah Nov 2024
It's killing me
I swear you're ******* with my mind
Cause just the way you make me feel
Just by looking in my eyes

And then they'll fall off your face
And start admiring your body
But I'm too shy to look your way
I'm just hoping you'd be mine
Hebert Logerie Nov 2024
¡Oh! No, nunca deberían hablar de Puerto Rico
Borinquén, Porto Rico de una manera tan malvada
Puerto Rico nada en el mar Caribe y el Océano Atlántico
Con otras bellas islas como Cuba, Haití y Jamaica
Puerto Rico es un hermoso archipiélago caribeño
Con altas montañas. ¡Oh! Sí, maravilloso Puerto Rico
Tiene un cielo azul y blanco perfecto, bosques tropicales
Playas de agua cristalina, y es una de las mejores
Puerto Rico nunca puede ser 'una isla flotante de basura'
Es hermosa con mucho potencial. En esta época
Algunos payasos o comediantes locos deben tener muchos nervios
Para insultar a una Boricua tan dulce con una población amistosa
Iré a Puerto Rico pronto a buscar a mi bella Santa
Mi Alma, mi Reina. Voy a convertirme en artista para pintar
La sonrisa de esta isla paradisíaca. Borinquén querida, mi amor
Javier Solís tiene razón. Eres la tierra de los sueños, mi amor
Nadie puede empañar tu imagen. Te visitaré pronto
Con lindos sueños en mi corazón y con una cuchara de plata
Para poder disfrutar de tu cocina y empaparme de tu cóctel tropical
Mientras me sumerjo en los ojos de mi deslumbrante y **** ángel
Nuestro Puerto Rico es una isla mitológica para soñadores
Nuestro Puerto Rico es un archipiélago tropical para enamorados.

PD Traducción de ‘ Our Puerto Rico’ en español.

Copyright © Noviembre 2024, Hébert Logerie, Todos los derechos reservados.
Hébert Logerie es autor de numerosos poemarios.
Puerto Rico is not '' a floating island of garbage'.
Theheartofman Oct 2024
Fresh grape, picked from the vine.
My chocolate haired beauty.
Will you be mine?
My chocolate haired beauty,
With lips of fine wine.
What is my resistance to undress you with my mind?
Shoulders barren,
gorgeous is she.
Which stirrs a great mystery within side of me.
Graceful, vibrant and youthful is she.
What are you trying to say to me?
I AM he, from the depths of my soul shall yee shall see.
With your youthfulness and sacred divinity.
My chocolate haired beauty,
set me free from my doubts, shame and fears.
All that separates me from thee.
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