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It's not that I want to fail. . .
just that, if I am going to anyway
why not do it spectacularly?

At least there's gossip. . .
that counts for some,
-thing, doesn't it?

Doesn't it?
stopdoopy Aug 2019
Now I see it's you not me
Don't say your same old lies
I'm tired of hearing it all the time

I never wanted this.
Thought that it was always going to last
But now it's failing fast

Wasting my life
It's too much for me to forgive
Knowing how much you hid

Who needs the night
Sick of the fight
You can never find me

Memories swayed
Had I stayed
I wonder how things would've changed

Now that you see what I did
All that's come undone
I just had to run

Not that it was gonna last
I'd've never said goodbye
But all I ever did was cry

Never say I don't care
You were never there
I felt so uncomfortable
Michael Oct 2018
You wonder why your life gets darker,
Yet you treat people like you are their master.
You are using ****,
And a liar to boot.
You want love and respect,
Yet only say stuff you?
Grow up you pig,
It’s time to be a man.
They are your children,
Don’t you understand?
You tell them lies,
And feed them with hate,
Yet here you are wondering,
Why are they late?
You reap what you sew,
Or so they say.
By that measure you must be surrounded by hate.
My step children, unfortunately, have an absolute scumbag for a biological father. He is abusive, manipulative and an outright liar
Michael Oct 2018
When I speak I stutter,
As if there is no worth,
To the words that I utter.
My thoughts sound out in a jumble,
A mess that cannot be deciphered or untangled.
My thoughts are clear but my sounds are a mumble.
If only I could convey my message,
Give to you my thoughtful deliverance.
Instead I make myself look like I am swimming in ignorance.
When I write my words are clear,
But you’ll never see it because of my fear.
My fear of failure,
My fear of disappointment,
From you, in me.
If only I could share my mind,
So you could see things through my eyes,
So you could feel these feelings of mine.
Because my mouth does not connect to my mind.
My mind is sharp but my voice is weak,
I feel nothing but shame,
When I speak my bumbling speech.
My inability to speak with clarity is my worst enemy
B Chapman Sep 2018
Make me feel
Beyond my measure.
Pierce the brittle stone
I refuse to surrender.

Crumbling as the surge
Pushes against the levee.
Knees cracking, spine snapping
Bowing beneath the pressure.

A tiny *****
Just enough to feel
enough to breathe
And hear my own gasp rattle.

Strength and weakness
Gun powder and snow
Grief and mourning
The grip of twisted souls.

The feeling of hands
I should have never known.
The lack of love
under which I could have grown.

Treasured life flushed down a pipe
Lewd acts in the day instead of night.
Paying the bills one ****** at a time
But they're never mine.

Jealousy and rage
Dancing with my own darkness
A complicated waltz
As death patiently watches.

Bleed out the pain
Only for it to fill me once more.
Snort it away
Coming down is always so hard.

Cling to the veil
The concrete protection
Afraid to break it away
And succumb to divine destruction.
Tash Sep 2018
I couldn't take it any longer
I just realised that
The pain and hurt
The catching of unneeded feelings
Feelings that I thought were left a mile ago when I repented to what I thought was true

I couldn't take it any longer
This for sure I knew
That even when I told myself through every breathe that it was over before it ever began
There was a part of me that still hoped for
still dreamt, still prayed and still wished
that it would all turn around for me, for good.

I tried pretending and instead fostered an unneeded hurt that grew instead of died.
And with that said I've come to the conclusion that I'm tired

And all I can do now is let go and not relive the hurt and pain that I softened to keep
what it was that I needed to stay...

Although it will hurt now this I know for sure
The best thing for everyone is to let go and let me be completely done...
Michael Sep 2018
For ten years I have poured my energy into you,
For ten years you have just said ***** you.
You all stand there,
All three of you.
Watching me fade away into nothingness,
Enjoying the sight of my growing emptiness.

I give you love and affection,
You give me abjection,
Hurt and despair.
Am I truly deserving of such negative inflection?
Have I in that time hurt you, as you hurt me?
Or have I showed you that I care?

I’d love to say no more,
But I am not that person that you seem to deplore.
I am here but I have feelings too,
Not everything in this world is about you.
Wasting emotional energy on people who don't care about me.
Kathryn Irene Aug 2018
Your mind is
p o w e r f u l

Your thoughts
d e s t r u c t i  e

Though your
heart is
f a i l i n g

you continue to
c r e a t e

Your lips are
s i l e n t

to the pain
you must
e n d u r e

- SkullsNBones
From my instagram
rey Aug 2018
aren’t we all a work in progress?
living is working,
and it doesn’t stop,
until we do.

improving a skill,
losing a habit,
and improving yourself,
are all ways we keep functioning.

we can also
gain weight
sleep too much
pick up vices,
but that doesn’t mean
we’re not working.

we’re all incompleted
until we no longer exist,
on this earth.
i’ll forever be
a work in progress,
until progress
has terminated.
as will you.
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